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Piracetum + Mescaline = ?

Migrated topic.


ive read that piracetum helps/amplifies drug effects, espceacially amphetamines,
used in conjunction with mescaline, would it be like adding an Maoi before a shroom trip?

Not quite like an MAOI, but it will increase the effects and make the experience last a little while longer.
What the hell is piracetam and why have I never heard of anybody (mr.suicybe) takin' it?

I was wondering about mescaline (Trichocereus cactus) + Psilocybin ('shrooms)
I looked it up, it's kinda like Gingko.

Why add it to mescaline suicybe?

What do you guys think about mescaline (Trichocereus cactus) + Psilocybin ('shrooms)?
i tried the combination of piracetam and a blend of the 3 main san pedros

about 1600mg and roughly 300mg of mescaline in skins

i took piracetam 1hr before half the cacti

general mescaline onset was quicker,
peaked from 2-6 hours, unlike the normal 3-5
mild effects persisted an extra couple of hours longer than if i had a solo dose,
a stronger grasp on reality stayed with me, and i definitely noticed increased cognitive function for a person who had ingested a psychedelic.

a subtle but noticable difference occurred, id like to retry this experiment with some more chips (500mg mescaline+2400mg piracetam),

sorry to broaden the focus alittle, but does anyone have experience with piracetam and other hallucinogens such as those in the tryptamine family? ayahuasca, mushrooms, smoked dmt, etc...
I can see it being a good idea to NOT take this with an MAOIs(like ayahuasca) and possibly some cacti...

There could be unforseen interactions...

Besides, what is the real benefit?
[quote='Coatl]I can see it being a good idea to NOT take this with an MAOIs(like ayahuasca) and possibly some cacti...

There could be unforseen interactions...

Besides, what is the real benefit?[/quote]

The benefit is potentiation and extending the duration of the experience. Many people use this for potentiation of phens including cacti without any interactions. In fact, I believe there are NO KNOW INTERACTIONS with piracetam.

Piracetam takes about a week of 1 gram daily to be really effective.

Another proven method is to take 6-10mg of melatonin nightly for about a week before taking mescaline. One of my best mescaline experiences was a combination of piracetam + melatonin taken for a week prior to the cactus voyage.

I've never tried mescaline + tryptamines... a good dose of mescaline is more than enough for me. However piracetam and tryptamines do go together well. Again, potentation and longer duration, not as much as phens though.

Piracetam is very safe and doseages up to 10grams a day is not unheard of for stroke victims. It will actually help repair brain damage. There

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