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Pictorial Iboga TA extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
The idea is to help visualizing the process and eventually to bring some reflection along the iboga alcaloids extraction.
This is a collective work, as the origine comes from the sticky on this board, "more iboga extraction" by Grateful Dad.

Supply needed is:

- Quality Iboga Rootbark (in this exemple 40 grams from cameroon)
- White distilled vinegar (here 8% acidity) or acetic acid though Hydrochloric would work very fine too.
- Distilled water (to control the pH and minerals though tap water would work fine.)
- Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) or another strong base again.
- Coffee filters
- Funnel
- Jars (glass is best but need to be heat resistant like pyrex for sodium hydroxide water solution)

Note: these three last bits could be changed if one were to hold a vaccuum filter apparatus.

First of all, 40 grams of Cameroon rootbark was weighed in the bag (which is roughly 1 gram). It is well powdered.
This will give an idea of yield, even though we speak about TA and possibly not purified extract as we want to bring as much spirits from iboga as it is, not aiming here for pure white ibogaïne but the dark color mix which seems like a sophisticated synergy by itself.

They were placed in a pyrex flask.

Some vinegar was then added. So, first just enough to cover and make the bark wet then more was added to give room for alkaloids to move and be pulled. It's about 30cl in total for the first pull.

This was left sit for a few hours and occasionally mixed with a chopstick (comes as handy anytime).
Then, filtered via funnel with coffee filter on top of glass jars.

The mashed iboga return to the flask for one more pull with vinegar.

To be continued...


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Now we have two pulls of vinegar.

The mashed iboga is replaced in an extraction vessel and a solution of hydrochloric acid water is made at pH4.
- pH meter or pH paper comes on handy here.
- wear gloves (chemical risk grade) and safety googles as a minimum when dealing with strong acid or base.

We do two more pulls, in the picture of the bottom, we have now a jar with vinegar extracted (twice) iboga rootbark, a bottle of pH4 water, a flask of iboga powder being pulled with the water hydrochloric acid.


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All the acid pulls were combined and vaccum filtered.

Now it's time to prepair the basic solution. One need NaOH, water and most important some chemical grade gloves and googles, some white viengar to neutralize any possible spoils.


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- 100ml water were added to a flask,
Safety googles and gloves on.
- 50 grams Sodium Hydroxide were weight and slowly and carefully put to the flask of water.
The water is clouding, then left to cool down a bit.
All the sodium hydroxide is absorbed by the water. The water turns back to transparent.
Once it's cooled, the basic solution will be ready to add to the acidic pulls.
So we mix the basic solution to the acidic pulls, and observed a precipitate.
More was added. Until it almost all clouded.
This was left to settle down, then filtered via vaccuum system again (though a coffee filter funnel will do anyway).
The pH needs to be minimum at 9. After all filtration, the pH was 12.5 so well up, just to check if nothing was left in the solution, a little more NaOH water solution was added- no more clouds formed.

From here we have now some unpurified TA drying up.


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Close up of the TA, before the purification and separation step.
Once dried, we see the needle crystals already.


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Once scrapped and weighed, make 8,3 grams of this TA.
Thanks for the work rOm!

I have a really hard time understanding these last pictures though. The third last picture looks like a plate with a wet filter with some stuff, and some half-bitten chocolate cookies or something. Can you explain? and these two last pictures, I understand its some brown precipitation, but what is that thing in the middle that has a light colored line ?

Also, I think one interesting idea would be if you would re-a/b at least part of that, to compare. Just redissolve in acidic water, filter thoroughly, re-base.. Im sure it will come out cleaner.

Be well!
So we need more precision ;)
In the third last picture we see the product filtering and drying on the filters, we have three filters from vacuum system and one coffee filter adapted on funnel to some jar (easy to do and work as much, just a little slower). The result is dark brown like warm chocolate ready to spread on pancakes, very yummy innit ?!
The last two are the same filters in close-up, dried, so the alkaloid are now dehydrated and it happened that the filter cracked and see him behind.

Now, Endlessness, it's not over, the original plan is to dissolve the yield (8,3 TA) in acetone and salt the ibogaine, ibogamine and ibogaline with Hydrochloric acid. These three alkaloid will solidify in presence as HCL salt, but the rest should be staying liquid in acetone. We can then evaporate the acetone to retrieve the other alcaloids, but those wont be purified.
Nice work rOm! I saw around 9 g crude fb ta from 45ish g bark some time ago, which seems to match up with what you are getting. Also, Chris Jenks has said that using hcl for the initial pulls results in something like 10 percent higher yield after purification. So, I used hcl for my last pull.
cool so this match our approach. now have you done any further purification steps at all after the drying of TA (like my current situation) ?
I didn't bother refining it any further since the volume was perfectly manageable at that point. I would consider doing acetone pulls and evapping to purify all the alks somewhat, but not doing the ibogaine hcl precip since the other alks are beneficial and more processing = more loss.
Nice pictorial ROm ,

just wondering,is it preferable to have the TA in a freebase form or do you then salt it ? And if you do salt it,is it possible to do so with fumaric acid.
I was going to salt as I explained just before. Unfortunaltely I lend my camera, so I might wait a couple more days to carry on.
But I think you can certainly salt as you want, though I would go for HCL.
I wonder which alks if any would get pulled out doing a FASA crash? might be worth trying and sending a sample in to get it tested. endlessness?
Let's think about salting...
Let's imagine one was to dissolve that TA in IPA, and salt out with FASI (fumaric acid saturated isopropanol solution).

The goal here is to not only gather some ibogaine, ibogamine and ibogaline together and leave behing acetone with alcaloids but trying hard to gather a more full-spectrum alcaloids.
I wait for suggestion or documentation, or I might well be trying that. saving everything in case it doesn't turns out so well.
Before further purification look like :


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Now, there are a few possibilities that could be tried.
The product, dissolved in acetone, then bomb with water or the other salting methods explained in the previous posts.
To be honest it's hard to decide, all I know is the product we would like is as total alkaloids as it could possibly be, without the all the plant material.

As a side note, just some personal preference: for microdosing, no need to extract, the iboga rootbark. Simply take 200mg to 2000mg (2grams) capped is good.
The extract comes on very handy when higher dosage are being targeted.
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