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Please help me understand. I seek a mentor.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all,

My name is Jim, Jamie or James, I have no preference.
I recently turned 18 and I'm here because I feel that something wills it.
I want to make DMT.
I'm educated to A2 standard in Maths and Physics and Chemistry.

I smoke a fair bit of cannabis and I've done a fair few other substances, but I always research them thoroughly first Normally through erowid. If I'm going to use a chemical drug I like to make it myself, If possible.

Firstly, I'm not quite sure where I fit in religiously.
I used to be an atheist.
Then I tried LSD.

I cannot begin to explain how much that first beautiful night in the arms of LSD-25 with the girl I love changed me.
But I'm not going to go into that here.

I've always been a very open minded person but if you tried to tell me humans had souls before that night I would never have believed you.

I believe that ego death is the most beautiful experience of my life so far.

I recently discovered the teachings of Terence McKenna and I just can't stop listening to his interviews and lectures.
He told me about DMT and I am so so eager to try it.

So I figured this would be the best place for me.
Can anyone mentor me in extractions?

Thankyou for your time, Jim
what do you mean by mentoring? i hope you don't mean a real-life meet up..

there is more than enough information on the wiki, forums, and chat for everyone who is interested to pull of their own extractions. just read read read! if you have any specific questions check the FAQ and wiki, and if that doesn't work just google "dmt-nexus" followed by the info you're looking for..if all else fails stop by the chat or post them here :]

btw welcome to the nexus :)
Thankyou very much :)

I've already seen how good the community is here and I'm excited to become part of it.
No don't worry, I didn't mean a real life meet up.
I am hoping to talk to people with some strong experience in the chemical side of things (Who know what they're talking about but won't confuse me TOO much :lol: )

And of course I seek to learn from the experiences of people who've seen through the fabric of this reality with DMT and get advice on how to really make the most of an experience :)
By the way Your fractal patterns in your avatar are beautiful.
I've always had a strange fascination with fractals, even more so after having studied mandelbrot's set!
Hi UnholyJim,

welcome to the nexus. I liked your introduction. I think many of us have similar experiences the first time we try psychedelics. Whether it is religiously or spiritually tainted or just the general realization of how enormous the possibilities of our consciousness are, I think most of us are left baffled and in awe after the first good dose.

It sounds like you have a sound system - investigating first and experimenting using that knowledge base. You should use the same procedure for the extraction you have planned. I don't know how your living conditions are, but please remember to be careful with who knows what you are doing. Also consider that it might be stressful to do an extraction if you have to hide it from others or even if you don't but people aren't 100% comfortable with what you are doing. This kind of stress can (though it doesn't have to) end up influencing your trips to some degree, so keep it mind.

As for Terrence McKenna, I know a lot of people think he's an absolute Guru, while others don't take him very seriously. I'm sure he has a lot of interesting points of view, but so does Stanislav Grof, Robert Anton Wilson, Claudio Naranjo or Carlos Castaneda (even though the guy was a bit crazy) etc... There's a wide range of literature and opinions and ideas out there, all of which IMO should be taken with a grain of salt. That is, critically and with as little reverence as possible (but that's just if you ask me).
Don't forget to make up your own mind on the way :)

I wish you the best of luck on your journey(s).
To make the most of your experiences my general advice is: never settle for only one way of looking at them. If you can, interpret the experiences analyzing as many aspects as you can and from as many viewpoints as you can. Don't believe[/b] this or that to be true about them, but use the conclusions from your interpretations as opportunities to expand/improve yourself.


Welcome to the Nexus and thank you for that very well thought out introduction essay.

Here at Nexus, we encourage questions, but even more, a kind of self-mentoring. In this regard, I want to point your attention to the upper right hand corner of the forum. There are some amazing links there that people have worked long and hard on. Things like FAQ, Wiki, Health & Safety, etc.

Also, I'd love to read your trip report . . . it intrigued me because at age 41 DMT destroyed my atheism in 5 minutes flat.

Again a warm welcome to you!
It's funny that you should say that, Pandora.
I Intend to publish my trip report for that night but I've been busy with coursework.
I'm hereby promising myself I will and I'll let you know when I do :)
Oh and Enoon,
I have two perfectly safe places to undertake my extraction.
This is one of the reasons I like to make my own chemicals because I find that it really helps to reduce my anxiety, Not only because I know what's in there for sure but also because I feel a real sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that I've worked to achieve what I'm about to enjoy.

An avid salvia user once told me that she likes to grow her own salvia plants (Which I hear is no mean feat) and that she feels more connected to and positive about her trip having had that closeness to nature rather than buying it from some legal high pushing profit merchant.

I'd say the same goes for me with homegrown green :)
haha we can all be your mentors if you have any questions, problems

but what you need, UnholyJim is to read on erowid.com about DMT if you haven't done that, and it will give you a far more profound insight than any compilation of random opinions here.

than once you feel ready enough to 'try it' for yourself ask around for a good 'TEK' (extraction method) and get the materials you may need. As for now you might be stuck with Acacia Bark, or you can make Ayahuasca tea out of B. Caapi and psychotria viridis.

You seem like a cool guy, Jim so ask around, get the local flavor of things, but above all Read Read Read

...it'll make you smarter anyways.

but than again DMT works faster.

Eitherway Welcome, UnholyJim


The Jarl
UnholyJim said:
An avid salvia user once told me that she likes to grow her own salvia plants (Which I hear is no mean feat) and that she feels more connected to and positive about her trip having had that closeness to nature rather than buying it from some legal high pushing profit merchant.

I'd say the same goes for me with homegrown green :)

I haven't had yet a negative experience with plants I grew myself. Totally agree.

Welcome to the community, glad to have you around :)
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