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plain ol intro essay


Rising Star
hello all on the nexus. id like to start by stating that ive done quite a bit of reading on the forums here and some of the things ive heard.....wow. Never have i tried DMT but its on my 'to do list' and it sits right near the top. cant say for sure where i heard about DMT, I think perhaps it was hearing it mentioned on youtube or even maybe on Arrowid but i know it got my attention and i have done a lot of reading henceforth.

Drugs I have tried are marijuana, heavily for about 4 years but have since given that up as it came to be just the same old feeling, the occasional spliff now and again is the way to go, really helps me with song writing which is something im quite passionate about. Speed i have dabbled in only a little but it doesnt seem to really do a great deal besides keep me awake with super quick conversations and a crappy come down for the next day or two. ecstasy, haven't done for at least a year but depending of course on the pill it can be a lot of fun. tried shrooms once with a friend mid last year and while he was trippin balls i was seemingly unfazed by the experience besides some stomach cramps soon after ingestion. probably my favourite drug so far is acid taken about 6 trips and each one different in its own little way but always an insight. im just quite weary about the long term of effects of it as it takes a good couple of days to really get over it and even then it sometimes doesn't fell as though its ever gone. my most disliked drug of all although my most consumed is alcohol, stinking alcohol, its become the norm to just drink my weekends away into oblivion with my mates and worry about the hangover later, but shit, the hangover, after some weekends of heavy drinking and im back at home, I have severely depressing thoughts which really haunt me for a day or two. sure i know its a depressant but hell i really want to cut right back on my consumption because nothing is worth those feelings.

In a sense i live a type of double life. around my mates im a footballer, always have been. though i have been called a jock i dont consider myself to be. the other side is me when im on my own, im definitely an introvert and dont require much social contact. i just find it hard to tell my mates 'no, im just gonna do my own thing' im nearly convinced that there is more to life than just what our 5 senses reveal to us but damn is it hard to define what i truly believe goes on. i guess words could never do it justice.

ive had one experience that id like to straight up share. only told a handful of people this as its not something i can tell most but im certain that im not the only person who its happened to.
it began 4-5 years ago when i visited New Zealand with my family and we visited my nan in what was pretty much a trailer park. she told my dad 'oh you have to go see 'bill' over at that site, hes amazing, hes healped me work thru so many issues.' so my dad, my sister n I approached 'Bill' and straight away he looked and me and said 'You, you look very aware and perceptive' i was a bit confused about what he was on about, at the time he was just some strange hippy. but he went on to explain how he is a spiritual healer and he can see and channel everyones spiritual guides. and so he went on to draw our guides for us while looking up and never at the page, he produced some pretty incredibly detailed portraits. for me he said he could see an indian chief standing behind me but when he channeled him to draw he ended up drawing a monk. he told me i had at least two guides and the monk was the one that came thru. fair enough i thought, still feeling rather displaced by what was going on. we came to leave and he said to me, 'you will soon enough get a better idea of who your guides truly are' or something along those lines anyway.
About 8months later after getting a lil bit high, (lighter than usual) i began to stress out.....majorly about my life, i didnt have a job and my parents were helping me survive. i went to bed that night and could not for the life of me get to sleep, my mind was rampant. then i just felt this urge to look into the far corner of my room and although it was fairly dark i could make out two figures, a monk and a chief! it really spun me out and couldnt believe what was happening, believed i was insane pretty much. i convinced the chief to come over to me and touch my arm and he did and my arm began to tingle with warmth. they were there for a bit less then an hour and i just remember them communicating to me that 'everything will be ok, dont worry'
friends that i have told this story to upon hearing that they were a monk and a chief some instantly go 'wow, i can totally picture you as either of those.'
Has anyone else had these types of experiences?

So ahh, basically what im looking for here initially is some good advice on just where to begin with DMT. what extraction method to use first, how to be sure the plant im using definitely contains DMT, the most confusing part for me is the extraction process but im just going to have to give it a go i guess.

well yeah thats me in a nutshell, or a tortishell, some kind of shell at the very least!!
Hi zenith_and_nadir,

welcome to the nexus.
Have you read *Center of the Cyclone* by John C. Lilly? He talks about his spiritual guides that come in the form of two entities as well, though without any cultural symbols attached. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of literature that features similar things. I think it was Drunvalo Melchisedek who was speaking to 2 angels. 2 seems to be a common number...

concerning the extraction, I would go to the wiki and read a bunch of different teks. It might seem like being very involved, but I promise it's not as bad as it sounds. It's really more like following a cooking recipe than anything, but it helps alot to know the reason behind each step, even if you don't understand the chemistry.
As far as plant material goes, the safest bet is starting with mimosa hostilis. You will probably have to get shredded bark these days and powder that with a quality blender.
As far as which Tek to use - that really depends on which one you think is manageable for you, that's why I would read them all a couple of times before I'd start. Personally I think the STB-teks are the easiest.

No matter which tek you decide to go through with, please remember to take all the safety precautions! Wear gloves and goggles when handling lye or concentrated acids. Beware of open flames when dealing with flamable solvents, etc. Do read the health and safety section if you are unclear on what risks are involved. Accidents happen, but if you take the right precautions the worst you will get is hopefully a mimosa stain on your carpet... :)
I hope I didn't scare you away from it now...

really it's not that difficult and not that dangerous as long as you stay focused and smart.

If you need on-the-fly help come on the chat and ask your questions there. There's usually people that can help with extractions.

cheers & love
welcome to the nexus.
Have you read *Center of the Cyclone* by John C. Lilly? He talks about his spiritual guides that come in the form of two entities as well, though without any cultural symbols attached.

thanks for the reply :) i hadnt read or heard of *center of the cyclone* but just looked it up and looks like a must read. sounds pretty interesting. also i know what you mean about the no cultural symbols attached because when my dad had his drawn it was something otherworldy looking, almost like an earthworm with a vague face, made me laugh at the time. the guy said they dont always come in any earthly form, or show cultural symbolism as you might put it :)

just been looking up how to get mimosa hostilis, it seems you can buy it online but id much prefer to go down to my local garden shop and see what they have before putting details in online.

thanks for the help.......hope my reply works, fingers crossed
I doubt you will be able to find mimosa in any local store, and even if you do, I strongly doubt it would be at a reasonable price, but hey, what do I know ...
hope you get everything you need together!

best of success with your endeavors!
Love & cheers
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