Condensed the original thread down to 4 pages with references (notes, 2nd half of paper, quite long at 16 pages) for easy reading. Included invaluable alkaloid diagrams & comments from downwardsfromzero see note (13) in references, comments & trip reports from downwardsfromzero, Triglav, dragonrider, Hermes, Nogal, Krystle Cole, chemist Peter Webster, u/Gu1l7y5p4rk, Burning Copal & others with 20 photos.
Both the Mexican morning glory & Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. contain two strong drugs in sky high amounts: LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide & penniclavine). The 1st drug LSH will be found in very high levels only when the seeds are picked fresh off the ipomoea tricolor vine or when claviceps paspali is ground fresh picked right from the grass Paspalum distichum L.
LSH (potent psychedelic effects) is unstable and decomposes naturally to LSA (sedating & no psychedelic effects) over time, so the longer the seeds sit after picked, the faster the LSH decomposes, best thing to do as I found out is to immediately vacuum pack and freeze the black hard dry seeds from the pods to preserve their high natural LSH & penniclavine potency indefinitely. The 2nd drug penniclavine is quite stable over time. As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one.
2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail (note 7):
Best to place planter where it will get morning sun and a few hours of afternoon sun only, that way the plant's leaves won't droop from the intense late afternoon hot sun, but even should this happen, they return to normal perkiness following morning, no harm done. Mine receive 5 hours morning sun and 2 hours afternoon sun. [Note 18] gives a cheap soil mixture that will produce seeds of very high LSH & penniclavine potency. It also produces absolutely gorgeous flowers in the mornings.
The point of this paper with contributions from everyone is to show that the founders of our democracy (of which our current democracy has made psychedelics illegal) plausibly & presumably tripped on a combination of LSH & penniclavine for over 2,000 years straight--yes, that's a long time!
Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. grows in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains 2 strong drugs: penniclavine & LSH in very high amounts when fresh, just like the Mexican morning glory when fresh (note 7), also see attached graphs & tables.
Morning glory contains alkaloid teamwork between LSH & Penniclavine. Penniclavine is stimulating like LSD (Yui & Takeo). LSD only agonizes adrenal A2A (as far as adrenal receptors), while penniclavine agonizes adrenal A2A, A2C, & A2D, along with 5-ht2a and most of the dopamine receptors.
The adrenal receptors are hit heavily by natural entheogens like mescaline, Ayahuasca with caapi, shrooms, and are believed by some to be responsible for alot of the "aesthetics/euphoria/appreciation of beauty" feeling activity that is experienced while tripping.
There is a very strong euphoria component to the mg seeds, and I believe it has to do with the alkaloid teamwork between high LSH & penniclavine levels in the seeds, even the researchers were shocked at the very high penniclavine levels discovered in all 3 batches of seeds they tested, all from different regions & vendors.
In theory, the kykeon (sacred Eleusis entheogenic potion kept secret by the priest used in ancient Greece) was conceivably composed of the above formula (which could have been used directly in powdered form, as the hallucinogenic alkaloids from claviceps paspali are soluble in water) and mint. We know from the ancient writings the brew had fresh mint added to it (note 22). Mint contains water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde and their corresponding acids (note 15).
The Aztecs and Mayans were known to add the extract from morning glory seeds (same exact alkaloid profile as claviceps paspali) to a drink containing alcohol (note 2). We know that sherry wine contains average 10mg acetaldehyde per 30ml or shot glass. The Aztecs and Mayans apparently knew about the acetaldehyde adducting properties of wine and alcohol, which as shown in the 1992 adducts study (note 6) will cause acetaldehyde to adduct onto the bottom NH group on the indole of LSH and penniclavine forming something more akin to looking like ALD-52, (at least bottom indole wise).
The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. Sample ALD-52 trip reports given in (note 16) and (note 17).
Downwardsfromzero drew up chemical diagrams for the LSH-hemiaminal and the penniclavine-hemiaminal-spirodioxolane - "PHSD" attached at bottom. See his invaluable comments in (note 13).
LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52
A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke (note 14) found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84%) & ergometrine (10-17%) & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.
Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."
Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."
Chemist Peter Webster even wrote that morning glory & Paspalum distichum L. grass infected with claviceps paspali both contain the exact same alkaloids, though no one seemed to notice his writings. Just like the remarkable book "Road to Eleusis" by Albert Hofmann, Wasson & Prof Ruck that was mostly ignored by the scholars, as the book had disappointing sales.
Peter Webster said "I can personally assure readers that the alkaloids of morning glory are, when prepared correctly, quite capable of producing the entire range of powerful pysychedelic effects. The principle psychoactive compounds of morning glory are also the major alkaloids found in Claviceps paspali, yet they are not found in C. purpurea." (note 26).
Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) proposed a hypothesis that the kykeon might have been prepared from the species of ergot as well: Claviceps paspali, growing not on barley (or only rarely) but on wild grasses of the region such as Paspalum distichum. The hypothesis appears attractive because C. paspali produces a much more psychedelic blend of alkaloids than C. purpurea, similar to that contained in the redoubtable Western hemisphere psychedelic plant of the Aztecs, ololiuhqui ie morning glory. In addition, the toxic ergopeptine alkaloids are completely absent in this ergot species (note 25).
Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture (note 24): "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall". Picture of Eleusian Mysteries & center for Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...ALL men, women & even slave were invited) in ancient Greece attached.
Webster said that back in the 1960's he paid the Mexican kids a penny for each morning glory seed they would pick from the fresh vines or off the ground growing where he set up a make shift lab in the fall. The kids brought him thousands of FRESH seeds, and he then produced an extract, his experience is given in Note (1) below. His extract worked because the seeds were fresh, and therefore had high amounts of LSH & penniclavine. Even though he did a chemical extract, he said he could just as well have done an acidified cold water extract using ph=4 water acidified with DL tartaric acid, which is what I then did over 20 years ago, using FRESH seeds as well, see my potent dream experiment further below.
LSH decomposes in neutral water solutions, and quickly in alkaline solutions, and also if heated, but it is quite stable in acidic environments (just like the solution recipe I give). Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports:
(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum) "Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds."
(2) Nogal (the Nook) "Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin)."
(3) Erowid report: "400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits."
(4) Myself (500ml spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard seeds) procedure given in (note 12): "Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams."
(5) Triglav: "I did experience MG seeds with CWE about 8 years ago. The extraction was performed by another person and I did not put much notice into it. I do know however that no peppermint was involved. Nonetheless the experience was very interesting and worth it. Much sedation at the beginning after that very unique visuals appeared, first CEV ann after that OEV as well. The experience is memorable and unique so that the seeds have retained much of the interest in my mind. I've sown morning glory seeds this spring for the fist time and they're now small seedlings but growing nicely. With a bit of luck I should have fresh seeds available by the end of summer which will enable me to do some further experiments."
(6) Dragonrider: "I have also experimented with morning glory seeds a lot. A couple of times the seeds came very close to LSD, but on other occasions they where nothing like LSD at all. But there is more. I have combined morning glory seeds with other psychedelics. And on some occasions they dulled the effects of them. But on a few occasions, they boosted the effects of psychedelics enormously and very few seeds where actually needed to create this effect.
Once a mere 30 seeds were enough to cause an overwhelming OBE on LSD, paired with the most insane visuals and a defragmentation of the mind like i have never experienced ever since. I am convinced that there is a substance in fresh morning glories, and maybe it is LSH, that modulates receptors that are being activated by psychedelics in such a way that it can boost the effects of other psychedelics. And also that LSA has the opposite effect. Unfortunately, my morning glories fell victim of a fungus last year."
Burning_Copal below did the ICE cold CWE of claviceps purpurea infected wild barley found in the pacific northwest under the mountain known as Tahoma. Please nobody try this--I can imagine this can be extremely dangerous if the extraction is done improperly, however only the good psychedelic alkaloids are water soluble while the toxic ergopeptides are not. Author claims 1.75 grams of claviceps purpurea was ground up under low light conditions (starlight), soaked for 3.5 hours in ICE cold water in the fridge, filtered through a very thin paper filter, with the ending 6 oz hypothetically consumed:
(7) Burning_Copal (the Lycaeum): "Saw complex geometry over-layed on background of colors, constantly changing like a tapestry, intermixed with very bright flashes of light (bubbles) and on occasions beams of light. He describes the mental effects aside from that, and the auditory perceptions as being more or less lucid, which is what surprised him more than anything.
This was bar none the most visual experience of the feline's life, and he had, in the course of wandering fields, consumed hefty dosages of 'godflesh' in times past, one species in particular noted for vivid visions, the feline found this to be far more intense."
[8] u/Gu1l7y5p4rk (trip with small amount of Claviceps Paspali from infected paspalum grass): editor's note: would add in future might want to extract into cold acidic water as the LSH component of the ergot can decompose quickly to LSA in neutral water:
"I microdose lsa/h from heavenly blue morning glory. Have been for years. I've been interested in the fungi, to an extreme extent. Needless to say I was turned onto another source of this fungi. Easily accessible as it were to be, paspalum was being mowed everyday. I've spent a few months offhandedly skimming information about this plant. Past few days ergot has been showing, in all it's flourescencent orange glory. So I picked some.
250ml Ice cold distilled water 6 stems with seed heads Protected from light and heat I added materials into cold water and froze it for 4hrs. Then let it sit at a room temp of 68-72f for an additional 12hrs. Agitated 6 times during the process. Strained through double coffee filter. Consumed a few hours later. Water was clear, no taste.
I drank approximately a quarter of the bottle and started my timer. Within 30 minutes an all too familiar lysergic trip had started to come and go in waves. About 2hrs in and I had half opaque tracers, slight time dilation, and an akwardness about my motor functions. I could meditate in near dark and outlines would drift off a little, or overlap.
This is one of the most clean and consistent trips I've had in recent memory. At one point I was standing on my back porch (wood) and it and the concrete slab beneath it melted together. House siding sliding up in a stepping fashion, then wiggling and bulging. Full and deeply colorful tracers off my hands. 10/10 Would Recommend."
Penniclavine (found in extremely high amounts in the seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them) binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors (note 10). We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".
LSD only binds to A2A in comparison (when in comes to adrenal receptors, note 11). When Yui & Takeo injected penniclavine & agroclavine into lab animals in 1958 [note 8] they noticed the animals became stimulated like with LSD. Penniclavine is a metabolite of agroclavine. Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH (note 9). Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.
Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like. I totally agree.
It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).
LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)
LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)
d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)
Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)
The Eleusinian Mysteries were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Eleusis in ancient Greece. They are the "most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece". Persephone's rebirth is symbolic of the rebirth of all plant life and the symbol of eternity of life that flows from the generations that spring from each other. Numerous scholars have proposed that the power of the Eleusinian Mysteries came from the kykeon's functioning as an entheogen, or psychedelic agent.
The initiates, sensitized by their fast and prepared by preceding ceremonies, are believed to have been propelled by the effects of a powerful psychoactive potion into revelatory mind states with profound spiritual and intellectual ramifications. Men, women and even slaves were allowed initiation. Plato, "the ultimate design of the Mysteries...was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended...a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good."
Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L has been known to grow in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains identical alkaloids as found in the Mexican morning-glory seeds. This means the freshly powdered claviceps paspali would also have very high amounts of LSH & penniclavine and could have even been used directly in powdered form.
We also find from the writings that several people had snuck the brew out of Eleusis and consumed it at parties. It is my personal opinion that this is what the priest used for over 2,000 years in the sacred brew, ingredients kept secret all those years, remember that the brew had to be able to serve hundreds of people at once, grass infected ergot could have easily done that.
Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
Hofmann was also friends with Aldoux Huxley, Huxley saw the value of psychedelic drugs in offering a chance to experience extraordinary states of consciousnes to people who lack the talent for visionary experience, which is the province of mystics, saints and great artists.
1. Easy morning glory planter
2. Closeup of seedlings
3. Materials list for LSH & penniclavine to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine conversion
4. fresh mint tea
5. LSH hemiaminal & pennniclavine hemiaminal -- spirodioxolane "PHSD": courtesy of downwardsfromzero
6. Graph & table showing levels of LSH in retail store rack seeds, but 3x higher levels LSH in seeds bought directly from producer, not shown possible 6x higher levels in slightly un-ripe, fresh off the vine seeds.
7. LSH decomposes to LSA in strongly ionic conditions, over time, in neutral water, quickly in alkaline water or when heated. Therefore extract & store in cold acidified water only.
8. Graph again of retail seeds
9. Indole before and after (1992 adducts study)
10. Albert Hofmann discovered LSH in mg seeds in 1967 & included color pic in his book
11. Albert Hofmann shows LSH as compared to LSD
12. Eleusis Telesterian Initiation hall
13. Eleusian Mystery participants
14. LSD compared with ALD-52
15. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine courtesy of downwardsfromzero
16. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine acetyl courtesy of downwardsfromzero
17. Paspalum distichum infected with ergot (likely entheogen used at Eleusis)
Stay true to yourself, Love, Peace & music.
Both the Mexican morning glory & Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. contain two strong drugs in sky high amounts: LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide & penniclavine). The 1st drug LSH will be found in very high levels only when the seeds are picked fresh off the ipomoea tricolor vine or when claviceps paspali is ground fresh picked right from the grass Paspalum distichum L.
LSH (potent psychedelic effects) is unstable and decomposes naturally to LSA (sedating & no psychedelic effects) over time, so the longer the seeds sit after picked, the faster the LSH decomposes, best thing to do as I found out is to immediately vacuum pack and freeze the black hard dry seeds from the pods to preserve their high natural LSH & penniclavine potency indefinitely. The 2nd drug penniclavine is quite stable over time. As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one.
2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail (note 7):
An easy to assemble planter that will produce thousands of high potency seeds that can be picked end of fall harvest season is shown in pics. It has the equivalent growing area of a 4 foot wide x 7 foot tall fence, but sits in a round 17" wide x 15" tall planter, which is mobile.fresh black seeds from vine: likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio
Best to place planter where it will get morning sun and a few hours of afternoon sun only, that way the plant's leaves won't droop from the intense late afternoon hot sun, but even should this happen, they return to normal perkiness following morning, no harm done. Mine receive 5 hours morning sun and 2 hours afternoon sun. [Note 18] gives a cheap soil mixture that will produce seeds of very high LSH & penniclavine potency. It also produces absolutely gorgeous flowers in the mornings.
The point of this paper with contributions from everyone is to show that the founders of our democracy (of which our current democracy has made psychedelics illegal) plausibly & presumably tripped on a combination of LSH & penniclavine for over 2,000 years straight--yes, that's a long time!
Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. grows in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains 2 strong drugs: penniclavine & LSH in very high amounts when fresh, just like the Mexican morning glory when fresh (note 7), also see attached graphs & tables.
Morning glory contains alkaloid teamwork between LSH & Penniclavine. Penniclavine is stimulating like LSD (Yui & Takeo). LSD only agonizes adrenal A2A (as far as adrenal receptors), while penniclavine agonizes adrenal A2A, A2C, & A2D, along with 5-ht2a and most of the dopamine receptors.
The adrenal receptors are hit heavily by natural entheogens like mescaline, Ayahuasca with caapi, shrooms, and are believed by some to be responsible for alot of the "aesthetics/euphoria/appreciation of beauty" feeling activity that is experienced while tripping.
There is a very strong euphoria component to the mg seeds, and I believe it has to do with the alkaloid teamwork between high LSH & penniclavine levels in the seeds, even the researchers were shocked at the very high penniclavine levels discovered in all 3 batches of seeds they tested, all from different regions & vendors.
In theory, the kykeon (sacred Eleusis entheogenic potion kept secret by the priest used in ancient Greece) was conceivably composed of the above formula (which could have been used directly in powdered form, as the hallucinogenic alkaloids from claviceps paspali are soluble in water) and mint. We know from the ancient writings the brew had fresh mint added to it (note 22). Mint contains water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde and their corresponding acids (note 15).
The Aztecs and Mayans were known to add the extract from morning glory seeds (same exact alkaloid profile as claviceps paspali) to a drink containing alcohol (note 2). We know that sherry wine contains average 10mg acetaldehyde per 30ml or shot glass. The Aztecs and Mayans apparently knew about the acetaldehyde adducting properties of wine and alcohol, which as shown in the 1992 adducts study (note 6) will cause acetaldehyde to adduct onto the bottom NH group on the indole of LSH and penniclavine forming something more akin to looking like ALD-52, (at least bottom indole wise).
The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. Sample ALD-52 trip reports given in (note 16) and (note 17).
Downwardsfromzero drew up chemical diagrams for the LSH-hemiaminal and the penniclavine-hemiaminal-spirodioxolane - "PHSD" attached at bottom. See his invaluable comments in (note 13).
LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52
A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke (note 14) found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84%) & ergometrine (10-17%) & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.
Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."
Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."
Chemist Peter Webster even wrote that morning glory & Paspalum distichum L. grass infected with claviceps paspali both contain the exact same alkaloids, though no one seemed to notice his writings. Just like the remarkable book "Road to Eleusis" by Albert Hofmann, Wasson & Prof Ruck that was mostly ignored by the scholars, as the book had disappointing sales.
Peter Webster said "I can personally assure readers that the alkaloids of morning glory are, when prepared correctly, quite capable of producing the entire range of powerful pysychedelic effects. The principle psychoactive compounds of morning glory are also the major alkaloids found in Claviceps paspali, yet they are not found in C. purpurea." (note 26).
Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) proposed a hypothesis that the kykeon might have been prepared from the species of ergot as well: Claviceps paspali, growing not on barley (or only rarely) but on wild grasses of the region such as Paspalum distichum. The hypothesis appears attractive because C. paspali produces a much more psychedelic blend of alkaloids than C. purpurea, similar to that contained in the redoubtable Western hemisphere psychedelic plant of the Aztecs, ololiuhqui ie morning glory. In addition, the toxic ergopeptine alkaloids are completely absent in this ergot species (note 25).
Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture (note 24): "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall". Picture of Eleusian Mysteries & center for Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...ALL men, women & even slave were invited) in ancient Greece attached.
Webster said that back in the 1960's he paid the Mexican kids a penny for each morning glory seed they would pick from the fresh vines or off the ground growing where he set up a make shift lab in the fall. The kids brought him thousands of FRESH seeds, and he then produced an extract, his experience is given in Note (1) below. His extract worked because the seeds were fresh, and therefore had high amounts of LSH & penniclavine. Even though he did a chemical extract, he said he could just as well have done an acidified cold water extract using ph=4 water acidified with DL tartaric acid, which is what I then did over 20 years ago, using FRESH seeds as well, see my potent dream experiment further below.
LSH decomposes in neutral water solutions, and quickly in alkaline solutions, and also if heated, but it is quite stable in acidic environments (just like the solution recipe I give). Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports:
(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum) "Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds."
(2) Nogal (the Nook) "Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin)."
(3) Erowid report: "400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits."
(4) Myself (500ml spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard seeds) procedure given in (note 12): "Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams."
(5) Triglav: "I did experience MG seeds with CWE about 8 years ago. The extraction was performed by another person and I did not put much notice into it. I do know however that no peppermint was involved. Nonetheless the experience was very interesting and worth it. Much sedation at the beginning after that very unique visuals appeared, first CEV ann after that OEV as well. The experience is memorable and unique so that the seeds have retained much of the interest in my mind. I've sown morning glory seeds this spring for the fist time and they're now small seedlings but growing nicely. With a bit of luck I should have fresh seeds available by the end of summer which will enable me to do some further experiments."
(6) Dragonrider: "I have also experimented with morning glory seeds a lot. A couple of times the seeds came very close to LSD, but on other occasions they where nothing like LSD at all. But there is more. I have combined morning glory seeds with other psychedelics. And on some occasions they dulled the effects of them. But on a few occasions, they boosted the effects of psychedelics enormously and very few seeds where actually needed to create this effect.
Once a mere 30 seeds were enough to cause an overwhelming OBE on LSD, paired with the most insane visuals and a defragmentation of the mind like i have never experienced ever since. I am convinced that there is a substance in fresh morning glories, and maybe it is LSH, that modulates receptors that are being activated by psychedelics in such a way that it can boost the effects of other psychedelics. And also that LSA has the opposite effect. Unfortunately, my morning glories fell victim of a fungus last year."
Burning_Copal below did the ICE cold CWE of claviceps purpurea infected wild barley found in the pacific northwest under the mountain known as Tahoma. Please nobody try this--I can imagine this can be extremely dangerous if the extraction is done improperly, however only the good psychedelic alkaloids are water soluble while the toxic ergopeptides are not. Author claims 1.75 grams of claviceps purpurea was ground up under low light conditions (starlight), soaked for 3.5 hours in ICE cold water in the fridge, filtered through a very thin paper filter, with the ending 6 oz hypothetically consumed:
(7) Burning_Copal (the Lycaeum): "Saw complex geometry over-layed on background of colors, constantly changing like a tapestry, intermixed with very bright flashes of light (bubbles) and on occasions beams of light. He describes the mental effects aside from that, and the auditory perceptions as being more or less lucid, which is what surprised him more than anything.
This was bar none the most visual experience of the feline's life, and he had, in the course of wandering fields, consumed hefty dosages of 'godflesh' in times past, one species in particular noted for vivid visions, the feline found this to be far more intense."
[8] u/Gu1l7y5p4rk (trip with small amount of Claviceps Paspali from infected paspalum grass): editor's note: would add in future might want to extract into cold acidic water as the LSH component of the ergot can decompose quickly to LSA in neutral water:
"I microdose lsa/h from heavenly blue morning glory. Have been for years. I've been interested in the fungi, to an extreme extent. Needless to say I was turned onto another source of this fungi. Easily accessible as it were to be, paspalum was being mowed everyday. I've spent a few months offhandedly skimming information about this plant. Past few days ergot has been showing, in all it's flourescencent orange glory. So I picked some.
250ml Ice cold distilled water 6 stems with seed heads Protected from light and heat I added materials into cold water and froze it for 4hrs. Then let it sit at a room temp of 68-72f for an additional 12hrs. Agitated 6 times during the process. Strained through double coffee filter. Consumed a few hours later. Water was clear, no taste.
I drank approximately a quarter of the bottle and started my timer. Within 30 minutes an all too familiar lysergic trip had started to come and go in waves. About 2hrs in and I had half opaque tracers, slight time dilation, and an akwardness about my motor functions. I could meditate in near dark and outlines would drift off a little, or overlap.
This is one of the most clean and consistent trips I've had in recent memory. At one point I was standing on my back porch (wood) and it and the concrete slab beneath it melted together. House siding sliding up in a stepping fashion, then wiggling and bulging. Full and deeply colorful tracers off my hands. 10/10 Would Recommend."
Penniclavine (found in extremely high amounts in the seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them) binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors (note 10). We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".
LSD only binds to A2A in comparison (when in comes to adrenal receptors, note 11). When Yui & Takeo injected penniclavine & agroclavine into lab animals in 1958 [note 8] they noticed the animals became stimulated like with LSD. Penniclavine is a metabolite of agroclavine. Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH (note 9). Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.
Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like. I totally agree.
It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).
LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)
LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)
d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)
Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)
The Eleusinian Mysteries were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Eleusis in ancient Greece. They are the "most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece". Persephone's rebirth is symbolic of the rebirth of all plant life and the symbol of eternity of life that flows from the generations that spring from each other. Numerous scholars have proposed that the power of the Eleusinian Mysteries came from the kykeon's functioning as an entheogen, or psychedelic agent.
The initiates, sensitized by their fast and prepared by preceding ceremonies, are believed to have been propelled by the effects of a powerful psychoactive potion into revelatory mind states with profound spiritual and intellectual ramifications. Men, women and even slaves were allowed initiation. Plato, "the ultimate design of the Mysteries...was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended...a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good."
Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L has been known to grow in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains identical alkaloids as found in the Mexican morning-glory seeds. This means the freshly powdered claviceps paspali would also have very high amounts of LSH & penniclavine and could have even been used directly in powdered form.
We also find from the writings that several people had snuck the brew out of Eleusis and consumed it at parties. It is my personal opinion that this is what the priest used for over 2,000 years in the sacred brew, ingredients kept secret all those years, remember that the brew had to be able to serve hundreds of people at once, grass infected ergot could have easily done that.
Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) writes in "Hofmann's Elixir, LSD and the new Eleusis": "It is my hope that one day people will once again gather just like at Eleusis in ancient Greece and take entheogens in a beautiful environment like a garden area surrounded by nature and flowers." Reminds me of the way the UDV and Santo Daime take Ayahuasca."Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.
LSD chemist Todd Skinner replied "Yes, except for he did a water infusion of the ergot, instead of alcohol." Todd had prepared 6 jugs of ergot wine and stored them for many years.
Krystle Cole's "ergot wine" experience (several pages long) in the book "Lysergic", reported that she saw constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head.
Hofmann was also friends with Aldoux Huxley, Huxley saw the value of psychedelic drugs in offering a chance to experience extraordinary states of consciousnes to people who lack the talent for visionary experience, which is the province of mystics, saints and great artists.
1. Easy morning glory planter
2. Closeup of seedlings
3. Materials list for LSH & penniclavine to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine conversion
4. fresh mint tea
5. LSH hemiaminal & pennniclavine hemiaminal -- spirodioxolane "PHSD": courtesy of downwardsfromzero
6. Graph & table showing levels of LSH in retail store rack seeds, but 3x higher levels LSH in seeds bought directly from producer, not shown possible 6x higher levels in slightly un-ripe, fresh off the vine seeds.
7. LSH decomposes to LSA in strongly ionic conditions, over time, in neutral water, quickly in alkaline water or when heated. Therefore extract & store in cold acidified water only.
8. Graph again of retail seeds
9. Indole before and after (1992 adducts study)
10. Albert Hofmann discovered LSH in mg seeds in 1967 & included color pic in his book
11. Albert Hofmann shows LSH as compared to LSD
12. Eleusis Telesterian Initiation hall
13. Eleusian Mystery participants
14. LSD compared with ALD-52
15. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine courtesy of downwardsfromzero
16. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine acetyl courtesy of downwardsfromzero
17. Paspalum distichum infected with ergot (likely entheogen used at Eleusis)
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