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Pineal Biorhythms and Neurochemistry

Migrated topic.

curious sigma one

Rising Star

A bit left-hemisphered, I frequent the dimensions and planes that allow me to trace the events which allocate me to my present moment.

Left with one idea unanswered--the why and how of my being.

A conversation once had between left and right hemisheres:

"Something and nothing. Existence as opposed to nonexistence. White as opposed to black. Consciousness as opposed to dormancy. The idea that something inherently desired to exist and be conscious--life? curiosity? Something and nothing, all of the images objects patterns and colors we see as opposed to black vacuous space. The idea of electromagnetic waves and spins on the electron seem all too simple and more of a riddle. The attractor at the end of the road with it's ultimate riddle, we are it? what we see is a simple creativity of the attractor to converse reality, existence and to ultimately be artistic with its contents?"

On an existential level, these questions plague my mind. They also give me courage to find peace within such an insane planet. Is the personality of the ultimate attractor that of a personified insanity? I think so. Schizophrenia is an adaptive advantage to dealing with the nature of reality.

Being a student in the sciences, I find it superior the chemical and physical nature of plant entheogens and how they key in, literally, into receptor sites all over the body and in the end how this interplays with deoxyribose nucleic acid helices and strands--at primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary levels.

Quantum physics has gained my interest minimally. I feel our intelligence is far to low to account for the totality of space and orientation in space is relative, and how can we make predictions and calculations to something and about something if we don't even know what the "something" is---that's where n,n-dimethyltryptamine, 4-hydroxy-n,n-dimethyltryptamine and the like come in to lead us in the logos-like direction.

I found my way into psychedelia by means of ingesting lysergic acid diethylamide. I found it to be overwhelming, hyper-active, burning out and in all elementary in the visual sense. It caused me to hyper-analyze everything that was going on around me and to be extremely self-conscious. I have only tried acid maybe six times and am good with it for now.

Soon after my elementary experiences with acid where my fellow explorers were more interested in talking about Burning Man "O-eleveNnNnNnnn mannnnNn!!", I stumbled upon my soul mate who introduced me to mushrooms.

It's very important here to note that I never would have tried mushrooms (most likely) if I had not met this person. This is because I was fed extremely misinformation being: "My best friend was very much encapsulated in his mushroom trip when he took a gun to his head and committed suicide". Fear tactics work well for the weak, and I must say I was weak minded before enduring mushrooms--namely, psilocin goo.

How easily swayed by idiocy and general dumbness before I realized how important my thoughts really were. Essentially, the mushrooms downloaded some super potent and SUPER important facts of life into my highly inexperienced brain.

I give many thanks to this plant.

After my first experience with the psilocin, it was a whole new world for me. I must have eaten over 100 grams of extract this past summer, 2010. Day after day I endured more and more and slowly realized my true potential for unlocking AMAZING information about the nature of reality and I honestly was hit with such beauty. My location was a big beautiful house by a small river with a small and quiet park next door. I took on many experiments while on mushrooms--eye light testing (patching one eye and noting differences in cognition with serotonergic and dopaminergic like responses) was just one of the tests.

Soon after, I tried my first hit of DMT. I went right through the chrysanthemum, through the "waiting room" right to the bugs and creatures lurking around. After the open eye visual which caused me to purge (ON SMOKED DMT! I WAS A SICK DOG!) I could see a plethora of symbols and objects moving around on my skin everywhere and sensed it to be almost like MICROSCOPE vision---I will need to confirm this.

In all, I am deeply inspired by entheogenic plants and dedicate each day of my life to learn more. I seek to discover how DMT and psilocin work in the body (as well as many other chemicals) and to question the existence of these molecules. The conversation with the "other" intrigues me greatly!

Glad to be here.
Interesting post. I am enjoying a 3.5 gram cubensis journey at the moment, so bare with me if my post is off, lol.

I respect your admiration for the psilocybin mushroom, it's more of a mystical teacher than LSD. I actually have more experience with LSD than psilocybin, psilocin, and O-Acetylpsilocin, three tryptamines I find to be more mystical teachers and more expansive when it comes to soul and visions. LSD is still a favorite for me, I find it more introspective and the teachings it offers, for me, have been extreme insights into what my ego was, what it meant to lose it, what it meant to be reborn, extreme insights into reality and the way the mind works, insight into human psychology, and one could achieve an awesome head space with not much effort via meditation. There's nothing like your body being carried off by a guitar riff or violin and just riding the music into the endless head space your mind has to offer. After my 10th LSD trip or so I really started to learn how to use the compound for my best interest, and so many times I achieved ego loss and dissipated into eternity, not to mention the aesthetic nature of the compound is astoundingly beautiful when it comes to music and visuals.(at the 500ug to 1mg range)

If you love psilocybin and DMT, which I do, I think you should revisit LSD, maybe alone when you feel ready to. For some it's one of the most important of the tryptamines, and for others it's just another synthetic, but it sounds like you weren't getting great LSD if you classify the visuals as elementary, I've had visuals from LSD that have been on par in complexity with OEVs from DMT, and an amazing mix of colors bleeding together. Just thinking about the compound is inducing nostalgia in me, it's been about six months sense I actually had a decent LSD trip. The bulk of my LSD experiences have been trials started in my lonesome, and I make the choice to go be with people usually after I went to where I wanted to go and am back, the compound is beautiful for this. You can achieve ego loss and ego death an hour after taking a decent dose, melt into eternity for three hours, and still have five more hours to enjoy aesthetics and just enjoy existence, become a kid with an intellect's mind, retreat back to the basics, yet have the best perception in the room, this mindset is liberating. I'm not saying "GO TAKE LSD YOU BETTER LIKE IT." lol, I'm just saying you seem like an intelligent person and only after 6th LSD trials I say it's unfair to the compound and yourself to give it a rest already, there is more there than what you think. :)

Sorry for that semi rant, I get passionate about my entheogens sometimes :p

As for your interest in plant entheogens, don't ever stop researching, the reward is great. In regards to existence and space and time, have you ever heard of The Unified Field Theory? There's a lot of people who frown upon this theory, but I find it to be very interesting, and the bulk of it makes an incredible amount of sense. With the questions you say plague your mind, I figured this theory would at least spark a little interest into you.
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