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Possible new tek for almost anything

Migrated topic.


The Root
OG Pioneer
This could be a tek that works for so many things - if it works well the proceedure can be called Acetone Phluxing hehe :Þ

Iv been playing with rue a bit lately and noticed something.

i disolved some harmine in water and a dash of lemon juice - added the same amount of acetone as water and noticed massive precipitation.
tried the same using vinegar - very little precipitation - or perhaps just slower precipitation, but lemon juice seems better.

here is a pic - the lemon juice experiment is the one on the right.


a few mins later


now iv tried this with harmaline and had the same success, tried it with mescaline hcl - it dropped right out the salting water, tried it on a poppy extract and il leave it at that.

Iv been thinking how this can be applied to a few things - for rue extraction - perhaps making a tea(unground even perhaps) of a dose of rue (3g) with lemon juice, add acetone, filter and wash precips - could make things so easy.

adding acetone directly to cactus tea to precip alkaloids, thereby avoiding the need to evap, and if it doesnt work nothing is lost as its just a tad more acetone to evap.

same for spice extraction - soak bark in vinegar or something, filter, add acetone, collect precips, freebase.

I think the important bits are :
choosing the correct acid for the job
mek could also perhaps be used in place of acetone
getting the saturation of the water correct (although in some cases it doesnt seem too important)
evapping down after first precips have been filtered - then adding more acetone(a few times - equivelent to pulls)
the precips can be disolved again and then the proceedure redone for a cleaner product
update - the harmine precipped from the vinegar solution but not nearly as well as from the lemon juice one.
oh em gee!! looks so cool!

Would you agree if SWIM took his mescaline containing limonene and used dilute HCl to salt out the mescaline.

Seperated the dilute HCl and added 1:1 acetone it would work???
the liquid was drained - acetone was used to wash


and the precip collected


and dried (freebase used in the beginning vs precipped stuff)

So the white stuff on the right of the bottom pic is precip. Harmine citrate , right. Ilpt might give it go as he has some very pure acetone and food grade white crystalic citric acid. It need to wait until all new year celebration finished , lol
well no visible loss in yeild - the experiment was not complete as the products were not weighed - il give it another go and weigh it this time.
It should have bittersour taste. Harmine freebase is almost tasteless and starting to be bitter after while in mouth when acids in mouth turning it to salt forms. Could you turn it back to freebase please to see the colour. Ilpt never had white harmine freebase. It's always a bit tan.
like i said - the salting water (4 drops hcl(33%) to 100ml water) from a dlimo pull on some cactus precipitated white on addition of acetone - if the salt form is hcl then i recon it should work well.
I would imagine - the resin is disolved in water + hcl, filtered, acetone is added, precips collected - solution reduced and precips collected again x2.
if neccicary - precips redisolved in water, filtered and acetone added and repeat x2
perhaps some resin will apear soon so i can test this.
If in water though mescaline could be soluble in water fraction, so the resin could be dissolved straight to acetone and maybe either be in the resin in HCl for or add a bit acid in the acetone.

Eitherway if this works,water or not, then we might have a RTA tek ;) (Resin To Acetone).

Also, try putting the acetone to freezer in your experiments to see if this furtherly helps precipitation.
Well we all know the Ant man is the official Ambassador for the Nexus and a damn good one at that.
Looks like you need to be nominated as the official extraction photographer.
Sweet write ups and photos you got my nomination Bro.

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