gibran2, do you agree that what you just said fits best in the "subconscious manifestations"?
I have not smoked DMT (I intend to do it, I'm just waiting for someone to leave my house soon) but I think it is probable that these beings are independent. Why?
• People say they sometimes see humans (on DMT experiences) and therefore assume that they are subconscious manifestations, but, what if they are, in reality, "aliens" or "alternative dimension beings" that took a human form because they can do that? Imagine for a moment that these beings have the technology/ability/capacity to transform themselves into human forms but not really being human. Isn't that a possibility? Of course it is.
The thing is, sometimes people smoke very low doses of DMT and report kaleidoscopic patterns and other kinds of images that are in no way near as real as a freaking alien octopus operating your body in a cosmic lab... so? How can one be a "subconscious manifestation" and the other be a "hyperspatial contact". That is like suggesting that the validity of the experience depends on the dose and how it affects your brain and mind... I don't think is that important to KNOW if they are real (independent) or imaginary (subconscious)... unless you are working with the substance to fulfill a purpose: Shamanic Healers - (they mostly believe the visions are REAL, that belief would help them cure the illness). On the other hand Psychological Therapists - (they mostly believe the visions are subconscious projections, and can therefore get a better picture of the psyche).
In short, I suppose it is not really that important to keep on trying to understand if the visions are real or not UNLESS you are working with them with a purpose other than tripping balls. Now I guess that if one wants to know if these visions are real or not just because of philosophical thirst... well good luck with that. But yeah, I think that before we, as humanity, determine if the psychedelic visions are real or not real, there is a lot of things that should be researched about the brain and mind themselves.