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Planned Experimental Extraction procedure


Rising Star
gonna keep this brief yall... called back through (nexus enlightened me 15+yrs ago) for a little info as my feedstock has changed (mhrb->acuminata) ... yall have been busy with some interesting stuff.
befor my main post, a few small things...

Benzoate salt, eh? i will definitely explore that soon.

2) Let us consider DMT-Oxide -> N,N, DMT conversion... some state that upon smoking/pyrolysis, the oxide reverts back.
if this were so, wheres all the conversion teks that are described to the effect of "dmt -oxide convert... without acetic or zinc"
this aligns with my first hand observations

3) Oxidation occurs at a temp. dependent rate. I have had a 2L funnel, shellite dropping yellow globs slowly, even after drain the last of said globs, thinking that the newly forming stuff was just a result of agitating too vigorously.... until after 10 + "little bit more appears" my brain has clicked to the fact that a photon of light is hittng my already too energetic molecules (due to too much heat) and forming the oxide raipdly.
yall can confirm this readily, ofc.

4) Dcm forms the oxide slowly.... when not heated...
if used heated, and the solute is concentrated enough, the conversion from dmt-dmt-oxide can be very rapid...

5) concerning 4, chloroform is not suitable substitute, without also modifying your tek.
the action of alkali on trichloromethane is well known in organic chem labs.
Chloroform will react with sodium hydroxide to yield the intermediary dichlorocarbene, sodium chloride and water.

HCCl3 + NaOH → CCl2 + NaCl + H2O
Dichlorocarbene is unstable in these conditions and will react with additional sodium hydroxide to yield potentially useful sodium formate in a process which is best aided by a phase transfer catalyst such as ethanol:

CCl2 + 3 NaOH → HCOONa + 2 NaCl + H2O
- Chloroform - Sciencemadness Wiki (retrieved 16 August,2024)

So, before I post the experimntal procedure im gonna use, i will state the goal is two-fold...

1. converting any dmt-oxide at a point that is strategically advantagous during...
2. Extraction of bulk mateials in a way that allows for maximum efficency with regard to solvent/labour use.

this proposal is inspired by the work done in FASA teks and others here, along with my research/experience with other phytochemical mixture extractions/separations...

proposed tek post here soon... but in short...

1 use xylene and dilute alkali to extract freebasees and oxide, preferably without a need to use lengthy simmering processes... unheated soaking would be less objectionable
2 shake xylene with a small quantity of acidified water to move goods to aquous layer.... acetic works here, i hope, because....
3 now we can use zinc dust and stirring to preemptively convert any oxides present back to nn,dmt
4 shellite extractions after basify, for the selective xtraction and freeze precip of goods.

5 wash xylene with water a few times, then use cacl to dry before reuse
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Hi MrBlank, nice of you to pop back through.

It seems more likely that the common 'yellow goo' is a polymer of DMT rather than DMT oxide. The evidence for oxides in yellow oils has been fairly scant and people tend to make assumptions when they get yellow oils. Yellow definitely doesn't mean oxides, and as far as I'm aware even if they are present, it would be in very small quantities.

I'm not aware of oxides forming in DCM.. perhaps you could share where you read this? As a DCM user, if this is an issue I'd be interested to read more on the subject. It is fairly well known however that prolonged exposure in DCM will form N-chloromethyl-N,N-DMT - but unless you have your DMT dissolved in DCM for a number of days it shouldn't be an issue.. but to avoid any risk of this I have started doing initial pulls in toluene (as DCM can be prone to long emulsions with base soup), backsalting and re-basifying and pulling with DCM for final evap. This way it doesn't spend much time dissolved in DCM. The amount of time salting is miniscule compared to waiting for toluene to evap.


Before anything I'd make sure that you do have oxides present in your extract. I use acuminata sometimes and it does have trouble crystallizing a lot of the time. I'm hesitant to chalk this up to oxides but happy to be proven wrong! There can be other factors at play in why an extract has trouble crystallizing.
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so, yeah, ive looked the polymer hypotheseis, certainly cant rule it out... first thing we are taught... Nullius inverba... take nobodys word for it. your obserrvatins trump all... in this cotext.. oxide or polyner, call it what you./we will... 150mg+ doses are hard enough to choke down. nothing but the cleanest whitest goods for me, pls... :p

@acacian acetone breaks up most poymers... styrofoam cup and acetone demonstrates this... i will run the polymer theory past my preferred Uni lecturer once i resume studies... if "polymers are polymers" and acetone should affect them all the same.... acetone soak would make the yellow white.

my mate bought a property, not end of spring yet guys... but many many still standing but not living? acuminata treees wiith much of their bark stil intactl.. presence of compound confirmed... i am mildly impressed by the acuminata doses i had

so... evn if I did pony up and buy many many dozens of litres of paint stripper, using dcm on this scale is problematic... aint nobody evaping toluene here, not on this scale .

@Varallo perhaps i muddied the water mentioning past materials... my mhrb was always good, ansd any oxide/polymers minimal. my bad there
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i will turn on my nas tonight, find the relevant oxide rate paper (heating is the issue with dcm, iirc) , and post link/reread it. but as an amateur scientist... too much time reading, not enough sorting and renaming..... my number of documents hoarded is daunting.

regardkless the intellectual discourse/proposed premises are very much appreciated.... little envious of yall that canm take your samples in for decent quantitative analysis...
dunno how staff would be if the caught me trying to sneak some dmitri onto the educational apparatus... i imagine the lolz would be non-existent :p
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The main thing to bear in mind is that a broader conceptualisation of oxidation relates to the transfer of electrons away from a substrate. This will not necessarily involve the addition of oxygen at all. Indeed, studies performed by the Nexus member @Brennendes Wasser using (among other things) intentionally synthesised DMT-N-oxide, along with NMR spectroscopic analysis on 'oxidised' DMT goo have demonstrated that they are two separate substances.

@Loveall's "Low Polymer Approach" has shown that low pH and high ionic strength can be used to break up polymeric/oligomeric DMT. These occurred somewhat coincidentally during earlier Nexus attempts to reduce the 'oxide' with zinc and acid.

The notion that goo was DMT-N-oxide seems to be an assumption based on the compound having been detected in a number of plant materials, usually aerial parts such as leaves, but it seems to me [*informed speculation here] that this compound is produced enzymatically by the plant or at least as a byproduct of cellular oxidative processes rather than through a passive process with atmospheric oxygen. I've not seen any research specifically concerned with the biosynthesis of DMT-N-oxide but it may be out there somewhere.
acetone breaks up most poymers... styrofoam cup and acetone demonstrates this... i will run the polymer theory past my preferred Uni lecturer once i resume studies... if "polymers are polymers" and acetone should affect them all the same.... acetone soak would make the yellow white
While acetone dissolves polystyrene fairly well, this is not the same as breaking up the polymer. It is not being broken up into styrene monomers. The polymeric/oligomeric DMT does not have the same class of polymerisation as a polyalkene either. The intermolecular bonding seems to occur through single-electron tansfer between the pyrrole moieties of the indole portions of the molecules, making it significantly weaker.

Acetone is a good solvent for DMT, so evaporating it would not lead to the formation of crystals (see below). There is also the possibility that it will react with NMT if there is any present.

On top of all of this we have DMT's tendency to aggregate in a number of different polymorphs on account of the flexibility of the side chain, which allows it to assume a variety of different orientations. This effect is behind the general tendency of tryptamines to oil out of solution rather than crystallising, especially at higher concentrations.
ok, now that, my learned friend, is certainly informative, and it indeed clears a few things up to boot...

@Transform truly appreciate your input...

@Loveall's "Low Polymer Approach" has shown that low pH and high ionic strength can be used to break up polymeric/oligomeric DMT. These occurred somewhat coincidentally during earlier Nexus attempts to reduce the 'oxide' with zinc and acid.
ok, i think i got a decade of reading to do to get up to speed here

using (among other things) intentionally synthesised DMT-N-oxide, along with NMR spectroscopic analysis on 'oxidised' DMT goo have demonstrated that they are two separate substances.
thank xxx for cayman chem... at least the reference standard is unrestricted

Acetone is a good solvent for DMT, so evaporating it would not lead to the formation of crystals (see below). There is also the possibility that it will react with NMT if there is any present.
good news here... the separation of nmt from dmt is not common i would say, but it is feasible, not too hard...

On top of all of this we have DMT's tendency to aggregate in a number of different polymorphs on account of the flexibility of the side chain, which allows it to assume a variety of different orientations. This effect is behind the general tendency of tryptamines to oil out of solution rather than crystallising, especially at higher concentrations.

now im a lazy man, but seeing the quality of your post, i feel obligated to do better, so i will dig up the notes and pics on the recent test runs...
and I can start at the end, in a way.... 3 of the 4L of extracion shellite has evaporated, in dark shed with no fan... roughly 72 hours... will up a pic after getting it decently photo...
but it definitely its dmt -version of a variety bucket... yellow liquid sorta thin, clear spots, opaque layer, and then sites of single small crystals or touch larger aggregated crystal sites


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also.. a few tips... if you ever get the idea to chill the solvent with dry ice....

dont use kmart jars direct from room temp... and,....
bring the temp down gradually... or you will get a "dmt silt"
so fine, itll block a pair of filter papers, even with vac filtration
Viewing your pictures, it looks as though you may need some kind of dust protection while evaporating, perhaps? Panty hose works well for that.

The crystals resemble what one might expect from the slow evaporation of naphtha pulls.

It's still not entirely clear to me what the experiment is here, but @Samvidbuho (iirc) has provided some very useful info regarding FASA and other means of using fumaric acid which you might find thought-provoking or even useful. [Edit: It may have been someone else, there's nothing on it in their posting history:
I'll have to rack my brains a bit!]
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