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Well obviously English is not my primary language but then again it is nothing more than a poll.

I haven't used DMT a lot (just ayahuasca) but based from my experience I think one of this situations happens to be the case.

The so called Illuminati are either advanced aliens or some kind of AI. Note that even if they are advanced that doesn't mean that we are not. However for some reason we are limited in perception and also in thinking.

What I don't like about DMT reports is that I only see some kind of religious believes which makes no sense at all, for instance like "you are god" and people believe it!
And these are normal and intelligent people!
There are more than a few ways I could go about this, but I'll try and be polite and patient here.

Let's begin with your particular psychedelic experiences and what in them led you to believe that the "dark future" of humanity (whatever that might mean) will be under rule of either machines or aliens.

Then moving on to your last point about DMT reports...It's hard for me to be objective in the face of a statement like that.
I only see some kind of religious believes which makes no sense at all
This tells me three things:
  1. You obviously haven't read enough reports
  2. You haven't had enough experiences
  3. You haven't given it all as much thought as you ought have
To insinuate that normal and intelligent people would entertain the idea that they are god in the midst of a profound psychedelic experience is somehow being misled or exhibiting a shallow and uneducated thought pattern is to demostrate that you yourself are a victim and an example of this same pattern.

That is unless you have some irrefutable, undebatable proof that god doesn't exist and the religious experience that is commonplace while deep in the psychedelic realm is nothing more than a shared hallucination that only brainwashed people can experience.

I personally am not religious in the strict sense of the word, but I cannot deny that there is something divine about the Universe. The patterns we see everywhere might be a product of our pattern-seeking primate brain, but it might also be a manifestation of the language of life itself and all of its various forms. That, however, is a discussion for another time.

So what I would recommend in this case is for you to put some more effort and thought into the discussions you are starting, and also being more open-minded and curious. To end this on a somewhat jovial note, here's a visual representation of the most probable state of our current intellectual predicament.
Ok I agree I could take out the "dark future" as it sounds negative. So in the future I will ask people just "who would more likely take over the world?".

As for the thing it self YES I did stop with ayahuasca 12 years ago because I smelled bullshit.

If you just think about the basic lessons this substances provide you will also see it as kind of bullshit.

For instance I am everyone and I am no one.....WHAT does that really mean? Nothing!
People just repeat this "principles" and don't really think about what they mean.

I have watched many many ayahuasca and dmt experiences on youtube. I still explore but without any substance.
No disrespect, but your perspective on the healing journey that ayahuasca unlocks is extremely limited and dismissive. One of my best friends lost his wife to a surgical mistake when their child was just 2 years old. He was on the verge of taking his own life, hanging by a thin thread that was his only child and the fact that it needed him.

Ayahuasca is what helped him through this and pulled him out of a bottomless pit of despair that made his life a living hell for years on end. He is now healthier and happier than he has ever been, all thanks to the path of healing revealed by psychedelics. There are a billion other stories like that out there, and for you to simply dismiss all of this as "bullshit" is honestly insulting to intelligence and rational, mature discourse.

You are, of course, free to believe in whatever you want. But if you care about a meaningful discussion, you should also keep in mind what language you use when talking about things that other people hold near and dear to their heart.
This is one of the many questions i do not like to spend too much time with.
Although it is fun to theorize or philosophize about.
But it can lead myself and probably others to nowhere.

I really think a lot and probably also too much.
Always asking myself is that time well spent?
What will i get from this theories?
Where will my thoughts lead myself and others to?
Will my thoughts provide value for myself or others?

Well but some topics are interesting as this one is imo.
But I was not able to answer my questions for myself constructively.
So I will just share a few thoughts of myself.

My thoughts about future generally:
I like the idea of cyberpunk, alterned carbon and matrix without the dystopic aspect of it.
Pushing BDs into your head and watching or even participating in movies sounds cool.
Or learning skills by plugging my brain into a machine or pushing another BD into.

Are we really that far away from being able to be cyborgs?
Humanity copes already with biological or mechanical prosthesis.
At which point can someone call himself a cyborg?
And are biological prosthesis or manipulation not counted as being a cyborg?

My thoughts about your questions:
Will the future be dark or not? I do not know.
But for me your questions already implicates the answer.
It creates less space for an open discussion imo.
Stateing the questions more generally would increase the interest imo.
Lots of people could just nail for your implication.
I can not really answer your questions but I communicated my thoughts about the future in a ways which expresses what could be cool from my perspective.
The idea of this thread is not to discuss too much. It's just a poll.

Talking about it obviously I believe A or B is the case of current reality based from some experiences with ayahuasca. Yes I got some info with it but then again DID I WANT THAT INFO..............

All I know is that lots of others also got the info that the so called Illuminati are real and I since I believe the same thing I wonder who they really are.
If it was aliens then they must be a mean one creating such world with poverty, wars, diseases etc. But how come they are so advanced and mean at the same time - that would not make sense.....or does it?

The machines however would not tell us that there are Illuminati but would more like make us enjoy this world so much that we would never thought about machines being the one.
The machines don't make sense at all however most of the people chose that answer.

Well the polling is an interesting idea imo.
As the forum does not support a mechanism like that currently, you could write a suggestion here if you want: Suggestions
People could brainstorm their ideas there.

It would probably be easier to react to your questions instead of typing a comment.
Another solution could be to use reaction emojies for all the options.
But then you would redefine some emojies as answers.

I think polls should be able to be asnwered as checkboxes IMO.

The reason why i meantioned all the "w" questions is actually the attitude page.
From my observation it should not cause an issue as long as nothing escalates or goes to a wrong direction.
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