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Plant geek alert!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
Hi All,

I've been a sometime lurker here for quite a while and decided it was time to throw my hat into the ring. Here's a bit of (perhaps boring) autobiographical background offered in the hope of attaining full membership

I became interested in psychedelics back in oh, '83 or so when I enrolled in a course in college called "Drugs and Behavior." The instructor was an old hippie type, not that he looked it though, all tweedy and conservative as he was. He used Andrew weil's "The Natural Mind" as a supplementary text, a book that profoundly influenced my thinking. (Read it if you haven't, you won't be sorry!)

I already had a couple of semesters smoking pot under my belt and when we reached the section on MJ, the professor got a little more animated and interesting. I also liked the fact that he took an honest approach rather than succumbing to Nancy Reagan's then-new "Just Say No" campaign. It turned out that he had a complete collection of High Times magazine! For research purposes only, of course...

When we got to psychedelics, he became even more animated and interesting. He was one of those teachers who effectively and infectiously imparts their enthusiasm for the subject. Prior to this I had never considered doing acid, and didn't even know about mushrooms, but what I was learning meshed with my interest in religion and mysticism. Naturally I had to find out for myself. I did and I was fascinated.

Shortly thereafter I got a copy of Plants of the Gods and resolved myself to psychedelic self-sufficiency, a goal I have worked toward ever since.

I'll spare you from all the subsequent details, but suffice it to say that I have been growing a number of our entheogenic plant friends for over twenty years now. Primarily caapi, P. viridis, Salvia and trichs. I like nurturing the symbiotic relationship I have developed with the plants. I provide a home amenable to their needs and they bestow their wonderful biochemical gifts in return.

Here's a probably incomplete list of the compounds and plants I've experienced (in no particular order):

Salvia d.(smoked and cheeked)
Ayahuasca (and several iterations using substitute plants, Peganum and MHRB fer instance)
Vaped DMT
1,4 BD
Diethyl ether
mescaline (extract)
Pedro syrup
Calea z.
Toad venom
MG seeds (yuck...)
Leonuris sibericus
Leonotis leonuris
Heimia salicifolia
Tsicta (Tabernaemontana sananho extract)

Some of these I've only sampled once, others I've worked with at vaying levels of intensity. All have taught me something, even if that something is "Don't ever try this again!"

Recent plant acquisitions that I'm trying to nurture to adulthood include Banisteriopsis mathiasae, Alicia anisopetala(thanks for the ID on these last two Zaka!), and Psychotria poeppigiana among others.

I've been a contributing member on several other boards and feel I have something to offer and lots to share!

Edited 12/7/12 to include kratom and 5MeO-DALT as well as T. bridgesii and T peruviannus syrup to the list... Oh yeah, Coleus too, but that did nothing...
Hi and welcome to the Nexus pinkoyd..always a pleasure to meet a fellow plant-geek:)..though i try and balance it all out with a bit of rock n roll ..

..so many curiosities in your post..! i tried heimia salicifolia once (fermented) and did get auditory halluncinations..

just curious as to what said 'don't try me again'?..
in my case i could add certain solanaceae and (i don't know why) but kratom (despite it's popularity)
do you have a favourite tryptamine plant friend..?

Psychotria poeppigiana
..? do tell?:d

enjoy your stay..
Hello pinkoyd,

Welcome to the Nexus. Great intro. We are getting so many new members between 40-65+ years of age. I love it.

I also love it when yet another lurker decides to finally sign up. I suspect you are probably fairly familiar with the territory here at Nexus.

You're probably about five years older than me. I love your story of how it was a professor who ignited your interest in psychedelics. Good teachers who are afraid of neither truth nor passion are rare and should be acknowledged and honored for the role they play. Invaluable influence.

I too am intrigued by which gave you the "never again" message. I know I personally got that from 2ce, iboga root bark and pretty much my last big dose of 5-meo-DMT.

Do you, like I, miss the easily accessed, quality, clean, strong LSD doses of yesteryear?

So many folks are searching out new DMT plants and growing entheogenic plants as you are. I suspect you will be making significant contributions to the plant research and sustainable living areas of the Nexus. Absolutely no pressure, but I bet you will find it hard to resist. 8)

You sound like you will be a GREAT addition to this place. I try not to vote for promotion based on a single post but I think I'll cast one here for you.

Again, a very warm welcome to you. :D
Well that was quick! Thanks guys.:)

The 'never again' culprit was MG seeds. Not so much a message received as not enough bang for the buck. The body load just wasn't worth the experience. I didn't do a cold water infusion though, so maybe one day if I'm bored...

Another one was, dare I say it here...vaped DMT. I did a series of six sessions with a very experienced mentor, and while I found it valuable and illuminating I found much more usable and meaningful spaces in ayahausca. With aya I can reach the full intensity of vaped DMT if I want, but with out the intense blast off. I like to ramp up gradually rather than having my head blown off from the inside. :shock:

I haven't chanced across any acid in many years Pandora, but yes dosing 'back in the day' sure hit the sweet spot! It was my first time exploring further than MJ.

And yes, I hold that professor dear in my heart. Sadly he passed away suddenly several years ago apparently from sudden cardiac death. They found him slumped over in his office chair at the college. I never got the chance to tell him how much his teaching meant to me.

Nen, my fave trypt plant is P. viridis. Been growing since '94 and my plants are between five and eight feet tall now. For the longest time I thought everybody had them and that mine were nothing special, till I realized all the vendors were selling misidentified alba. Have been on something of a mission since then to spread their genetics far and wide and to educate everybody about the differences between the two species.

What would you like to know about P. poepigg.?

There Pandora, now you have two posts to go on. 😁
..yeah it's interaction-world here, not a weekly notice board like the old-school net! :)

..the discovery of plants containing nmt with dmt helped take the 'edge' of the blast off, and i much prefer smoking dmt with nmt for this reason..

Psychotria poeppigiana..what's in it? haha and does it hybridise with P. viridis or cartheagensis..?
Hybridization with other species is unknown. It presumably contains our favorite compound based on bioassay, but chemical anaylsis is lacking. Rather than re-write everything I know about P.p. check out this thread:

Haha! That's three!
Even if he has the time, I don't have the biomass. They're coming along, just small and tediously slow at this point.

If anyone can come up with leafage I would be all for testing.
Hello and welcome friend.

Maybe a silly question considering the long list of compounds you have experienced, but your comments on vaped dmt vs Ayahausca made me wonder if you have tried changa as a "middle way"?

What really inspired me about your intro was the love you express for your plants. Made me remember a beautiful prayer plant I once had, long 3 foot soft green leaves that during the day would bow down but at night would rise up (noisily!) and stretch to the sky showing a deep purple underside. I used to try to time my yoga sessions at dawn and dusk to do the sun salutation as it was opening / closing. It wasn't suited to living in a centrally-heated house so needed a lot of care and love, but paid it back so much, though obviously not as deeply or symbiotically as yours!

Anyway, hadn't thought of that plant for many years and this has made me smile, so thanks :)

Edit: I was going to make this my first promotion vote since becoming a member, but I was beaten to it, so I'll be the first to congratulate you instead!! :)
Irie Pink,
Good to see you here.....
Like T, another brilliant KOOK!!!
Please Mods, fast track him asap, so he can post his knowledge, especially with Psychotria sp.
Big Respect,
pinkoyd said:
Well that was quick! Thanks guys.:)

The 'never again' culprit was MG seeds. Not so much a message received as not enough bang for the buck. The body load just wasn't worth the experience. I didn't do a cold water infusion though, so maybe one day if I'm bored...

Another one was, dare I say it here...vaped DMT. I did a series of six sessions with a very experienced mentor, and while I found it valuable and illuminating I found much more usable and meaningful spaces in ayahausca. With aya I can reach the full intensity of vaped DMT if I want, but with out the intense blast off. I like to ramp up gradually rather than having my head blown off from the inside. :shock:

I haven't chanced across any acid in many years Pandora, but yes dosing 'back in the day' sure hit the sweet spot! It was my first time exploring further than MJ.

And yes, I hold that professor dear in my heart. Sadly he passed away suddenly several years ago apparently from sudden cardiac death. They found him slumped over in his office chair at the college. I never got the chance to tell him how much his teaching meant to me.

Nen, my fave trypt plant is P. viridis. Been growing since '94 and my plants are between five and eight feet tall now. For the longest time I thought everybody had them and that mine were nothing special, till I realized all the vendors were selling misidentified alba. Have been on something of a mission since then to spread their genetics far and wide and to educate everybody about the differences between the two species.

What would you like to know about P. poepigg.?

There Pandora, now you have two posts to go on. 😁

You sure can say it here. Lots of folks here who stay with the Nexus but no longer vape DMT. A goodly number of Nexians who have never tried DMT for various reasons. A goodly number who prefer oral preparations to vaped. I think you will find yourself in good company.

So sorry to hear about your professor. Sounds like he died doing what he loved. I'll bet he saw in your and the other students' faces and eyes what he was igniting. Hopefully, he knew. May he RIP.

Please feel free to join us nuts in chat sometime.

Great to have you hear and hoping others will vote you for promotion soon.
Did I? It seems I still can't post replies outside the new member area... And aren't you supposed to get an email or something when you get full membership? Don't see anything yet.

Thanks for the kind compliment Z, but "brilliant?" I wouldn't go that far, maybe "tenacious" or "off his rocker", and I can't hold a candle to T but I definitely like being a KOOK! (I'm flattered by your mentioning me in the same sentence as him ,though.)

And thanks everybody for the kind words, I think I'm gonna like it here.
Hmm, I could have sworn the server showed you as promoted earlier. That's twice this has happened to me in as many days. I am NOT taking psychedelic drugs currently, yet can only chalk it up to hallucination. Sorry about jumping the gun.

Vote pinkoyd for promotion please folks. I think he's a great addition to the Nexus.
Wondering if some of those pesky machine-elves got into the machine? There's surely lots of them around here...

So thanks guys, I'll go test it out now!😁
good to see you here sir seems you have plenty of experience under your belt and will be a great contributer to this already great site.
What a great intro, I had passionate profs like you...a phil prof was tripping while he lectured, often, and everyone knew it.
I will learn so so much from you.
Thanks for offering me an advanced course in these topics.
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