chakras and energy canals are all flawed in reality. The absolute truth is [insert drum roll] that human bodies are made up of highly dynamic shifting ectoplasmic fields with tachion resonance structure. This means we are resonating with our future selves, being pulled forward through time. The centers of energies that some identified as chakras or nodes are nothing but arrays of resonant circuit components analogous to capacitors and coils. When we smoke dmt we can change the tuning of our overall circuitry, and thus affect the future, or rather switch channels of the future that is controlling us primarily. Strange sensations in these components is perfectly normal when they are changing frequency.
Trust me I know what I'm talking about. The egyptian Gods in the Halls of Amenti have instructed me on the secret techniques of tuning in and out of futures. If mastered you can live your life out in infinite parallels.
... m(_ _)m
sorry, I just had to let that out.
Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint beliefs, especially when one has carried them around with one for a long time. Many things we believe in are taken as fact by us. Personally I like the statement RAW made somewhere in one of his books. He said, (paraphrased) "I don't believe in anything. I suspect that certain things are so and so..." Because belief implies that you are convinced it is true. I think psychedelics more than anything however show us how things are not always what they seem and that by looking at them from a different angle a totally new layer of their existence becomes visible, overthrowing all that we believed was true. If extrapolated one conclusion that one could come to would be to not let the mind fall into the belief trap at all and remain free of ultimate truths, flexible to all possible perspectives.
It's all a matter of training the mind though. First one has to identify beliefs, separate them from facts, and then proceed. Of course the question arises what can be taken as fact, and I think this is something that one needs to decide rather than discover. One can go on to question existence itself in the sense that one says 'I only believe I exist, but I can't prove it' or 'this proof may be logical but who says logic dictates reality?' For life in general going this far may not make sense, though it certainly is a nice metal exercise for now and then. Practically I find that things that are reproducible by the scientific method for example material existence etc can be taken as fact, because there is, for me at least, no gain in thinking otherwise. It is the things we can't reproduce, we don't see the patterns in or that are not immediately checkable that one can remain un-fixed about to gain broader comprehension.
That being said, I think the experience was what it was. It was just an experience. What evolved from it? How does it continue to affect the living process you call your gf? These are the more important questions and they are more rhetoric questions, things to be answered and asked by the living-process itself.
cheers & love