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Poll: How are your tidiness levels since you discovered DMT?

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I've been into excessive tidiness and order for a while, voyaging hasn't changed the way I am in this respect. I have, however, found new reasons to be tidy! I find it hard to relax before a mission if everything isn't in place and tidy. Missions are usually preceded by a good thorough clean of my space.

The only things that seem to change my habits in this respect are depression and demotivation. If I'm not happy my living space can either turn to chaos or I can get more obsessive about cleanliness.
I voted: I'm now tidier, to an extreme but healthy level. I have always been a neat and tidy person but i have definitely noticed that i pay even more attention to detail than i used to before journeying with spice. I like everything around me to be in complete order, its pretty interesting that the condition of your environment reflects the condition in which your mind is in.

I think that the journey that i have embarked on with spice has purified my mind and put everything in my life into perspective. I have become far more grounded and true to myself, my environment completely reflects this powerful change within me. Awesome thread, thank you...

Much Peace and Compassion
I dont know if I can relate only to dmt, because there were plenty of other psychedelic explorations and other life experiences as well, but in any case I am definitely more tidy nowadays, not only when about to smoke spice/take psychedelics but in general.. :)

Its important to be healthy and clean (without being obsessive), and I just feel much better when the environment im in is more 'harmonious', so to say, instead of when its full of random stuff around

but.. mess is also a bart of life... psychedelics also helped me deal with and accept mess when its unevitably there, and just the same with the 'mental' mess that can come in a trip, no need to fear or escape from it, just surrender and flow.. :)
yea, I'd say my improved cleanliness goes back to my earliest psychedelic experiences. Spice has unquestionably increased my need/desire to function in a clean or at least well-organized space. Living with 6 male roommates is definitely not conducive to this, so my room has become my sanctuary of cleanliness and order and I have surrendered the rest of the house to the chaos that governs the universe...:p
This is all really interesting, thank you for voting. So, no-one has got less tidy since discovering DMT so far.

I voted "I am still tidy, and to the same degree" for the dreamer, but I was being conservative because he has been getting tidier gradually over the years. Still, Dreamer feels that an added dimension has occurred since DMT, as I will explain below.

He is the same as before in 'material tidiness', i.e. the ordering of the material things around him. He still does happily make a mess sometimes when necessary.

His 'mental tidiness' has increased. He knows what he wants out of life, he is more mentally stable, and feels exactly like how TruePsychonaut says "my mind is cleaner, less cluttered and more intuitive".

Now, I'll move onto other concepts that have a relationship to tidiness but are not the same: 'material' and 'moral' 'cleanliness'.

His 'material cleanliness' has not changed. When entering the house, he takes his shoes off and washes his hands; on public transport or in manmade situations that feel 'dirty', he prefers to stand and touch as little as necessary; he hates toilet doors and opens them with his feet, palm or middle of lower fingers (whichever part of his body is least likely to transmit germs into his eyes, mouth etc later on!) A natural situation feels 'purest' and 'cleanest' to him. He was already like this before DMT, and it has developed gradually over many years. I can see how some people may think this is mildly OCD. I don't think it is because it is still bordering on the rational, scientifically speaking, even if it is extreme, and it isn't detrimental to his life, and he can easily override it when required, it's just his preferred modus operandi.

His desire for 'moral cleanliness' has increased: this is the aspect that has heightened since DMT. He feels corrupted if he ever has to spend time with nasty or selfish people, and he is increasingly drawn to warm, genuine and humble people, from whatever social standing or culture. He feels corrupted if he behaves badly himself, and has to behave well for a while until he feels good again.

These areas interest me because they have often been linked to spiritual practice throughout history, such as holy places and holy people needing to remain 'pure', so I was wondering how the Spirit Molecule, which encourages spirituality, affected these behaviours.

Perhaps now I should start polls for the other distinctions, keeping this thread for tidiness alone...
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