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Piracetam effects with spice

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone,

In my desperation to breakthrough I attempted last weekend to use a preload of Piracetam, as well as a very minor dose of MDMA (80mg) that has been collecting dust as the amount wasn't enough for a real night with that molecule.

I had the unfortunate experience of blasting through over a point, in two attempts, with LESS effects than ever before. Well I shouldn't say less... Much different. CEV were messy and not nearly as brilliant as normal. I had certainly less anxiety about the whole ordeal, in fact none, so it was easy for me to keep my eyes open if I wished. The room became huge, had that gel like feature I mentioned in my closest near-breakthrough.... But it was empty. So empty. Everything was still the same in my room, just this massive cosmic storm had overlayed it. Nothing else. I sat there, blank, looking through this animated glass payne there were my eyes but nothing stood out.

I never felt like I was leaving my body, I was tethered as if I was attached with super glue. The notion of a presence or something examining me (which I've had every other time) was completely absent.

Was this because of the Piracetam? I read somewhere aniracetam greatly boosted effects, but it seems I got the exact opposite. The next morning, determined, I tried another 50 in my vapor genie... All the old effects were back, clear beautiful cev.... Alas no breakthrough.

My last 60mg lay on top a steel wool screen in my vg... The call is gone. I have been depressed all week since this experience, and I am now hesitant to do my last attempt. I put a lot of energy, time, and risk into this adventure. I was called to it... Why is it denying me?

Any information on this combination would be appreciated, and at the very least this site now has my account of it.
I think that it was the MDMA. MDMA is an entirely different substance than DMT (i don´t mean just chemically, but pharmacologically as well). Some of the effects of MDMA may counteract the effects of DMT, as MDMA increases levels of serotonin in the brain.

Although i have no experience with piracetam myself, i don´t believe that it causes a sort of hangover. XTC does, however. Many people feel a bit depressed, a few days after having taken the stuff.
I am aware of the hang over effects, it is something I am very familiar with. Ive used both of those before on many occasions, and I am not looking to place blame for my mind, although I understand some kick back may be due to it. 80mg is a very small amount for me and it's been a long time since I last played with Molly, I am not weighing much reasoning of my depressed mood to it but rather my situation.

It was indeed house's flow chart that I read. I remember the symbol at the bottom now... Perhaps the m was the issue. I was hoping the anti anxiety aspect would let me rip through the pipe without hesitation (and it did!) but only to be delivered such an amazingly disappointing experience.

I will a least leave this: m + racetam + spice = very unrewarding.

If some others will vouch for racetams, particularly Piracetam, I may try it again with my last and final attempt. I am worried if
I fail that I may fall into a deeper depression, so I am waiting until I hear the call that drove me to this in the first place before I try again.
Yes and dosing with anriacetam/choline modulates the 5 ht receptor when taking psychedelics in general. Aniracetam produces much better and long lasting anxylotic effects than piracetam, to help you get through, however some people report fogginess and others report more clarity with aniracetam, so just get a few grams off the internet and keep it handy!

not to mention it's great for school... and band practice:love:
I thought this would be great as the nmda activity would help strengthen to connections the DMT makes during activation but I didn't like the effects at higher doses of DMT. Things felt a bit off, like there was a bad vibe to things. I will still keep to low doses to aid in the potential of consolidating DMT effects in to memory. Who knows, I might end up having longer afterglows because of it.
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