Hiyo Quicksilver
just some guy
Rather than sparking the standard debate over semantics and personal opinions of what a shaman actually is, I'd like to bring up a different topic which may help us expand our boundaries, rather than picking nits over what our words mean... Specifically, I'd like to talk about some practices in which most active members of this forum participate: Neoshamanism and Psychonautics.
Many, if not most people engage in these practices on a regular basis, often without realizing it or assigning labels to their actions.
When we are inspired by compassion to pray for a loved one, or give gifts and celebrate under an adorned tree in the days following the solstice, we are honoring traditions which pay homage to a fundamental and intuitive aspect of our existence: Inducing states of reverie, torment and/or spiritual ecstasy in order to manifest into the material world that which only exists in the realms of spirit and mind. Neoshamanism is the integration of these practices into modern life and contemporary philosophy or spirituality.
When we recall a dream or the majesty of a childhood fantasy, ponder the odd sensations of deja vu or attempt to put a name on that hazy and disconnected headspace which accompanies a cold or flu, we are practicing Psychonautics: The art of studying and relating the effects of altered states of consciousness, including methods of bringing them about.
Of course, these are only the most rudimentary and quotidian examples of these practices. Those who exemplify the labels of Neoshaman and Psychonaut often engage in much more involved practices, and take up the study of their art in a sincere and directed fashion. Many Psychonauts and Neoshamans dedicate themselves and their work to healing others, discover new methods of exploration and push themselves ever farther down their spiritual paths using the tools and wisdom gained in their pursuits.
Since so many of us, to varied extent, engage in these practices and explore many of the same realms of being, I'd like to ask how you, personally, take part in these traditions. Since the topic is neoshamanism, rather than indigenous shamanism, we can feel free to discuss and share without allegation of cultural appropriation or defamation... Please respect and accept what others have to say, so that we may share and expand sincerely and without reservation.
How do you practice Psychonautics and Neoshamanism in your spiritual path, studies, or your everyday life?.. How have these practices influenced your pursuits, and helped to expand your consciousness or cultivate wellbeing?