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Please help! require "In the field" testing of DMT

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone,
I have had some very bad luck with Confusa lately, my last 3 suppliers resulted in near inactive crystal/wax, unless I go very high dosages. I presume NMT mostly.
Anyways, I have decided to try local sources (again), and the closest local source that has a reliable species is 4 hours drive (each way).
This is Acacia Burkitti. In the past, I have driven all the way there, picked what almost certainly looked to be Burkitti, but came back to find no alkaloids.
I believe there are many look-a-likes which prove VERY difficult for me to distinguish.
Is there any reagents or methods that can be employed to test for alkaloids, whilst I am out there?
I know of the bitter leaf test, and the burning test, but having no positive samples for me to learn what is an indication of an high alkaloid plant, i`m in the dark...so to speak.
Hope someone can help.
Thanks Nexians!~
I guess the best I can do is drive 50km in each direction, taking various recorded samples throughout, and marking GPS co-ordinates with the samples.
That way I can correlate the samples with the location of the plants once I get back and can test them.
I would just hate to spend another 10 hours with nothing to show for it.
You could use TLC (thin layer chromatography) as a convenient field test for alkaloids. You could also use TLC to see what's in your "inactive" product. But acquiring and using TLC will require some extrareading/research from your side, even though as long as you get it you have a powerful tool for testing and identifying active plants all over you with a good degree of certainty.

Now I also have to say that I do not quite believe that the crystal/wax you're getting from confusa is inactive (or poorly active). Assuming that it is mostly NMT is also an assumption to far. There often come people with very similar questions (like "dmt does not work for me" or "this mhrb extract is inactive" etc) and almost in 99% of the cases the problem is smoking technique or weighting issue or similar.

You are doing yourself a disfavor by labeling your product as inactive or as "mostly NMT", so try a different smoking method, try it oral with harmalas, insufflate it etc, give details and pictures to the forum of your procedures (sorry if you've already done it and I missed it) before driving for hours around and blaming your product.
I have tried many Smoking methods... Pipe, Bong (sandwich method and using steel wool to block DMT from dripping down) and a Vaporiser (both da buddah and VG). I really wouldn't want to snort it.
I have also tried the previous list on hamarmalas.
Subjectively, sometimes the crystal/wax has been active, other times it hasn't, it seems to depend on the source bark.
My previous extracts were an active goo, that I never bothered to re-crystalise, but was highly active.
I have tried DMT approximately 50 times (maybe more, haven't been counting), and each sample that I blasted off on was from the same batches.
These DMT experiences have come from my initial Confusa extracts, and the others from crystal obtained from Mimosa.
I know of at least another on this forum who has messaged me with similar problems regarding confusa reliability (or lack thereof), so I surely am not the only one here (2 at the very least :p).
I appreciate that 99% of the time, the smoking technique is the problem, but I do not think this is one of those times. Hope I don't offend.
Will check out TLC, I just wasn't sure if that was something that could be done in the field in a relatively short time period. Thanks.
I have just had the same experience. My "machine" and method of vaporizing are tried and true and I have done side by side testing with some very potent mhrb extract on the same day. 50 mg produces more of a body high. Closed eye visuals are there but not a break through level trip. I have not had a chance to try higher doses yet but I am more interested in how I might separate the nmt out. I understand the frustration after days of messy work and expectation. I may try some multiple re-x and see if that helps or just go with a higher dose. Does yours have fainter spice smell? I used the thick-light tek to the letter and it produced beautiful crystals that have that faint floral smell but not nearly as scented as my mhrb spice. I have been asking if any of tge ice cream salt used before basing is pulled into the naptha but no answer yet.
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