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Potent LSH & penniclavine fresh from morning glory vine & relation to ancient Greece

Condensed the original thread down to 4 pages with references (notes, 2nd half of paper, quite long at 16 pages) for easy reading. Included invaluable alkaloid diagrams & comments from downwardsfromzero see note (13) in references, comments & trip reports from downwardsfromzero, Triglav, dragonrider, Hermes, Nogal, Krystle Cole, chemist Peter Webster, u/Gu1l7y5p4rk, Burning Copal & others with 20 photos.

Both the Mexican morning glory & Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. contain two strong drugs in sky high amounts: LSH (lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide & penniclavine). The 1st drug LSH will be found in very high levels only when the seeds are picked fresh off the ipomoea tricolor vine or when claviceps paspali is ground fresh picked right from the grass Paspalum distichum L.

LSH (potent psychedelic effects) is unstable and decomposes naturally to LSA (sedating & no psychedelic effects) over time, so the longer the seeds sit after picked, the faster the LSH decomposes, best thing to do as I found out is to immediately vacuum pack and freeze the black hard dry seeds from the pods to preserve their high natural LSH & penniclavine potency indefinitely. The 2nd drug penniclavine is quite stable over time. As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one.

2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail (note 7):
fresh black seeds from vine: likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio
An easy to assemble planter that will produce thousands of high potency seeds that can be picked end of fall harvest season is shown in pics. It has the equivalent growing area of a 4 foot wide x 7 foot tall fence, but sits in a round 17" wide x 15" tall planter, which is mobile.

Best to place planter where it will get morning sun and a few hours of afternoon sun only, that way the plant's leaves won't droop from the intense late afternoon hot sun, but even should this happen, they return to normal perkiness following morning, no harm done. Mine receive 5 hours morning sun and 2 hours afternoon sun. [Note 18] gives a cheap soil mixture that will produce seeds of very high LSH & penniclavine potency. It also produces absolutely gorgeous flowers in the mornings.

The point of this paper with contributions from everyone is to show that the founders of our democracy (of which our current democracy has made psychedelics illegal) plausibly & presumably tripped on a combination of LSH & penniclavine for over 2,000 years straight--yes, that's a long time!

Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L. grows in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains 2 strong drugs: penniclavine & LSH in very high amounts when fresh, just like the Mexican morning glory when fresh (note 7), also see attached graphs & tables.

Morning glory contains alkaloid teamwork between LSH & Penniclavine. Penniclavine is stimulating like LSD (Yui & Takeo). LSD only agonizes adrenal A2A (as far as adrenal receptors), while penniclavine agonizes adrenal A2A, A2C, & A2D, along with 5-ht2a and most of the dopamine receptors.

The adrenal receptors are hit heavily by natural entheogens like mescaline, Ayahuasca with caapi, shrooms, and are believed by some to be responsible for alot of the "aesthetics/euphoria/appreciation of beauty" feeling activity that is experienced while tripping.

There is a very strong euphoria component to the mg seeds, and I believe it has to do with the alkaloid teamwork between high LSH & penniclavine levels in the seeds, even the researchers were shocked at the very high penniclavine levels discovered in all 3 batches of seeds they tested, all from different regions & vendors.

In theory, the kykeon (sacred Eleusis entheogenic potion kept secret by the priest used in ancient Greece) was conceivably composed of the above formula (which could have been used directly in powdered form, as the hallucinogenic alkaloids from claviceps paspali are soluble in water) and mint. We know from the ancient writings the brew had fresh mint added to it (note 22). Mint contains water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde and their corresponding acids (note 15).

The Aztecs and Mayans were known to add the extract from morning glory seeds (same exact alkaloid profile as claviceps paspali) to a drink containing alcohol (note 2). We know that sherry wine contains average 10mg acetaldehyde per 30ml or shot glass. The Aztecs and Mayans apparently knew about the acetaldehyde adducting properties of wine and alcohol, which as shown in the 1992 adducts study (note 6) will cause acetaldehyde to adduct onto the bottom NH group on the indole of LSH and penniclavine forming something more akin to looking like ALD-52, (at least bottom indole wise).

The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state. Sample ALD-52 trip reports given in (note 16) and (note 17).

Downwardsfromzero drew up chemical diagrams for the LSH-hemiaminal and the penniclavine-hemiaminal-spirodioxolane - "PHSD" attached at bottom. See his invaluable comments in (note 13).

LSA (C16 H17 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSA
LSH (C18 H21 N3 O) + acetaldehyde (C2 H4 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetaldehyde LSH
LSD (C20 H25 N3 O) + acetal (C2 H3 O) at bottom indole NH group = 1-acetal LSD (C22 H27 N3 O2) or ALD-52

A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke (note 14) found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84%) & ergometrine (10-17%) & rest: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine. We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."

Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."

Chemist Peter Webster even wrote that morning glory & Paspalum distichum L. grass infected with claviceps paspali both contain the exact same alkaloids, though no one seemed to notice his writings. Just like the remarkable book "Road to Eleusis" by Albert Hofmann, Wasson & Prof Ruck that was mostly ignored by the scholars, as the book had disappointing sales.

Peter Webster said "I can personally assure readers that the alkaloids of morning glory are, when prepared correctly, quite capable of producing the entire range of powerful pysychedelic effects. The principle psychoactive compounds of morning glory are also the major alkaloids found in Claviceps paspali, yet they are not found in C. purpurea." (note 26).

Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) proposed a hypothesis that the kykeon might have been prepared from the species of ergot as well: Claviceps paspali, growing not on barley (or only rarely) but on wild grasses of the region such as Paspalum distichum. The hypothesis appears attractive because C. paspali produces a much more psychedelic blend of alkaloids than C. purpurea, similar to that contained in the redoubtable Western hemisphere psychedelic plant of the Aztecs, ololiuhqui ie morning glory. In addition, the toxic ergopeptine alkaloids are completely absent in this ergot species (note 25).

Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture (note 24): "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall". Picture of Eleusian Mysteries & center for Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...ALL men, women & even slave were invited) in ancient Greece attached.

Webster said that back in the 1960's he paid the Mexican kids a penny for each morning glory seed they would pick from the fresh vines or off the ground growing where he set up a make shift lab in the fall. The kids brought him thousands of FRESH seeds, and he then produced an extract, his experience is given in Note (1) below. His extract worked because the seeds were fresh, and therefore had high amounts of LSH & penniclavine. Even though he did a chemical extract, he said he could just as well have done an acidified cold water extract using ph=4 water acidified with DL tartaric acid, which is what I then did over 20 years ago, using FRESH seeds as well, see my potent dream experiment further below.

LSH decomposes in neutral water solutions, and quickly in alkaline solutions, and also if heated, but it is quite stable in acidic environments (just like the solution recipe I give). Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports:

(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum) "Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds."

(2) Nogal (the Nook) "Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin)."

(3) Erowid report: "400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits."

(4) Myself (500ml spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 fresh off the vine dark hard seeds) procedure given in (note 12): "Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams."

(5) Triglav: "I did experience MG seeds with CWE about 8 years ago. The extraction was performed by another person and I did not put much notice into it. I do know however that no peppermint was involved. Nonetheless the experience was very interesting and worth it. Much sedation at the beginning after that very unique visuals appeared, first CEV ann after that OEV as well. The experience is memorable and unique so that the seeds have retained much of the interest in my mind. I've sown morning glory seeds this spring for the fist time and they're now small seedlings but growing nicely. With a bit of luck I should have fresh seeds available by the end of summer which will enable me to do some further experiments."

(6) Dragonrider: "I have also experimented with morning glory seeds a lot. A couple of times the seeds came very close to LSD, but on other occasions they where nothing like LSD at all. But there is more. I have combined morning glory seeds with other psychedelics. And on some occasions they dulled the effects of them. But on a few occasions, they boosted the effects of psychedelics enormously and very few seeds where actually needed to create this effect.

Once a mere 30 seeds were enough to cause an overwhelming OBE on LSD, paired with the most insane visuals and a defragmentation of the mind like i have never experienced ever since. I am convinced that there is a substance in fresh morning glories, and maybe it is LSH, that modulates receptors that are being activated by psychedelics in such a way that it can boost the effects of other psychedelics. And also that LSA has the opposite effect. Unfortunately, my morning glories fell victim of a fungus last year."

Burning_Copal below did the ICE cold CWE of claviceps purpurea infected wild barley found in the pacific northwest under the mountain known as Tahoma. Please nobody try this--I can imagine this can be extremely dangerous if the extraction is done improperly, however only the good psychedelic alkaloids are water soluble while the toxic ergopeptides are not. Author claims 1.75 grams of claviceps purpurea was ground up under low light conditions (starlight), soaked for 3.5 hours in ICE cold water in the fridge, filtered through a very thin paper filter, with the ending 6 oz hypothetically consumed:

(7) Burning_Copal (the Lycaeum): "Saw complex geometry over-layed on background of colors, constantly changing like a tapestry, intermixed with very bright flashes of light (bubbles) and on occasions beams of light. He describes the mental effects aside from that, and the auditory perceptions as being more or less lucid, which is what surprised him more than anything.

This was bar none the most visual experience of the feline's life, and he had, in the course of wandering fields, consumed hefty dosages of 'godflesh' in times past, one species in particular noted for vivid visions, the feline found this to be far more intense."

[8] u/Gu1l7y5p4rk (trip with small amount of Claviceps Paspali from infected paspalum grass): editor's note: would add in future might want to extract into cold acidic water as the LSH component of the ergot can decompose quickly to LSA in neutral water:

"I microdose lsa/h from heavenly blue morning glory. Have been for years. I've been interested in the fungi, to an extreme extent. Needless to say I was turned onto another source of this fungi. Easily accessible as it were to be, paspalum was being mowed everyday. I've spent a few months offhandedly skimming information about this plant. Past few days ergot has been showing, in all it's flourescencent orange glory. So I picked some.

250ml Ice cold distilled water 6 stems with seed heads Protected from light and heat I added materials into cold water and froze it for 4hrs. Then let it sit at a room temp of 68-72f for an additional 12hrs. Agitated 6 times during the process. Strained through double coffee filter. Consumed a few hours later. Water was clear, no taste.

I drank approximately a quarter of the bottle and started my timer. Within 30 minutes an all too familiar lysergic trip had started to come and go in waves. About 2hrs in and I had half opaque tracers, slight time dilation, and an akwardness about my motor functions. I could meditate in near dark and outlines would drift off a little, or overlap.

This is one of the most clean and consistent trips I've had in recent memory. At one point I was standing on my back porch (wood) and it and the concrete slab beneath it melted together. House siding sliding up in a stepping fashion, then wiggling and bulging. Full and deeply colorful tracers off my hands. 10/10 Would Recommend."

Penniclavine (found in extremely high amounts in the seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them) binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors (note 10). We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

LSD only binds to A2A in comparison (when in comes to adrenal receptors, note 11). When Yui & Takeo injected penniclavine & agroclavine into lab animals in 1958 [note 8] they noticed the animals became stimulated like with LSD. Penniclavine is a metabolite of agroclavine. Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH (note 9). Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like. I totally agree.

It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).

LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)
LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)
d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)
Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)

The Eleusinian Mysteries were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Eleusis in ancient Greece. They are the "most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece". Persephone's rebirth is symbolic of the rebirth of all plant life and the symbol of eternity of life that flows from the generations that spring from each other. Numerous scholars have proposed that the power of the Eleusinian Mysteries came from the kykeon's functioning as an entheogen, or psychedelic agent.

The initiates, sensitized by their fast and prepared by preceding ceremonies, are believed to have been propelled by the effects of a powerful psychoactive potion into revelatory mind states with profound spiritual and intellectual ramifications. Men, women and even slaves were allowed initiation. Plato, "the ultimate design of the Mysteries...was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended...a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good."

Claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L has been known to grow in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis. It contains identical alkaloids as found in the Mexican morning-glory seeds. This means the freshly powdered claviceps paspali would also have very high amounts of LSH & penniclavine and could have even been used directly in powdered form.

We also find from the writings that several people had snuck the brew out of Eleusis and consumed it at parties. It is my personal opinion that this is what the priest used for over 2,000 years in the sacred brew, ingredients kept secret all those years, remember that the brew had to be able to serve hundreds of people at once, grass infected ergot could have easily done that.

Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
"Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.

LSD chemist Todd Skinner replied "Yes, except for he did a water infusion of the ergot, instead of alcohol." Todd had prepared 6 jugs of ergot wine and stored them for many years.

Krystle Cole's "ergot wine" experience (several pages long) in the book "Lysergic", reported that she saw constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head.
Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) writes in "Hofmann's Elixir, LSD and the new Eleusis": "It is my hope that one day people will once again gather just like at Eleusis in ancient Greece and take entheogens in a beautiful environment like a garden area surrounded by nature and flowers." Reminds me of the way the UDV and Santo Daime take Ayahuasca.

Hofmann was also friends with Aldoux Huxley, Huxley saw the value of psychedelic drugs in offering a chance to experience extraordinary states of consciousnes to people who lack the talent for visionary experience, which is the province of mystics, saints and great artists.


1. Easy morning glory planter
2. Closeup of seedlings
3. Materials list for LSH & penniclavine to 1-acetaldehyde LSH & 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine conversion
4. fresh mint tea
5. LSH hemiaminal & pennniclavine hemiaminal -- spirodioxolane "PHSD": courtesy of downwardsfromzero
6. Graph & table showing levels of LSH in retail store rack seeds, but 3x higher levels LSH in seeds bought directly from producer, not shown possible 6x higher levels in slightly un-ripe, fresh off the vine seeds.
7. LSH decomposes to LSA in strongly ionic conditions, over time, in neutral water, quickly in alkaline water or when heated. Therefore extract & store in cold acidified water only.
8. Graph again of retail seeds
9. Indole before and after (1992 adducts study)
10. Albert Hofmann discovered LSH in mg seeds in 1967 & included color pic in his book
11. Albert Hofmann shows LSH as compared to LSD
12. Eleusis Telesterian Initiation hall
13. Eleusian Mystery participants
14. LSD compared with ALD-52
15. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine courtesy of downwardsfromzero
16. 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) penniclavine acetyl courtesy of downwardsfromzero
17. Paspalum distichum infected with ergot (likely entheogen used at Eleusis)

Stay true to yourself, Love, Peace & music.

References and notes:

Note (1) Peter Webster's fresh morning glory extract experience:

"The extract of Ipomoea violacea that we had prepared radiated power, just sitting there in its flask. A light amber, odorless syrup which, in the darkened laboratory fluoresced brilliantly blue under ultraviolet light, it was an extreme contrast with the series of messy, difficult to purify, dark-colored and discouraging volumes of intermediate sludge we had treated, and brought to mind the Curies and their arduous separation of a few tiny crystals of glowing radium from a mountain of pitchblende.

The difficulties had, however, taught us much about ways in which we would modify our processes for future work. As for the extract, the following day would see the first test of its activity, with myself as the guinea-pig. I was by this time hardly a novice in self-administration of my own preparations or in the estimation of what effects they might have.

I was, in fact, quite adept at taking most any supposed substance of enlightenment and avoiding nasty complications if the brew turned out to be bogus. On many occasions in New York, more than a little caution had been required to avoid not only the classic "rip-off" but also the inevitable dangers that Prohibition naturally produced. Once, a purported sample of magic mushroom I was offered proved to be only a few wasted store-bought champignons laced with powdered datura seeds. Although hallucinogenic, the experience of datura was not the least insightful, nor did it leave me with an experience which hinted at dimensions normally closed to everyday perception. I spent a few unpleasant hours also with Owsley's famous STP, which in the original dose was far too potent for human consumption. Fortunately I took only a quarter-dose, there having been evidence of difficult times for others with this synthetic drug.

The morning-glory extract provided not a nasty surprise, but a powerful surprise none the less. It was by far the most powerful experience I had yet encountered. Perhaps the methods of our extraction had yielded a product more representative of the shaman's recipe than the preparations obtained by other investigators, who reported only modest psychedelic effects. The experience of that day was hardly modest, from the beginning moments it certainly did not fail to inspire reverence and humility, no matter what the direction to which I managed to guide it.

The colors and geometric patterns, the rippling waves so often seen in watching clouds in the sky, the slowing of time and other typical effects so frequently described in the literature had some time ago become only minor and unattended aspects of psychedelic experience for me. Certainly, I still noticed these effects, if I took the trouble to pay attention to them. But the psychedelic experience had become for me far more an arena for the Herculean task of attempting to achieve the truly original perspective for viewing the fundamental questions that man has posed since the beginning of time. It was the task of freeing oneself completely from preconceptions, from habits of thinking that affected the outcome of seeking in unknown and unconscious ways. And of course, it was paradoxical, if not impossible to erase these filters of comprehension completely. To a very significant extent, comprehension consisted of these filters. Nevertheless, the psychedelic experience seemed to go quite a good distance in providing this ability, if one were ready to use it. Particularly the experience of that day."

Note (2) Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch: "The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally are added to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37)."

Note (3) Aum_Shanti [4/1/2019 post #38, "Active components of MGs?"] "In fresher seeds there's mainly LSH (in relation to LSA). Only in old seeds, the LSA is dominant. This is because the fungi on the plant can only biosynthesize LSH (not LSA), and LSA is then a decomposition product of LSH over time. The fungi on the vines biosynthesize:

From Tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA."

Note (4) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

Note (5) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

Note (6) hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC49935/ Page 8441 "Reaction of Indole with Acetaldehyde: A 0.2% solution of indole in equal amounts of water, ethanol, and acetaldehyde formed a product with 60% yield after 1 hour of reaction at ambient temperature. Omitting the ethanol (50% acetaldehyde in water mixture) had no effect. Decreasing the concentration of acetaldehyde to 0.1% increased the reaction rate and percent yield of product." See pic of the researchers's indole + acetaldehyde adduct product formed at bottom of this post ---> ie before (page 8439) and after (page 8441). The researchers achieved a new product with or without the use of ethanol, it made no difference, you only need water and around a 0.1% acetaldehyde solution.

Note (7) 2016 Polish morning glory study which finds 3x higher amounts of LSH in fresher MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4830885/ LSA is a decomposition product of LSH over time (see attached pics from study).

2016 Polish MG study: "Alkaloids abundance in all 3 HB cultivars is comparable, with most significant difference for LSH (Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide), which varies from 0.54 to 1.71 compound to IS ratio. As has been demonstrated in this study, LSH is a labile compound, and therefore the variances in its concentration may be due to different age and storage conditions of the seeds rather than difference in plant metabolism. Indeed, seeds IT-HB2, which express highest concentration of LSH, were bought directly from the producer, whereas seeds IP-HB1 were purchased in retail stores."

Note [8] Ref (1) T. Yui and Y. Takeo, Japan J. Pharmacol. 7, 157 [1958].

Note (9) A. Glasser, Nature 189, 313 (1961)

Note (10) Agroclavine & Penniclavine radioligand (receptorome) data, Planta Med. 1996 Oct; 62(5): 387-92.

Note (11) LSD & 23 other psychedelics radioligand binding data, PLoS One. 2010; 5(2): e9019 Thomas S. Ray, "Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome".

Note (12) see attached pic with homegrown cactus shown...with 400 slightly un-ripe fresh from vine heavenly blue ipomoea tricolor seeds crushed w/hammer between a paper plate & ground in coffee grinder (all done under a red LED lamp bulb to protect from normal light) then added mush to 500ml (same as 17oz empty plastic coke bottle) of fridge cold spring water acidified to ph=4 beforehand with DL tartaric acid & let sit for 10 to 15 minutes in fridge with swirling every now and then.

Then took out jar from fridge & filtered "mush solution" thru cotton balls in a double funnel setup --> then mixed filtered solution with 1 shot of sherry (10mg natural acetaldehyde) & chilled spring water tea made from a couple tea bags of fresh from foil pouch Bigelow's combo mint/peppermint tea leaf (2mg natural acetaldehyde) + 5 drops peppermint extract (2mg natural acetaldehyde) --> solution then sat in fridge 3 hours with swirling once per hour.

Will need a $7 ph meter from ebay to measure the ph of the water down to ph=4 when adding micro amount of DL tartaric acid (auction, etc.) to water, as you don't want to overdo the ph, too low a ph or too much DL tartaric acid is bad for system and can upset body ph balance. Lemon juice or crushed vitamin C can be used instead.

End of an ear cleaner dipped into solution and smeared onto back of paper plate then plate held in front of blacklight in another room to observe beautiful blue glow streak of lysergic acid amides like LSH and penniclavine.

Used 1 tablespoon full of fresh from foil pouch leaf from Bigelow's combo mint/peppermint tea found in herbal isle of your local grocery store (instead of) or along with the 5 drops of peppermint extract.

Details of cotton ball stuffed in a funnel filtering:

You should love the cotton ball filtering, it works for filtering out the debris from Ayahuasca, Cactus, or Morning glory seeds, when and if the cotton clogs, you simply replace it with another and continue filtering, may take 2, 3 or more cotton ball chang-ings, but your entheogenic brew will come out super clean and active, your stomach and intestines will thank you--no nausea! Yes, coffee filters are useless. Have dreamed this method of filtering for decades--get's all the nauseating particles out but leaves the water soluble actives in solution. Beats the heck out of useless coffee filters which will not allow anything to flow.

To use: just put one cotton ball in a large clean funnel to make it sediment free which reduces or eliminates nausea to the intestines...have two of these funnels with a cotton ball stuffed in them sitting in a large tall jar sitting side by side so that you can pour off liquid from funnel #1 into adjacent "funnel in a jar #2" to continue filtering once the 1st jar's cotton clogs up or slows down the flow too much, continue pouring off the funnel's contents back and forth changing out the cotton when or if it clogs.

When you are done with your cotton ball in a funnel filtering, take all your spent cotton and combine it in your hand into a single wad, make a fist and wring out any leftover liquid into a final funnel in a jar with cotton ball stuffed in it, to get every last bit of particle free liquid. You will want to use the larger size black funnels that you can find in your nearest automotive store, buy several of them.

Alternate way to filter from Hermes (see his visual MG report on page 1):

"My favorite way to go about this is to first wash the whole seeds in a bowl with a little water and a very small amount of liquid handsoap. I slosh them around and rub them a bit in the soapy water (not too long--could reduce potency). I then rinse them good with cold water in one of those screen vegetable strainers. This is intended to wash off any fungicide or other adulterants. I then dry the seeds well with paper towels.

Then I grind the seeds in coffee grinder to a fairly fine consistency, but not to the point of being powder. The hulls should remain somewhat course, while the lighter colored inner stuff is pretty much powder. I then put this stuff into one or several empty tea bags. Don't overfill one. If the bags are small, use several. Next, put the bag(s) into a full glass of cold distilled water (w/squirt of lemon juice to acidify water beforehand) and use a spoon to press on them and make sure they are well-saturated with water. Let sit for 10 minutes in a cool dark place.

Use spoon to squeeze and agitate the bag against side of glass some more to get more stuff out. Don't press too hard or you will break the bag and get seed mush into the water, which is undesirable. Leave for 10 more minutes. Squeeze again. Leave for 10 minutes. Squeeze.

Remove bags after squeezing most of the water from them into the glass. You can suck on the bags if you want to get more stuff. I don't generally do this. Discard bags. Drink water."

Note (13) downwardsfromzero: "Here I've attached space-filling models of the LSH-hemiaminal (first picture) and the penniclavine-hemiaminal-spirodioxolane - "PHSD" (second picture). Note that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this latter compound even exists in morning glories, but it's a common chemical reaction for a glycol (like penniclavine) to form a dioxolane by reacting with an aldehyde. I suspect that there's no enzyme to support the formation of PHSD; this is purely a chemistry-based observation derived from the context of the discussion."

Since you mention the 1-acetaldehyde adduct of penniclavine [1-(1-hydroxyethyl)penniclavine], attached is a picture of the molecule, for your viewing pleasure. (Note that the the substituents at position 8 - hydroxy and hydroxymethyl - can be in one of two positions. When the hydroxy is below the hexagonal ring and the hydroxymethyl above when viewing the molecule as in the diagram below we have penniclavine. When the hydroxy is above and the hydroxymethyl below, we have isopenniclavine. These two bear the same relationship as lysergic acid and isolysergic acid.)

It also occurs to me that the two oxygen atoms can themselves, under acidic conditions, combine with a further molecule of acetaldehyde to form a cyclic ether or acetal (spirodioxolane!) and both the 1-hydroxyethyl group and this 8-spirodioxolane can exist as optical isomers - in the case of the spirodioxolane, because of its methyl group.

This spirodioxolane starts to resemble the space-filling and electron densities of LSH. I wonder if this could be significant too?

The acetaldehyde adduct would be C2H5O, as CH3COH attached at the indolic nitrogen - another 1-hydroxyethyl group, just like in LSH. From what you describe, this seems like an argument for soaking one's N¹-unsubstituted lysergamides in cold peppermint sherry for a while before consumption. Would this also include tryptamines such as DMT-containing potions for oral consumption, one might wonder? And what about psiloc(yb)in?

As I've mentioned, my most successful plant-derived lysergamide experience - in dreams, of course - albeit with HBWR, coincided with intake of a fairly large quantity of brandy which, in all likelihood, produced a significant level of acetaldehyde within my body, exposing the plant lysergamides to the correct conditions (as reported in the Austin & Fraenkel-Conrat PNAS paper) within my stomach for the putative 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) or, rather, it seems, the 1-(1-ethoxyethyl) derivative to be formed. In this case, the effects were clearly stimulating, unlike the sedative effects usually reported for HBWR. I see that brandy weighs in fairly well on the acetaldehyde content scale as well, btw (post #17)

Looking at the PNAS paper, and the molecular structure "indole after p8441", what we appear to get is a 1-(1-ethoxyethyl)indole, with an ethyl group on the oxygen atom. This would be more lipophilic than the 1-(1-hydroxyethyl) derivative, as would, incidentally, the cinnamaldehyde adduct proposed by 69ron. It is only with the combination of both ethanol and acetaldehyde (EDIT: rather. an alcohol and an aldehyde; see below) that we get a stable product. It would seem likely that under mildly acidic conditions ethanol and cinnamaldehyde (or, we might also surmise, any other sufficiently stable, sterically unhindered aldehyde) would also form a stable adduct. The systematic naming starts to get a bit horrible, but here goes: 1-(3-phenyl-1-ethyoxyprop-2-en-1-yl)indole derivatives. Now have a cookie.

And isovaleraldehyde would lead to the production of a 1-(1-ethoxy-3-methyl-1-butyl)indole derivative under this scheme. That'll have to do for now as I need to sleep. [EDIT: also of interest, we see the following: "Reaction mixtures were also prepared using 1-, 3-, and 4-carbon-chain aldehydes and alcohols. After 24 hr of reaction at ambient temperature, these alternative mixtures were analyzed on the same HPLC system. Reaction products (data not shown) were detected in all cases, except when the aldehyde was formaldehyde, and product retention time increased along with the length of the reagents' carbon chains. The yields decreased with increasing alcohol and aldehyde chain length (methanol/acetaldehyde - butanol/butyraldehyde)."]

Note (14) Paulke A, Kremer C, Wunder C, Wurglics M, Schubert-Zsilavecz M, Toennes SW. Identification of legal highs—ergot alkaloid patterns in two Argyreia nervosa products. Forensic Sci Int. 2014;242:62–71

Note (15) Breakdown of water soluble acetaldehyde & isovaleraldehyde (and their corresponding acids) in peppermint extract: 1mg standard is equivalent to .001ml, 5 drops used in recipe = .25ml, .25ml = 250mg identified compounds, alcohol percent of peppermint extract = 91% alcohol so then 250mg x 0.9% = 23mg leftover of compounds, assuming 9% of this is the acetaldehyde/isovaleraldehyde & their corresponding acids, [see paper "Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Mentha Species by Brahmi"] then approximately 2mg exists in 5 drops.

Note (16) Sample ALD-52 trip reports #1: Had the chance in dreams to try ALD-52 around 10 years ago twice, and the blotter had diagrams of the ALD-52 molecule on the back of the blotter, and both times found the 300ug trips experienced in dreams to be PROFOUNDLY VISUAL, remember looking at a living woman's face and seeing it covered & overlayed with colored hieroglyphic symbols. The trip was very strong visually and yet found it relaxed and potently humorous, laughed for at least an hour watching episodes of "Funny or die" at the time.

Also remember seeing a group of Indian Shaman's sitting in a circle floating in mid-air when I walked into the bedroom, potent visuals...miss ALD-52, but the recipe above will transform the morning glory seed's LSH and LSA into similar molecules at least at the bottom indole NH group, which helps significantly in achieving a visually strong trip, sounds are amplified and music heavenly, strong audio heightening qualities, euphoric & stimulating yet relaxed journeys.

Anything longer than around the length of an acetaldehyde molecule (C2 H4 O) attached at the NH indole of the ergoline LSD molecule (especially 1-p-LSD, propionyl = C3 H5 O) may not fit properly into the very specific receptor binding site (as ALD-52 fits, acetyl = C2 H3 O), so cinnamaledehyde (C9 H8 O) and similar very long structures may not have a chance of docking into the receptor site properly.

Note (17) Sample ALD-52 trip report #2: hxxps://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/comments/4yn8ou/highly_underestimated_ald52/ "Yes, I realize it's not technically LSD but really, it might as well be. I took 300ug thinking it would be mild if anything. Granted it wasn't as intense mentally as LSD can sometimes be, but conceptually and aesthetically it is beautiful beyond anything I ever anticipated. I feel perfect. At one. Better than I've felt in so long. I thought I could never trip again on anything but this is honestly paradigm changing for me. ALD-52 should be considered just as powerful as LSD-25 although it's a lot more relaxed and somewhat forgiving. As it is probably apparent I'm still very deep into this experience and I hope this to be an open discussion to anyone who would like to be involved.

My god, I just went through multiple ego death experiences beyond anything I've ever experienced from LSD before. There are no words. I mean there are plenty of "words" but none of them mean a single thing compared to any of THAT. Dear GOD. I never expected anything like this, but I sure as hell needed it. Even if I'm the only one here to express it to, as that's realistically the truth of nature anyhow. However, anyone who felt compelled to actually read through all this insanity, I just want you to know you're beautiful and you are everything. All things are right and they always will be.

Anyway, as far as the ALD-52, I took 300ug as I said. It was amazing and stronger than I expected, however I don't think 100ug would be very eventful to be perfectly honest. If you're concerned about it being too strong 200 might be worth it but 300 was really a great amount if you ask me. Even if you haven't taken any lysergamides before ALD-52 is rather calm compared to LSD or even mushrooms for the most part. Visually though, at least for me, it was absolutely breathtaking. Colors and textures were shifting like crazy.

Everything was alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically automatic and I reached that point multiple times. The first time I ever experienced ego death on LSD it left me with this beautiful feeling, like a deep inner glow that lasted for months afterwards. It eventually faded and I hadn't felt anything quite like it in years, but ALD-52 brought it back, and I feel like I've awakened from a spiritual coma.

Another thing is LSD sometimes causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own initiative to focus, especially during the come up which can also sometimes fill me with restless confusion. Once I peak everything usually evens out, but ALD-52 put me in a state of perfect clarity from beginning to end. The come up was so smooth and comfortable.

I didn't notice the come down because I actually went to sleep when I felt like it was time to do so, which was an interesting surprise. Every time I've taken LSD I've had to let it run its entire course before even attempting to sleep. Often I would have to stay up for the entire day after which is obviously physically and mentally exhausting. But once I felt like the ALD-52 had made its point I went to sleep just like any other day, and woke up the next morning fully rested and mentally clear.

Overall, it felt very natural and I never had a single moment of uncomfortability or confusion. Just pure psychedelic bliss. I mean, I've had some amazing and extremely important experiences on LSD but honestly after the other night, think I prefer ALD-52. It felt like tripping for the first time again."

Note [18] Sowed over a dozen fresh heavenly blue ipomoea tricolor from hirt's garden (the ones with 350 reviews) in each 17" wide x 15" tall planter with 7 foot round welded fence (from garden section of any big box home improvement store), after only 5 days...basically all seeds have sprouted in each planter. Watered them heavily once in morning, and once at night, we have a long summer & fall, winter starts really late.

Simply pressed each seed (using a long stick to poke thru opening in fence) about 1/4" deep into the mix of 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost + 2 cups perlite soil mix in each pot. Each round fence gives the equivalent growing area of a 4 foot wide x 7 foot tall regular fence.

Planter is a 17" wide x 15" huge tall beautiful Belize Chata Marsal Clay pot (shown in pic) with a piece of "rolled up welded-wire fence" inside the pot that will unwind automatically and fit the interior of the pot perfectly. I first fill the clay pot up with 3/4 miracle grow potting soil and 1/4 cow manure compost, both found at your local garden store. I mix it all together and add a handful of perlite to help water flow and aeration of oxygen in the soil.

The brand of wire fence is "Red-brand welded wire-fence" and it comes in rolls of 5 foot tall by like 100 foot wide, comes in a roll for only fifty bucks, you just use tin snips to cut off a piece, and then stick it inside your pot. The morning glories will climb the fence and produce thousands of seeds within the abundant number of seed pods formed at the end of the growing season in the fall. You can find the rolls of fence in the garden section at your local big box garden store. They have all different sizes.

The galvanized welded wire fence is so lightweight, you can even stack & wire tie another 5 foot section on top the first 5 foot section, for a total of 10 feet tall in all, but I attached another 2 foot section with tie wraps to make it 7 foot tall in all.

The application of NPK fertilizer (miracle grow) + composted cattle manure increased crop yield by 48.9% compared to NPK fertilizer alone ---> from 2017 Frontiers in Microbiology, 05 Sept 2017 "Composted Cattle Manure Increases Microbial Activity and Soil Fertility." Some users report that their plants grew three times in size once they added miracle grow soil to their existing potting soil.

For highest lysergic acid amide content in the seeds, it is recommended to add 1 tablespoon miracle grow powder to one gallon watering can with spout and feed only once per month during growing season.

This is the exact same soil mixture I used over 20 years ago when I had my several high potency dream experiences with the fresh slightly unripe seeds. Each planter will produce thousands of fresh seeds end of fall. 400 slightly un-ripe seeds equivalent visually, audially & entheogenically to around 180 mics of extremely pure acid, but with an even stronger euphoria component than conventional acid due to the alkaloidal penniclavine teamwork with the LSH. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous in the mornings.

Note (19) Additional Trip reports:

69ron & Kash also back up the claim that there are no LSA sedative effects left over or felt, only stimulating/energizing, euphoric and psychedelic qualities. 69ron writes about this for 2 pages and rightly so, as it is a revelation the first time you experience it. I think the reason some of his conversions worked 100% and others failed completely was because: 1) he did not acidify his solution, and 2) he did not use high acetaldehyde containing wine, but rather mint tea only, and 3) at other times he used rum (not much acetaldehyde that I know of.)
69ron: "Fact: This conversion, when it works, produces an effect that is very different from LSA. Far more like LSD, and stimulating instead of sedating. When it works, the difference is HUGE, not a tiny difference, the experience is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. I know the effects of LSA and LSD very well. He has used them many times. He guarantees that when the reaction works, there is NO NOTICEABLE LSA left at all in the experience. It becomes almost identical to an LSD experience at low doses. Totally different from LSA."
Kash: "Just took a 40 seed portion of LSA extract that was mixed for 15 minutes with peppermint oil yesterday and tripped his face off with a friend. Was very clean feeling and relaxed. Rainbows and vibrant fractal energy danced all over the skies and throughout his surroundings and music sounded great. The head-space was very acid like but different. Was a bit intense but he was able to keep it together lol. Whole trip was about 8 hrs long.

I have tried a 20 seed extract without peppermint oil and it seemed uncomfortable and sedating with no visuals, while every time he has added peppermint oil he has gotten visuals."
Note: All the experiments performed by 69ron and Kash were with extracts of HBWR seeds, they were transforming ONLY the high amounts of LSA and ergometrine in the seeds to the 1-acetaldehyde versions

Just imagine what kind of strong experience they could have had if they had only dreamed with traditional Shamanic used morning glory seeds (like editor did), to transform the high potency LSH & penniclavine into 1-acetaldehyde LSH & penniclavine. The high levels of ergometrine in the seeds (around 17% in HBWR vs 3-5% in morning glory) can have side effects once you start to get close to the visual side of it, see here:

3 experimenter's effects when ingesting pure ergonovine, another name for ergometrine (found in HBWR), June 1979 Journal of Psychedelic Drugs:
In the January-June 1979 issue of the Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, Jeremy Bigwood, Jonathan Ott, Catherine Thompson and Patricia Neely report on their attempt to replicate Hofmann's finding in three experiments with ergonovine maleate, each time in one pastoral setting. They were following up Wasson and Ruck, who tried the same amount as Hofmann but "did not experience distinct entheogenic effects."

With Thompson acting as a guide, three of them took 3mg. of ergonovine maleate, which appeared as a slightly phosphorescent bluish solution in water. Fifteen minutes later they felt like lying down and looking at the sky; then there were "very mild visual alterations, characterized by perception of an 'alive' quality in inanimate objects." Most of this effect passed within an hour; walking along the beach, they experienced mild leg cramps. Bigwood saw eidetic imagery before going to bed, and the three "slept easily...awakening refreshed in the morning."

The three experimenters were "convinced that ergonovine was psychoactive, but only J.B. was persuaded the drug was entheogenic." They decided to try it again two weeks later in an increased dosage of 5 mg., but Neely took only 3.75mg. "Again, we experienced lassitude and leg cramps, more pronounced than in the earlier experiment." The psychic effects were more intense than previously, particularly eidetic imagery. "Now it was clear to all of us that ergonovine was entheogenic...The entheogenic effects, however, were very mild, while the somatic effects were quite strong. We had none of the euphoria characteristic of LSD and Psilocybin experiences."

To determine if higher consciousness alteration was possible, they tried larger oral doses of ergonovine maleate a week later. This time, Neely took a dose of 7.5mg and the others took 10mg:

"One of us (J.O.) described "flashes in periphery, ringing in ears, inner restlessness" 40 minutes after ingestion, and later noted "mild hallucinosis, cramps in legs and felt the cramping in the legs as painful and debilitating. The psychic effects did not increase with the same magnitude as the somatic effects...For what seemed like hours, we lay on our backs atop a small pumphouse, watching fluffy cumulus clouds pass silently above us. The effects were still quite intense six hours after ingestion. One of us experienced abundant eidetic imagery, rapidly-changing, colorful geometric patterns, undulating, never still. We all had a slight hangover the following morning."
Polytrip: "A friend of mine is on antidepressants. He once took LSH with his daily dose of nortryptilin. He convinced me that the effects where exactly like LSD. So yesterday i took two of his nortrilen tablets and some LSH obtained from a handfull of morning glory seeds, and some passionflower. I was stunned. In the dark and with closed eyes, the effects where EXACTLY like those of LSD.

The only difference was that in the light it was a little less like LSD. LSH is a very odd phenomenon. It's very much like LSD, but it in my experience it takes a little longer before it's fully active. I also experienced an LSH trip on unprocessed seeds once. It seems that LSH is present in high amounts in some seeds. At the same time i believe that sometimes LSA is converted in the body into some more psychedelic compound that could be LSH."
Jamie: "Yeah that LSH can be very visually powerful..the only time I got morning glories to work was when they were fresh..and they blew away LSD for me. I had real visions..I am thinking there was more LSH in them than LSA..all the other times I just got some euphoria and nausea."
Aegle: "LSH comes on far quicker than LSA, within about 30 min as opposed to an hour for me personally. LSH is far more acid like in the visuals and in the total experience."
Note (20) Additional trip reports:

A few normal trip reports with MG seeds high in natural LSH, note following reports were "normal" and were written before the accidental discovery of recipe above, ie no added acidifiers to water, nor 1 shot sherry, nor mint tea or 5 peppermint extract drops. But they are given to show the dream value of morning glory seeds with good amounts of natural LSH:

Piper methysticum: "Morning Glory seeds are definitely the most euphoric psychedelic I've ever taken during the onset and the first part of the peak. Not even a strong dose of MDA could compete with the euphoria I felt from 12g of Morning Glory seeds. However, the comparison of LSA alkaloids to MDA is ridiculous. The visuals from Morning Glory seeds are quite inconsistent for me. The first time I tried them, at 9g, the visuals were very dull, but the mental and physical aspects were awesome.

My second time at 12g, the visuals were beyond amazing. I got the feeling of being completely in a warp through time and visuals were flying past me and unimaginable speeds. A couple of my unexperienced friends were talking about the tracers they were seeing at the same time this was happening to me. I had to laugh. With just 6g my third time, I also had some pretty amazing visuals, though they weren't nearly as mind blowing."

Next, I ordered some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. With eight seeds, the visuals were again, amazing. With twelve seeds, I had little visual effect at all. ..At least nothing I could make sense out of. With six seeds, again, no visuals. This I found to be strange, and I also noticed that I enjoyed the Morning Glory seeds more despite the part of eating a handful of seeds. However, through all of this, Morning Glory has become one of my favorite psychedelics of all.
bluedolphin: "I get some impressive visuals off around 200 seeds. I've even had kaleidescopic vision from ~225 seeds. Granted I tend to get more visuals than most people, but at your dose I'm not surprised at all that you had some strong visuals."
DJAngrE: "oh hell yeah, i've had major kaleidoscopic vision (but only when i close my eyes) i've actually had the strongest OEVs of any drug i've tried including mushrooms... LSA is the best music drug in my opinion, next time maybe take a couple hits of weed (with a much smaller dose of seeds of course) i promise it'll be just as sweet."
human: "I tried out LSAs for the first time recently and I found them to be the most comfortable substance I've ever been on. While I don't have that much experience (mdma, mushrooms, 2C-I), I enjoyed the somtic aspects of LSA much more than the other substances I've tried. It seems you also found them quite comfortable. And yes, I believe LSA and MDMA are contraindicated. LSAs constrict blood vessels, and mdma raises blood pressure/heartrate. Bad combo. I also agree with the suggestion to smoke a bit of cannabis to ease the nausea."
PimpTurk: "LSA is a really great drug..with roughly 200 heavenly blue seeds i saw ganesha morphing on my friends wall...not to mention all the mind bending breathing every object was doing.....and yes the comeup is EXTREMELY euphoric , it ranks up their will rolling in my opinion.....im thinking about trying them again VERY soon."
MrNice: "The pesticides wont kill you, they will make you puke a lot though. I'm pretty lucky with MG seeds, my highest dose was 500 and even then i didnt get any nausea or leg cramps. I normally stick to around 250, i'll get a nice 7hr trip from them...the best way i can describe how i feel on them is serene. Everything feels so good, colours are brighter, music sounds richer, plus their cheap & easy to get hold of.

Usually have an LSA trip about once a week. One of the best effects is that you dont seem to get a comedown with them, its more of an afterglow. Your not tripping but you feel really relaxed and content.
Note (21) This is how I got into growing mg, put it in quotes because I feel it was more a message from the Aztec Shaman:
Over 20 years ago, a girl and I both dropped 10 hits each of super old 15 year old decomposed acid, it had a sick feeling for the first 2 hours, but then it worked and skyrocketed us to a higher divine plane, it was very strong.

She and I both saw the exact same vision for 20 minutes straight which had formed out of the shadows cast by the fake Christmas tree lights onto the wall--a 20 minute "schooling" by an ancient powerful & spiritually prominent Shaman from Aztec era --- I have never had an experience like that ever again to this day--it was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Shaman sat on a living throne made of spirit animals (birds, jaguars, otters, pumas, macaws, toucans) that morphed into other animals constantly, to the left and right of him were centaurs (half animal below, half naked female above), the great Pyramid of the Aztec capital behind him, and he showed me the rise and fall of several civilizations throughout time--and what is even more amazing--is that we both saw the exact same vision.

The Shaman also wore a huge beautiful headdress made of feathers and the detail of the 20 minute animated vision was beyond 4k, and extremely detailed--it was also the vision in which I saw snakevines behind the centaurs, and before the Shaman left us at the end, he motioned to me with his eyes to look to the right of the living room out the window into the patio area where I had an empty garden plot--he was trying to tell me to plant entheogenic plants in the plot--his point in showing me the rise and fall of the different civilizations was that I believe he was trying to tell me that "if humanity is to survive, the only hope is a Spiritual Solution".
Note (22) The sources were clear that the kykeon's other ingredient, mint (menthe pulegium) was fresh mint. Mint appears to have played a symbolic role in Eleusinian myth; being Hades' concubine, Mint was "dismembered by the jealous wife Persephone." See Wasson, "The Road to Eleusis", 111.

Note (23) Received this question:
Can one extract the seeds with just a simple crush, soak in 190 proof alcohol, strained and evap/dry, then scrape into caps?
Great question, unfortunately that will destroy the LSH, as LSH is labile & unstable and only survives in acidic environments, like cold acidic water for example. LSH will decompose to LSA quickly if above procedure is done.

Note (24) "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali", Stevens & Hall, 1961. Claviceps paspali infects the wild grass Paspalum distichum L. which grows in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis where the priest made the secret entheogenic potion to serve to hundreds of initiates at once for 2,000 years straight.

Note (25) hxxps://www.researchgate.net/publication/317412224_Mixing_the_Kykeon
Albert Hofmann proposed that the kykeon sacred brew at Eleusis could have been made from Claviceps Paspali infected wild grass, which contains the same rich mixture of psychedelic alkaloids as the Aztec ipomoea tricolor morning glory.

Note (26) Chemist Peter Webster from above link in note 25: "I can personally assure readers that the alkaloids of morning glory are, when prepared correctly, quite capable of producing the entire range of powerful pysychedelic effects. The principle psychoactive compounds of morning glory are also the major alkaloids found in Claviceps paspali, yet they are not found in C. purpurea."
I'll append a link to my own LSA-acetaldehyde experience, already briefly described here. This was one of the more visual attempts with natural lysergamide-containing seeds. The experience followed a night involving the consumption of a significant amount of brandy, thus there was an incontestable residue of acetaldehyde in my body.

The seeds themselves, being HBWR, were much more likely to have contained LSA as the principal alkaloid; they will not have been particularly fresh. Although the inference counts as purely anecdotal, I feel it supports at least one of these ideas:
*that the 1-acetaldehyde adduct of LSA (or, possibly from what we've learned so far, iso-LSA) is likely to be more of a visionary entheogen than plain LSA itself.
*that post-alcoholic acidity in the body promotes the formation of the more visionary iso-LSA from the LSA equilibrium mixture in vivo.
*that, under physiological conditions, acetaldehyde inhibits the breakdown of LSH such that - in the aforementioned instance - sufficient LSH reached the appropriate receptor sites to produce a mild but significant entheogenic experience.
*that, under physiological conditions, acetaldehyde reacts with LSA at the amide nitrogen to (re-)form LSH.

While I consider the last option the least likely, and in the past I have argued against the possibility of it happening, it's still not something I would discount entirely. Still, I wouldn't bank on it and would advise all readers that acetaldehyde conversion of seed extracts containing lysergamide are best carried out in vitro as ethanol and acetaldehyde present health hazards when ingested!
downwardsfromzero said:
All I would add here is that, quite a few years ago, HBWR seeds provided me with a spiritual experience that was most definitely psychedelic.

The prior night I had been drinking brandy . I chewed and swallowed a few seeds largely on a whim, after searing off the hairy coat with a piece of hot charcoal. Soon afterwards I fell asleep. I awoke shortly after sunrise. This was at midsummer so I'd been asleep for three or four hours. It took me a while to work out what was going on because at first I thought it was just a hangover.

The experience proper began only after (induced) vomiting - on what seemed like the advice of the plant itself. The neon-electric zingyness of LSD was all but absent, although there was a fractal overlay with eyes open. The overall feel was more earthy and organic. A wise, stern-but-kind voice within gave me most useful advice for several hours. This also contrasted with the 8 hours solid 'LMAO' that LSD so often provides. The divinatory use of this type of material makes absolute sense.

I count this among the more significant entheogenic experiences of my life.
Sounds like a very spiritual experience downwardsfromzero, "fractal overlays with open eyes, organic feel & internal voice which gave useful advice for hours." I've read that sometimes when people have taken mushrooms in high amounts they hear a voice that talks to them too.

I've also had the clear spiritual voice experience which gave useful advice for what seemed like an hour or more on high dose acid once decades ago, also count it as one of the most significant moments in my life:

It was the 2nd time in my life had dreamed an enormous amount of acid all at once, the 1st time written a few posts above in (note 20) where we met the animated Aztec shaman on the wall for a 20 minute "schooling" was with 10 hits of 15 year old decomposed acid that a friend had given me that he had stored between the pages of a book for 15 years, not even in a baggie, blacklight showed only 60% of it remained as splotches on each hit.

The 2nd time was around 8 years before that, it was with 10 hits of fresh acid, was feeling down in my life at that point for some reason, and decided what the heck...just go for it...the trip was so strong in the beginning that I left the couch I was sitting on and floated above my body, I thought I had died, and pleeded with God to please let me live...all I could see was my body & couch below me and the bible I had left on the end table...I floated above my body like a near death experience for at least 2 minutes...I thought I had surely died...then like a miracle I shot back into my body as if attached by a rubber band.

That was the day I realized that our consciousness exist outside ourselves, and still lives on outside the body...the body is just a vessel for our consciousness & spirit.

It was the same night the soothing spiritual voice talked to me for an hour or more given me advice, saw 3 miniature (around one foot tall) angels with wings all holding hands and dancing around a bush in a circle in the front yard as I sat on the porch, elves popping out of the ground playfully, the great pyramid of Egypt floating in mid-air with gold covered sheen all over the bricks, as if created anew, two dragons with golden skin spiraling together like DNA in the air, beautiful open eye visuals.

With closed eyes, a giant spherical structure round like the earth had colored intricate geometries on it's surface that changed into other geometries continuously and travelled across the surface of the globe, never ending.
Today on 7/25/2020 edited the original thread, made spelling corrections, added paragraph found on why Dr. Albert Hofmann also thinks that Claviceps Paspali (same exact high LSH & penniclavine alkaloid profile as the Mexican morning glory when fresh) was the entheogen used at Eleusis (page 1 of paper) and added trip reports from u/Gu1l7y5p4rk who took claviceps paspali infected grass instead of mowing it in his back yard!, also added a pic of claviceps paspali infected grass, which grows in the famous Rarian plain adjacent to Eleusis which the priest administering the brew to the hundreds of initiates at once could have easily picked and brewed. Also expanded on note (12) on how to filter the mg acidic cold water extract two different ways, your choice.
Received a bunch of questions, here are the answers:

1) DL tartaric can be found at *bay or *mazon, $7 ph meter from *bay, also buy ph=7 calibration solution to calibrate your meter...take water down to ph=4 only, no lower, do not overdo, too low a ph or too much acid is bad for health and can upset ph balance, crushed vitamin C or lemon juice can be used instead. I used DL tartaric acid cause that's what Chemist Peter Webster used, it is what chemist use to salt out LSD to the stable salt form too.

Please don't eat the seeds, the Shamans and indigenous people NEVER ate the seeds. A group of teens went to the emergency room last year after eating the seeds...they are bad on the stomach and intestines. I personally hate nausea, and have prepared 100% nausea free brews to the stomach and intestines for two decades from Ayahuasca, cactus & morning glory seeds using the cotton ball in a funnel filtering...see 3rd pic down...cotton ball and funnel is the best invention since the toothbrush!

Traditionally (e.g. as reported from Wasson) they only soaked the mushed seeds briefly in water, then strained and immediately drank. Even Hermes and Nogal (both extracted 400 to 500 seeds into cold acidic water using a squirt of lemon juice) both reported EXTREMELY VISUAL MG trip reports.

2) you use 250 seeds, I used 400 seeds, there are 32 to 35 seeds per gram. So 12 to 14 grams is 400 seeds to 500 seeds. Just like the report from Erowid (that I agree with) saids "400 dry seeds is equal to less than 1 hit of acid, but 400 slightly unripe seeds fresh from vine is like 2 or 3 hits".

But since there are 2 strong drugs in the seeds, not just LSH, but also penniclavine (lab animals became stimulated & reacted like they received LSD when injected with penniclavine in 1958, Yui and Takeo) the euphoria and appreciation for beauty is very strong, MUCH STRONGER than the semi-synthetic LSD, which is more "analytical" and "less aesthetic" imho. I'm going to talk about this for a little bit because I feel it is important...

Remember, Penniclavine (found in extremely high amounts in the seeds & in claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them) binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors. We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

The adrenal receptors are hit heavily by NATURAL entheogens like mescaline, Ayahuasca with caapi, shrooms, and are believed by some to be responsible for alot of the "aesthetics/euphoria/appreciation of beauty" feeling activity that is experienced while tripping. Mescaline for example binds to A2C with "off the chart" rating of 4.00 (max). Anyone who has ever dreamed cactus knows the appreciation for beauty is "thru the roof". See chart below.

LSD only agonizes adrenal A2A (as far as adrenal receptors).

Also, see the report from dragonrider, people have reported when they combine even a small amount of extract from the seeds with LSD, often they get overwhelming open and closed eye visuals & "defragmentation of the mind" like they have never seen or felt before & greatly increased euphoria & appreciation for beauty...seen a couple reports like that on Erowid as well.

3) The amount of water to use is up to you, Hermes used a glassful, I prefer 17oz (or more than 2 glassful) for 400 seeds.

4) When making the Bigelow Mint medley tea (use around 1 tablespoon of the tea leaf) or several tea bags, you are making the tea beforehand using spring water boiling on the stove, then boil it down to around 1/2 cup, then stick in fridge till chilled, then and only then when it is chilled do you add it to your filtered seed extract.

5) No matter what Sherry wine you use, it will all contain avg 10mg per shotglass, my grocery store only carries one brand of Sherry, you will see it in the 3rd photo down in thread, where 20 photos are posted.

6) Best fresh seeds imho come from hirt's garden, with over 375 reviews, planted 15 in each planter, and all 30 of them sprouted in 5 days with watering morning and night for the 1st week. They are monsters as they grown in a mix of 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost, with 2 cups perlite, all gotten from garden store. They are 3 times bigger than normal morning glory and lysergic acid amide content is extremely high as a result.

7) You only want the ground seed mush to sit in the cold acidic water for 10 to 15 minutes tops, even only 5 minutes if you want...the longer you let seed mush sit...the easier it is for "stringy slime" to form which is harder to filter...remember the indigenous people only soaked the seed mush BRIEFLY in water, then strained, and immediately drank (Wasson, discoverer of mushrooms rites in South America).

The alkaloids in the seed embryo are in the salt form, so they will dissolve quickly into the water. You don't want the seed mush to soak in the water for 3 hours! The 3 hour soak is done after you filter the seeds...when you put the filtered solution in the fridge with the added 1/2 cup of Bigelow's chilled mint tea with or without added 5 drops of peppermint extract and 1 shot (30ml) of cold sherry.

Then swirl it once per hour while it sits in fridge, take it out and consume after 1, 2, or 3 hours, your choice. I left mine to sit in fridge for 3 hours but "1992 adducts study" found acetaldehyde adducts formed with indole at 100% after only around 1.5 hour. This may even occur "in vivo" in the liver without soaking externally, we just don't know yet.

8] You only need to extract the seeds one time, not a 2nd time.

9) No, you are not wasting your time, I have dreamed this in dreams, see my potent trip report in page 1 of this thread, also see very visual trip reports by Hermes, Nogal (both used cold water acidifed with a squirt of lemon juice), and trip reports by downwardsfromzero, Triglav, dragonrider, Chemist Peter Webster.

Krystle Cole (she has lots of videos on you tube, and book "Lysergic" about her ergot wine experience in one of the chapters). She is the former Goth stripper from Kansas who fell in love with LSD Chemist Todd Skinner.

Believe it or not, but I learned the CWE (cold water extract) from Hermes 20 years ago at the now defunct Lycaeum.

Thomas S. Ray, Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome (2010):
Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max (off the charts), 0.00=min
LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00 (make up >80% of brain 5-ht)
LSD: 5ht1b = 4.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.19, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.41
LSD: 5ht1d = 3.70, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 3.40, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.48
LSD: 5ht1e = 2.62, DMT: = 3.28, psilocin = 3.03, mescaline = 3.16, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.72
LSD: 5ht2a = 3.54, DMT: = 2.58, psilocin = 2.14, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.98
LSD: 5ht2b = 3.11, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 4.00, mescaline = 3.97, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.69 (sensual & entactogenic)
LSD: 5ht2c = 3.11, DMT: = 3.42, psilocin = 2.52, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.55
LSD: 5ht5a = 3.64, DMT: = 3.16, psilocin = 2.83, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.84
LSD: -5ht6 = 3.75, DMT: = 3.35, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.73
LSD: -5ht7 = 3.77, DMT: = 4.00, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.69 (novelty, newness)
LSD: ---D1 = 2.34, DMT: = 3.51, psilocin = 3.37, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.38
LSD: -A-2A = 2.93, DMT: = 2.75, psilocin = 1.36, mescaline = 2.92, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2a)
LSD: -A-2B = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.57, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.86 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2b)
LSD: -A-2C = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.03, mescaline = 4.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.57 (aesthetic/beauty adrenal a2c)
As we go thru day to day life, the 5-ht1a brain serotonin filters (gates, or day to day survival filters as I like to call them) which make up over 80% of brain 5-ht are in place so that we will not be overwhelmed by the perception of the way things would appear to an un-filtered mind, or "Mind at Large" as Aldous Huxley describes it in "Doors of Perception" as "infinite or eternal". He also referred to the visions as coming from "the other world" in his book "Moksha". I prefer to think of it in similar terms as well "the spirit world" or "the other world". Huxley referred to normal day to day mind state as the "reducing valve" due to it's filtering.

5-ht1a inhibition by entheogens (in green above) theoretically cause this filter system to be lifted, and the infinite mind to manifest in combination with oral dmt from traditional psychotria for example with the caapi and/or harmalas providing the 5-ht1a inhibition, just as bufotenine in snuff's provide the 5-ht1a inhibition combined with the dmt in the snuff's, resulting in a 3 hour experience ie both examples of Teamwork on how these entheogens are used traditionally in the Amazon.

Thomas S. Ray's study shows a value of 3.57 at SERT for Ibogaine (4.00 is max). Ibogaine has been shown to inhibit serotonin transporter (SERT) noncompetitively, in contrast to all other known inhibitors, which are competitive with substrate. Ibogaine inhibits both serotonin and dopamine reuptake transporters, it is an SDRI or serotonin & dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it is an SRI found in caapi. In other words, both are strong serotonin reuptake inhibitors which inhibit over 80% of brain 5-ht at 5-ht1a.

Dr. Nichols (LSD scientist): "LSD has very strong potency in blocking the action of serotonin. The morpholide lysergamide cousin had only about 1/10th the potency in blocking serotonin. Of the 5 diferent dialkylamides we studied LSD was the most potent and specific serotonin antagonist."

Dr. Nichols "5-ht1a makes up >80% of brain 5-ht...5-ht1a agonism blocks serotonin."

Serotonin blocking is a main effect of all the natural oral entheogens like the semi-synthetic LSD, mescaline, Ayahuasca, mushrooms, 5-meo-dmt & bufotenine (found in snuffs). See 2011 receptorome chart above. Ibogaine inhibits both serotonin and dopamine reuptake transporters (it is an SDRI or serotonin & dopamine reuptake inhibitor).

An example of the importance of adding the serotonin reuptake inhibition properties of 5-meo-dmt for example to dmt (which totally lacks 5-ht1 reuptake properites on it's own) is shown below. This is the same way the snuff's are used in the amazon, as they naturally combine dmt with additives which cause the reuptake of 5-ht like bufotenin for example, this results in a 3 hour experience from the snuff's.

Oroc's experiment of combining 5-meo-dmt with DMT sounds imho very much like a short beautiful transcendental Ayahuasca experience, from his book "Tryptamine Palace":

DMT + tiny amounts of 5-meo-dmt, perhaps similar theoretically to Amazonian snuffs which have a makeup of 7.4% bufotenin (potent 5-ht1a agonist), 0.04% 5-MeO-DMT (potent 5-ht1a agonist) & 0.16% DMT (zero potency as 5-ht1a agonist):

James Oroc "Tryptamine Palace":
As an experiment (and in a foreign land) I smoked the last of the Bufo alvarius venom (the story of whose collection is described within the pages of Tryptamine Palace) with some ‘regular’ DMT (extracted from Jurema Preta.). In the vast majority of my early nigerine (DMT) experiences, I encountered visual fields of ‘dots’ that would come together to form images, much like the pointillism style of painting developed by Georges Seurat or the Australian Aboriginal song-line paintings.

With the addition of the 5-MeO-DMT containing toad-venom to the DMT however, the visual characteristic was completely different and totally unique to my experiences so far. On this occasion there was a complete lack of ‘dots’ or ‘points’ of any kind, the fine lines of the constantly changing imagery were like those painted with a single-hair brush on Tibetan thangkas and due to the overwhelming artistry of what I was seeing, I could only think of the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in comparison.

Sistene Chapel: This was without a doubt the most ‘visionary’ experience I have ever been fortunate enough to encounter and I lay there with my eyes shut watching the most fantastic parade of the Collective Unconsciousness imaginable, wishing that it would never end, and as I sit here now I can not even describe one tiny corner of it, since every image in the multitude of imagery was in such constant motion that they defied all but a glimpse. And then moments later, like a tent collapsing when its ropes are cut, the vision is gone. Leaving only a struggle of words to explain it, since nothing before or after has come close to this experiences visual majesty.

This experience leads to the interesting question of selectively combining DMT and 5-MeO-DMT for a more visionary and somewhat less overwhelmingly transcendental experience. (Or for the other way around). This combining of the two endogenous entheogens is being tested in changa blends (reportedly at a 90% DMT to 10% 5-MeO-DMT ratio), while many Pharmahuasca urban-shamans are also adding 5-MeO-DMT to their ayahuasca-analogues to transform and deepen that experience. It seems likely to me that the combining of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT in various ratios and manners will only become more popular as the exponentially increasing number of psychonauts search for new psychological terrain to explore.
Note (1) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

Note (2) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

Have had hundreds of dreams with small amounts of home grown cactus (containing perhaps around 300 to 400mg actives) which used to combine with Hofmann's potion in dreams in the distant past (in order to amplify the beauty of the rare cactus) resulting in hours of unbelievable open and closed eye visions, breathtaking infinitely beautiful experiences, and had around 3 very potent dream experiences with fresh off the vine seeds.

Only wish had vacuum packed & froze more of the seeds, only kept around 900 fresh off the vine seeds long ago. Just recently started growing the snakevine again. The seeds you use to grow with can be kept in a sealed jar in the fridge.
Please don't eat the seeds, the Shamans and indigenous people NEVER ate the seeds. A group of teens went to the emergency room last year after eating the seeds...they are bad on the stomach and intestines. I personally hate nausea, and have prepared 100% nausea free brews to the stomach and intestines for two decades from Ayahuasca, cactus & morning glory seeds using the cotton ball in a funnel filtering...see 3rd pic down...cotton ball and funnel is the best invention since the toothbrush!
Considering how many species of Ipomoea are used as laxatives/purgatives, this information really bears repeating. Just research "Jalap root" to get the picture, kids! The purgative effects are due to water-insoluble resin. That is the rationale of the CWE and filtering, to get as far away as possible from this water-insoluble stuff.
downwardsfromzero said:
Considering how many species of Ipomoea are used as laxatives/purgatives, this information really bears repeating. Just research "Jalap root" to get the picture, kids! The purgative effects are due to water-insoluble resin. That is the rationale of the CWE and filtering, to get as far away as possible from this water-insoluble stuff.
Well said downwardsfromzero, Jalap is "the purga de Sierra Gorda of the Mexicans", "Purga" means to throw up.

This bears repeating too:

9) No, you are not wasting your time, have dreamed this in dreams, see my trip report below & also see visual trip reports on 400 to 500 seeds by Hermes, Nogal (both used cold water acidified with a squirt of lemon juice) and trip reports by downwardsfromzero, Triglav, dragonrider, Chemist Peter Webster.

Krystle Cole (she has lots of videos on you tube, and book "Lysergic" about her ergot wine experience in one of the chapters). She reported that she saw "constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head."

Todd had made 6 jugs of the ergot wine and stored them for years in the underground missile silo they lived in. It was so powerful that Krystle said Skinner would say a Prayer before they both consumed, he never did that with anything else she said. How ironic that two LSD chemist (Pickard and Skinner) lived in an abandoned missile silo, "LSD is the bomb". 😁

She is the former Goth stripper from Kansas who fell in love with LSD Chemist Todd Skinner.

Believe it or not, but I learned the CWE (cold water extract) from Hermes 20 years ago at the now defunct Lycaeum.

Erowid report:
The unripened seed pods of the Morning Glory reveal a white, much larger, soft seed with some green in the middle of the kernel. I have found that this state of the seeds is more than twice as potent as the black dried seeds. 400 dried is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh is like about 2 or three hits.
Myself (500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 slightly un-ripe seeds fresh from vine grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost) procedure given in (note 12):
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
In conclusion:

The kykeon secret entheogen prepared by the Priest at Eleusis in ancient Greece for 2,000 years (which the initiates consumed in Sept year after year) needed to be an entheogen that:

(1) hundreds of people could take at once
(2) it had to be enjoyable
(3) had a low "freak out factor" (hundreds of people were taking it all together!)
(4) needed to grow in large amounts (enough to feed hundreds of people at once for 2,000 years, consistently year after year.)

Ergot infected paspalum distichum grass (which has been known to grow adjacent to Eleusis in the famous Rarian plain) fits the bill imho.

1-acetaledhyde LSH and 1-acetaldehyde penniclavine is what LSH and penniclavine convert to when you mix it with mint, which the priest added to the brew (we know this from the ancient writings). Not to mention researchers in 1961 found that Claviceps Paspali infected grass makes high amounts of LSH in culture, Stevens & Hall, it all fits together in theory. When tripping on it, you have complete control of your faculties yet you still trip your brains out, similar to ALD-52 (1-acetyl LSD) which is relaxing, forgiving yet highly visual and potent.

As everyone knows, 2 drugs combined is more potent than just one, the same 2 strong drugs are found both in the Aztec morning glory and the Greek claviceps paspali infected paspalum distichum L. grass when fresh.

Please see the 20 pics in this thread too, there is a pic of CLAVICEPS PASPALI ERGOT INFECTED PASPALUM DISTICHUM GRASS (last pic). I even give some trip reports with the ergot from the grass in the thread.

Ergot infected Claviceps paspali contains the exact same alkaloid profile as the Aztec Morning glory, both contain sky high amounts of LSH and penniclavine when fresh.

I have tripped my brains out on 400 fresh morning glory seeds, here is my report, there is no doubt in my mind the kykeon was claviceps paspali infected ergot imho in theory, even Albert Hofmann & chemist Peter Webster both think so, see here:

Myself (500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 slightly un-ripe seeds fresh from vine grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost) procedure given in (note 12):
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
From page 1:
Peter Webster said "I can personally assure readers that the alkaloids of morning glory are, when prepared correctly, quite capable of producing the entire range of powerful pysychedelic effects. The principle psychoactive compounds of morning glory are also the major alkaloids found in Claviceps paspali, yet they are not found in C. purpurea." (note 26).

Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD) proposed a hypothesis that the kykeon might have been prepared from the species of ergot as well: Claviceps paspali, growing not on barley (or only rarely) but on wild grasses of the region such as Paspalum distichum. The hypothesis appears attractive because C. paspali produces a much more psychedelic blend of alkaloids than C. purpurea, similar to that contained in the redoubtable Western hemisphere psychedelic plant of the Aztecs, ololiuhqui ie morning glory. In addition, the toxic ergopeptine alkaloids are completely absent in this ergot species (note 25).

Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture (note 24): "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall". Picture of Eleusian Mysteries & center for Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...ALL men, women & even slave were invited) in ancient Greece attached.

Chemist Peter Webster even wrote that morning glory & Paspalum distichum L. grass infected with claviceps paspali both contain the exact same alkaloids, though no one seemed to notice his writings. Just like the remarkable book "Road to Eleusis" by Albert Hofmann, Wasson & Prof Ruck that was mostly ignored by the scholars, as the book had disappointing sales.
And yes, even LSD can be converted to 1-acetaldehyde LSD or what is very similar to ALD-52 (1-acetyl LSD) at home using the study solution recipe given in (note 12). See sample ALD-52 trip reports from myself and others (note 16) and (note 17). Remember, this was all confirmed by the 1992 adducts study (note 6).

The table from Sandoz suggested that ALD-52 might actually have advantages over LSD, reducing any side effects but achieving a stronger trip. Measurements of brain waves while people were taking the two drugs showed that while LSD produced brain waves associated with intense concentration and anxiety, ALD produced brain waves showing a more relaxed mental state.

Note (16): My ALD-52 dream experience from long ago on 300ugs:
Had the chance in dreams to try ALD-52 around 10 years ago twice, and the blotter had diagrams of the ALD-52 molecule on the back of the blotter, and both times found the 300ug trips experienced in dreams to be PROFOUNDLY VISUAL, remember looking at a living woman's face and seeing it covered & overlayed with colored hieroglyphic symbols. The trip was very strong visually and yet found it relaxed and potently humorous, laughed for at least an hour watching episodes of "Funny or die" at the time.

Also remember seeing a group of Indian Shaman's sitting in a circle floating in mid-air when I walked into the bedroom, potent visuals...miss ALD-52, but the recipe in thread will transform the morning glory seed's LSH and penniclavine into similar molecules at least at the bottom indole NH group, which helps significantly in achieving a visually strong trip, sounds are amplified and music heavenly, strong audio heightening qualities, euphoric & stimulating yet relaxed journeys.
Note (17) Sample ALD-52 trip report #2:

Yes, I realize it's not technically LSD but really, it might as well be. I took 300ug thinking it would be mild if anything. Granted it wasn't as intense mentally as LSD can sometimes be, but conceptually and aesthetically it is beautiful beyond anything I ever anticipated. I feel perfect. At one. Better than I've felt in so long. I thought I could never trip again on anything but this is honestly paradigm changing for me. ALD-52 should be considered just as powerful as LSD-25 although it's a lot more relaxed and somewhat forgiving. As it is probably apparent I'm still very deep into this experience and I hope this to be an open discussion to anyone who would like to be involved.

My god, I just went through multiple ego death experiences beyond anything I've ever experienced from LSD before. There are no words. I mean there are plenty of "words" but none of them mean a single thing compared to any of THAT. Dear GOD. I never expected anything like this, but I sure as hell needed it. Even if I'm the only one here to express it to, as that's realistically the truth of nature anyhow. However, anyone who felt compelled to actually read through all this insanity, I just want you to know you're beautiful and you are everything. All things are right and they always will be.

Anyway, as far as the ALD-52, I took 300ug as I said. It was amazing and stronger than I expected, however I don't think 100ug would be very eventful to be perfectly honest. If you're concerned about it being too strong 200 might be worth it but 300 was really a great amount if you ask me. Even if you haven't taken any lysergamides before ALD-52 is rather calm compared to LSD or even mushrooms for the most part. Visually though, at least for me, it was absolutely breathtaking. Colors and textures were shifting like crazy.

Everything was alive and magical. Patterns were forming everywhere. I could lose myself so easily as the visuals seemed to drag my focus in without any effort. As a result, ego death was basically automatic and I reached that point multiple times. The first time I ever experienced ego death on LSD it left me with this beautiful feeling, like a deep inner glow that lasted for months afterwards. It eventually faded and I hadn't felt anything quite like it in years, but ALD-52 brought it back, and I feel like I've awakened from a spiritual coma.

Another thing is LSD sometimes causes my mind to wander uncontrollably unless I take my own initiative to focus, especially during the come up which can also sometimes fill me with restless confusion. Once I peak everything usually evens out, but ALD-52 put me in a state of perfect clarity from beginning to end. The come up was so smooth and comfortable.

I didn't notice the come down because I actually went to sleep when I felt like it was time to do so, which was an interesting surprise. Every time I've taken LSD I've had to let it run its entire course before even attempting to sleep. Often I would have to stay up for the entire day after which is obviously physically and mentally exhausting. But once I felt like the ALD-52 had made its point I went to sleep just like any other day, and woke up the next morning fully rested and mentally clear.

Overall, it felt very natural and I never had a single moment of uncomfortability or confusion. Just pure psychedelic bliss. I mean, I've had some amazing and extremely important experiences on LSD but honestly after the other night, think I prefer ALD-52. It felt like tripping for the first time again.
As dragonride has mentioned in his trip reports, combining as little as a small amount of the morning glory extract with LSD resulted in overwhelming visuals.

Fresh off the vine Morning glory contains alkaloid teamwork between LSH & Penniclavine. Penniclavine is stimulating like LSD (Yui & Takeo). LSD only agonizes adrenal A2A (as far as adrenal receptors).

Penniclavine (found in extremely high amounts in the Aztec seeds & in the Greek claviceps paspali infected wild grass Paspalum distichum L, with the labile LSH a close second in both of them) binds to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors (note 10). We don't have radioligand binding data for LSH, we only know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

The adrenal receptors are hit heavily by NATURAL entheogens like mescaline, Ayahuasca with caapi, shrooms, and are believed by some to be responsible for alot of the "aesthetics/euphoria/appreciation of beauty" feeling activity that is experienced while tripping.

Mescaline for example binds to A2C with "off the chart" rating of 4.00 (max). Anyone who has ever dreamed cactus knows the appreciation for beauty is "thru the roof". Fresh morning glory seeds also result in similar over the top beauty appreciation & euphoria.

Once a mere 30 seeds were enough to cause an overwhelming OBE on LSD, paired with the most insane visuals and a defragmentation of the mind like i have never experienced ever since. I am convinced that there is a substance in fresh morning glories, and maybe it is LSH, that modulates receptors that are being activated by psychedelics in such a way that it can boost the effects of other psychedelics. And also that LSA has the opposite effect. Unfortunately, my morning glories fell victim of a fungus last year.
I ADORE the over the top beauty appreciation with psychedelics. Have had hundreds of dreams with small amounts of home grown cactus (containing perhaps around 300 to 400mg actives) which used to combine with Hofmann's potion in the distant past (in order to amplify the beauty of the rare cactus) resulting in hours of unbelievable open and closed eye visions, breathtaking infinitely beautiful experiences, and had 2 very potent dream experiences with fresh off the vine seeds, which also resulted in over the top appreciation for beauty and euphoria.
Hi tregar, thanks so much for all of the detailed and committed information. I just wanted to add more confirmation of fresh Ipomoea tricolor seeds being exceptionally more potent then dry weight seeds. Many people may not believe what I'm about to post, but this actually happened.

I've grown morning glory a few times with great success, and harvested the seeds in varying amounts. One time, this was about three years ago, I consumed only 76 fresh seeds straight out of the pods immediately and ate all of them at once in the same day I harvested them. I had also fasted for at least several hours prior to consumption. They tasted like water and were quite soft, making the seeds much more easier to consume (good thing I didn't end up eating anymore than that). They varied in size, color and ripeness. The seeds were harvested just before winter hit, so the plant was stressed out and may have had higher concentrations of alkaloids(?)

An hour and fifteen minutes later I couldn't believe what was happening. Very psychedelic feelings and come-up. I then smoked a fat cannabis joint. Two hours and thirty minutes into the experience, I swear, I had consumed at least four grams of mushrooms. The intensity was unlike any morning glory experience I've had, to date. The colors were almost blinding and over-whelming and highly saturated yet smooth and cartoon-like, as well as intricate transformations coming right at me in my face! I couldn't even walk straight. Anytime I stopped and stared at something in a drunken stupor, suddenly the room would start to vividly breath, spin, morph and blend together. When looking into a mirror, it was like I was looking at someone completely different, and something had taken over my body. There was also this intense internal dialogue that seemed to be a third-person perspective, randomly pointing things out that would spring up out of my mind. The two friends I was with at the time were consistently saying to me, "Dude, you alright? How many seeds did you eat?" My response was nothing but word salad drooping out of my oral cavity, "Uh, a very small amount or something."

Surprisingly, any nausea or vomiting that I would normally experience with dry weight seeds was entirely absent. And I think cannabis helped mitigate this effect, too. As well as enhancing some of the psychedelic effects of morning glory. The euphoria and mood elevation was also amplified but I don't think it was solely due to cannabis consumption. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt really close to others when I was near them.

However, the vasoconstriction was the most intense part, unfortunately. The experience lasted at least several hours, and a powerful afterglow was felt for a few days after. It felt like dream, honestly. I actually had to come to grips with what had just happened. I had no idea morning glory seeds were even capable of such psychedelia. I was almost convinced I was suffering from hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. It made me realize how powerful a teacher plant Ipomoea tricolor truly is, in its most natural form. I still have some fresh seeds leftover sitting in the freezer, but man they're intimidating to look at. The amount of respect I gained from a single experience makes me feel unworthy to eat them again. I cannot imagine eating an equivalent amount of dry weight seeds (250-400 fresh seeds). I would salute the individual who is up for partaking in that.

Anyways, I just wanted to share my experience in confirming the potency. I think I only shared this story in chat when it was happening that day. I'm likely missing some components of the whole story but this just about sums it up. :)
Cognitive Heart said:
Hi tregar, thanks so much for all of the detailed and committed information. I just wanted to add more confirmation of fresh Ipomoea tricolor seeds being exceptionally more potent then dry weight seeds. Many people may not believe what I'm about to post, but this actually happened.

I've grown morning glory a few times with great success, and harvested the seeds in varying amounts. One time, this was about three years ago, I consumed only 76 fresh seeds straight out of the pods immediately and ate all of them at once in the same day I harvested them. I had also fasted for at least several hours prior to consumption. They tasted like water and were quite soft, making the seeds much more easier to consume (good thing I didn't end up eating anymore than that). They varied in size, color and ripeness. The seeds were harvested just before winter hit, so the plant was stressed out and may have had higher concentrations of alkaloids(?)

An hour and fifteen minutes later I couldn't believe what was happening. Very psychedelic feelings and come-up. I then smoked a fat cannabis joint. Two hours and thirty minutes into the experience, I swear, I had consumed at least four grams of mushrooms. The intensity was unlike any morning glory experience I've had, to date. The colors were almost blinding and over-whelming and highly saturated yet smooth and cartoon-like, as well as intricate transformations coming right at me in my face! I couldn't even walk straight. Anytime I stopped and stared at something in a drunken stupor, suddenly the room would start to vividly breath, spin, morph and blend together. When looking into a mirror, it was like I was looking at someone completely different, and something had taken over my body. There was also this intense internal dialogue that seemed to be a third-person perspective, randomly pointing things out that would spring up out of my mind. The two friends I was with at the time were consistently saying to me, "Dude, you alright? How many seeds did you eat?" My response was nothing but word salad drooping out of my oral cavity, "Uh, a very small amount or something."

Surprisingly, any nausea or vomiting that I would normally experience with dry weight seeds was entirely absent. And I think cannabis helped mitigate this effect, too. As well as enhancing some of the psychedelic effects of morning glory. The euphoria and mood elevation was also amplified but I don't think it was solely due to cannabis consumption. I couldn't stop smiling and I felt really close to others when I was near them.

However, the vasoconstriction was the most intense part, unfortunately. The experience lasted at least several hours, and a powerful afterglow was felt for a few days after. It felt like dream, honestly. I actually had to come to grips with what had just happened. I had no idea morning glory seeds were even capable of such psychedelia. I was almost convinced I was suffering from hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. It made me realize how powerful a teacher plant Ipomoea tricolor truly is, in its most natural form. I still have some fresh seeds leftover sitting in the freezer, but man they're intimidating to look at. The amount of respect I gained from a single experience makes me feel unworthy to eat them again. I cannot imagine eating an equivalent amount of dry weight seeds (250-400 fresh seeds). I would salute the individual who is up for partaking in that.

Anyways, I just wanted to share my experience in confirming the potency. I think I only shared this story in chat when it was happening that day. I'm likely missing some components of the whole story but this just about sums it up. :)
Yes, it is strange how morning glory can be so extremely powerfull sometimes.

If it would give these effects more consistently, morning glory surely would be the most widely used hallucinogen.

I have not tried this peppermint method yet, but if it would allow these very psychedelic effects to be experienced anytime, then it would be a gamechanger for sure.
Thanks for that amazing report Cognitive Heart, I'm not surprised at all your 76 very un-ripe seed (soft & watery taste) experience felt like 4 grams of mushrooms. You picked it even fresher than I ever have.

I did not experience any cramps or vasoconstriction whatsoever on 400 "slightly un-ripe yet still black seeds fresh off the vine." I was able to crush them with a hammer and coffee grind them. They did emit a green-apple like smell of acetaldehyde while grinding. Hermes also reported no vasoconstriction with 400 to 500 black seeds.

* I wonder if picking the seeds TOO EARLY might have been what caused the intense vasoconstriction you felt? as the last stage in alkaloid storage in seed embryo is conversion of ergometrine to LSH, if the vine is not yet done converting ergometrine to LSH--->then there might be more ergometrine left in the seeds than normal (3 to 5% see table on page 1 from 2016 Polish mg study), and ergometrine is known to cause cramping and vasoconstriction. HBWR contains 17% ergometrine in comparison, and no LSH (note 14).

The plant is a complex chemical factory that takes time to make final high amounts of LSH & penniclavine in stages.

In fresher seeds there's mainly LSH (in relation to LSA). Only in old seeds, the LSA is dominant. This is because the fungi on the plant can only biosynthesize LSH (not LSA), and LSA is then a decomposition product of LSH over time. The fungi on the vines biosynthesize:

From Tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA.
See (note 19) when ingesting 5 to 10mg of pure ergonovine, another name for ergometrine (found in HBWR at 17%, 83% LSA/iso-LSA), June 1979 Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, all 3 experimenters experienced debilitating leg cramps and vasoconstriction..."Now it was clear to all of us that ergonovine was entheogenic...The entheogenic effects, however, were very mild, while the somatic effects were quite strong. We had none of the euphoria characteristic of LSD and Psilocybin experiences."

dragonrider said:
Yes, it is strange how morning glory can be so extremely powerfull sometimes. If it would give these effects more consistently, morning glory surely would be the most widely used hallucinogen.

I have not tried this peppermint method yet, but if it would allow these very psychedelic effects to be experienced anytime, then it would be a gamechanger for sure.
It just so turns out dragonrider that you can test the 1992 adducts solution recipe with plain LSD, shown how below...and the Aztec morning glory was the most widely used hallucinogen by the Aztecs & Mayans, even more important than their 2 other classical plants, Peyote and mushrooms (note 4) and (note 5).

Here's how you can test my hypothesis: even LSD can be converted to 1-acetaldehyde LSD or what is very similar to ALD-52 (1-acetyl LSD) at home using the study solution recipe given in (notes 6 & 12).

:) You simply dissolve LSD blotter(s) into a shot glass full of fridge chilled cold sherry wine (10mg natural acetaldehyde) which has added 5 peppermint extract drops (2mg acetaldehyde, note 15) added. Then let sit in fridge for 3 hours with swirling once per hour. The study showed adducts formed 100% in around 1.5 hour, but I would give it longer since it is not on a stir mantle. This may even happen "in vivo" in the liver, as well as it being formed externally, we just don't know yet.

See sample ALD-52 trip reports from myself and others (note 16) and (note 17). Remember, this was all confirmed by the 1992 adducts study (note 6).

Once you experience the effects of your own home-made 1-acetaldehyde LSD, compare the experience with my own in (note 16) and other in (note 17).

Notes can be read in post #2 thru post #3 of thread (2nd half of this paper, 16 pages).

Two weeks after sprouting (not shown): the 15 plants per planter have all climbed several inches up the fence already, there are 20 vertical rods per fence for them to climb.

Each morning glory pod contains around 5 seeds at end of fall harvest season. Each plant will produce a couple hundred (200+) seeds, with the 15 plants I planted in each 17" wide x 15" tall planter with 7 foot tall fence, will harvest around 3000 seeds per planter, since I have double planters, looking at harvesting 6000 seeds divided by 400 seeds = 15 high potency trips in dreams.
To test the 1992 adducts study: LSD blotters can theoretically be converted at home into 1-acetaldehyde LSD or basically equivalent to what ALD-52 is, see sample super highly visual & aesthetic reports in notes (16) and (17), by soaking in 1 shot of cold sherry wine (contains 10mg acetaldehyde) with 5 drops of peppermint extract (contains 2 mg acetaldehyde & corresponding acids) for 3 hours in fridge, with swirling once per hour. Researchers achieved 100% new adduct product in 1.5 hour. The sherry is already at ph=4, so no acidic solution needs to be made, like study calls for.

ALD-52 is know to be even more visual, conceptual & aesthetic compared to the more analytical and less aesthetic LSD, also more forgiving and relaxing mentally compared to LSD which produced brain waves associated with intense concentration & anxiety, reports from Sandoz labs.
In conclusion, done posting until come back November (end of Oct = harvest season here) with a trip report again with fresh dark hard seeds fresh out of the black pods once again.

2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail (note 7):
fresh black seeds from vine: likely 5.00 LSH to 5.00 penniclavine ratio
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio
Just so everyone is clear, I did not experience any cramps or vasoconstriction whatsoever on 400 "black seeds fresh off the vine." I was able to crush them with a hammer and coffee grind them, then do a cold water extract on them, with cold spring water that had been previously acidified to ph=4 with DL tartaric acid, but lemon juice or crushed vitamin C can be substituted.

They did emit a faint green-apple like smell of acetaldehyde while grinding, indicating they were quite fresh. Hermes also reported no vasoconstriction with 400 and later even 500 black seeds.

The pods were black I pulled from, and the seeds were black, hard and fresh off the vine, I immediately vacuum pack and froze them, I do not think it is a good idea to collect the seeds very un-ripe when they are watery and soft or even when they are un-ripe, reasons why:

1) The seeds cannot be stored in freezer well in that state, to preserve their high potency for future trips.

2) The seeds cannot be hammered and coffee ground in that state, as they are not hard.

3) Picking the seeds TOO EARLY might have been what caused the intense vasoconstriction that Cognitive Heart felt off a mere 76 very un-ripe watery and soft seeds...as the last stage in alkaloid storage in seed embryo is conversion of ergometrine to LSH.

If the vine is not yet done converting ergometrine to LSH--->then there could very likely be more ergometrine left in the seeds than normal (3 to 5% is normal for black seeds, see table on page 1 from 2016 Polish mg study), and ergometrine is known to cause cramping and vasoconstriction. HBWR contains 17% ergometrine in comparison, and no LSH (note 14).

The plant is a complex chemical factory that takes time to make final high amounts of LSH & penniclavine in stages.

In fresher seeds there's mainly LSH (in relation to LSA). Only in old seeds, the LSA is dominant. This is because the fungi on the plant can only biosynthesize LSH (not LSA), and LSA is then a decomposition product of LSH over time. The fungi on the vines biosynthesize:

From Tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA.
See (note 19) when ingesting 5 to 10mg of pure ergonovine, another name for ergometrine (found in HBWR at 17%, 83% LSA/iso-LSA), June 1979 Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, all 3 experimenters experienced debilitating leg cramps and vasoconstriction..."Now it was clear to all of us that ergonovine was entheogenic...The entheogenic effects, however, were very mild, while the somatic effects were quite strong. We had none of the euphoria characteristic of LSD and Psilocybin experiences."

Trip reports all with dark black hard seeds:

Myself (500ml cold spring water acidified to Ph=4 with DL tartaric acid extract on 400 black hard fresh seeds right off vine, grown in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 cow manure compost) procedure given in (note 12):
Saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell in dreams.
(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum)
Cold water extract with squirt of lemon juice: Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds.
(2) Nogal (the Nook)
Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin).
I do believe that since the seeds were grown in high quality soil and were fed 1 tablespoon of miracle grow powder in 1 gallon watering can with spout just once a month during growing season, is the reason the seeds were so potent (asides from being used fresh), as growing them in high quality soil can result in seeds with 0.079% lysergic acid amide content according to article I read from Mrs. Superweed.

Fresh picked off the vine seeds are best. There can be up to a 16 fold variation in the psychoactive potency of seeds produced according to Mrs. Superweed, as the species has a range between .005% and .079% total indole alkaloids.

She grew seeds in miracle grow and cow compost as well, had the alkaloid content tested by a Lab, and found .079% alkaloid content back in the day, this article was retrieved from over 22 years ago.

Aso, the application of NPK fertilizer (miracle grow) + composted cattle manure increased crop yield by 48.9% compared to NPK fertilizer alone ---> from 2017 Frontiers in Microbiology, 05 Sept 2017 "Composted Cattle Manure Increases Microbial Activity and Soil Fertility." Some users report that their plants grew three times in size once they added miracle grow soil to their existing potting soil.

My heavenly blue flowers and vines were MONSTERS, I had complete strangers (even some lovely looking women) come over in the neighborhood just to admire the huge flowers on the vine two decades ago which could be seen from the street, now I grow in privacy.

For highest lysergic acid amide content in the seeds, it is recommended to grow in 3/4 miracle grow + 1/4 organic cow manure compost & add 1 tablespoon miracle grow powder to one gallon watering can with spout and feed only once per month during growing season.

You can find all 3 items at your local big box home improvement garden store, even the 17" wide x 15" tall planters & five foot tall welded round fence, I used tin snips to snip off an extra piece, then used plastic tye wraps to secure it to top of 5 foot section, for a 7 foot tall section in all, the rolled up fence automatically un-winds perfectly to fit the interior of your pot.
There is lots of good information in this podcast with Joe Rogan that is related to this topic.


I removed the URL that's not working.

The podcast was the Joe Rogan podcast where the host was the author of the book: The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name. The author's name is Brian C. Muraresku

A quick search on youtube will give many results one can attend to.
Triglav said:
(Embedded for ease of viewing) [EDIT: looks like the video has been deleted]

Revisiting this storm in a (peppermint) tea cup, because in light of recent reading I realise that it should be emphasized that a close relative of peppermint is known to contain flavonoids which have MAO-inhibiting properties. It seems very likely that peppermint will contain bioactive phytochemicals besides menthol and acetaldehyde - indeed, research into the constituents of peppermint will be extensive and easy to find because it is such a well-known herb.

So, we must all remember to look into things more deeply before jumping to conclusions 😉
Great video Triglav, thanks for sharing. I bought his book one month after it came out and have read it beginning to end, and read the full transcript of the interview of Brain Muraresku with Joe Rogan. I am not going to go into my review of the book here, as I cover this in bottom Mycotopia link below. I was contacted by two entheogenic professors I know, and told about the book, one week after it was released. I will say one thing: we need more books like this! I am grateful that he is carrying on the work of the authors of "The Road to Eleusis", Job well done.

#1543 - Brian Muraresku & Graham Hancock

Post #8 below contains the new 2020 receptorome data which compares LSH in the morning glory seeds to LSD, important new data never seen before.

"HPBCD complexed DMT made very bioavailable sublingually under tongue, combo with tetrahydroharmine, Ayahuasca, 30 second formed alternative to fumarate salt." Post #8 in Nexus link below I feel condenses the Mycotopia post in it's entirety:

New research: Morning glory contains 5 stimulating LSD-like drugs, soluble only in wine/alcohol, only sparingly soluble in water.

Has the Mystery of the Eleusinian Mysteries been solved? by Ivan Valencic

For a visual high dose claviceps paspali (same fresh alkaloid profile as the fresh Mesoamerican Aztec/Mayan morning glory) ergot wine trip report prepared by LSD chemist Todd Skinner, reported in the literature: read Krystle Cole's 3 page report on page 2 post #32 of morning glory link above.

She saw "constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head."

It just so happens that the ancient Aztec and Mayan also added the fresh or dried pulverized morning glory seeds to a drink containing alcohol, they learned this would extract all the stimulating actives from the seeds:

Page 515 "Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants" Christian Ratsch:
The fresh or dried morning glory seeds normally were added by the Aztec and Mayan to alcoholic drinks (sugarcane liquor; c. alcohol), tepache (maize beer, chicha), and balche' (Schultes 1941, 37).
The merck index shows that (1) elymoclavine, (2) agroclavine, (3) chanoclavine & (4) penniclavine in the seeds are best soluble in alcohol (sparingly soluble in water).

(5) Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) in the seeds only survives outside the seeds in an acidic environment (example: such as cold sherry wine which is already at ph=4). LSH decomposes in ionic conditions, neutral water (plain water), when heated, or in alkaline environments. See very bottom attached illustration of how LSH decomposes to LSA unless extracted into acidic water, wine, etc.

Important new 2020 receptorome binding data just came out this year that is available for LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide found in morning glory seeds. See below:


5-ht2a, 5-ht2b, 5-ht2c, adrenal A1A, adrenal A1B, adrenal A1D, adrenal A2A, adrenal A2B & adrenal A2C

This is important as it shows LSH binds to just about all the adrenal receptors, while LSD only binds to one of the adrenal receptors: A2A in comparison (as far as adrenal receptors are concerned). See chart below: DMT, mescaline & psilocin all bind to many of the adrenal receptors. The adrenal receptors are implicated in the perception of aesthetics, beauty.

This may explain why the semi-synthetic man-made LSD has been perceived by many to have less aesthetic appreciation than the natural entheogens: LSH, mescaline, Ayahuasca (harmine + tetrahydroharmine + harmaline) with Caapi, dmt, psilocin. It's man-made quality may be more perceptable due to it's lack of significant adrenal agonism, which is prominent with the natural entheogens.

Example: Mescaline has a rating of 4.00 at adrenal A2C (see below), 4.00 = max = off the charts, and anyone who has ever consumed cactus knows the appreciation for beauty is "thru the roof" or "over the top".

Important teamwork is going on between LSH and penniclavine in the seeds, the 2 highest alkaloids. Agroclavine and penniclavine in the seeds (metabolite of agroclavine) bind to 5-ht1a, 5-ht2a, 5-ht6, 5-ht7, adrenal A2A, A2C, A2D, and most of the dopamine receptors in comparison. See "Agroclavine & Penniclavine radioligand (receptorome) data, Planta Med. 1996 Oct; 62(5): 387-92."

Thomas S. Ray, Psychedelics and the Human Receptorome (2010):
Breadth of Receptor Binding, 4.00=max (off the charts), 0.00=min, X.XX=receptor is hit but we don't have strength data.
LSD: 5ht1a = 3.73, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.88, mescaline = 3.61, 5-meo-DMT: = 4.00
LSD: 5ht1b = 4.00, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 2.19, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.41
LSD: 5ht1d = 3.70, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 3.40, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.48
LSD: 5ht1e = 2.62, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.28, psilocin = 3.03, mescaline = 3.16, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.72
LSD: 5ht2a = 3.54, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 2.58, psilocin = 2.14, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.98
LSD: 5ht2b = 3.11, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.91, psilocin = 4.00, mescaline = 3.97, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.69
LSD: 5ht2c = 3.11, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.42, psilocin = 2.52, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.55
LSD: 5ht5a = 3.64, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.16, psilocin = 2.83, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.84
LSD: -5ht6 = 3.75, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 3.35, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.73
LSD: -5ht7 = 3.77, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 4.00, psilocin = 2.82, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 3.69
LSD: ---D1 = 2.34, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 3.51, psilocin = 3.37, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 2.38
LSD: -A-2A = 2.93, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 2.75, psilocin = 1.36, mescaline = 2.92, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00
LSD: -A-2B = 0.00, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.57, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.86
LSD: -A-2C = 0.00, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 3.53, psilocin = 1.03, mescaline = 4.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 1.57
LSD: -A-2D = 0.00, LSH: = 0.00, penniclavine = X.XX, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 0.00, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00
LSD: -A-1A = 0.00, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 0.00, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00
LSD: -A-1B = 0.00, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 0.00, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00
LSD: -A-1D = 0.00, LSH: = X.XX, penniclavine = 0.00, DMT: = 0.00, psilocin = 0.00, mescaline = 0.00, 5-meo-DMT: = 0.00
I don't know if you remember morninglory seed from long ago? He was on another forum. Here is one of his old classic posts that makes alot of sense:

Unlike most alkaloids, LSA is water soluble when it is in its natural, freebase state...the way it is found in the seeds. it is a rare, exception to a rule because by simple definition, alkaloids are very alkaline or basic when in their freebase form as they normally occur in plants. Thus, they do not dissolve well into water. Most likely, many of the other ergoline akaloids probably are not water-soluble in their freebase form and thus are not extracted from the ground seed matter when a "tea" is made. or they get dissolved into the non-polar solvent used when an A/B extract is performed and they are thrown away.

Thus, extracts have a different mix of alkaloids and that is why the trip from A/B extracts or a "tea" of m. g. seeds feels so different than that of the whole seeds. In my vast experience with eating the seeds, and taking extracts, the trip that results is not as good. And I've taken the seeds more than any other psychedelic, except LSD and marijuana. I find them much more narcotic/sedative-like in nature and the effects are really nothing like that which I get from EATING the seeds.

The fact that teas or other extracts feel very different from the trip of the whole seed has also been noted by everyone I've shared m.g. seed tea with, and is a comoon thing reported in trip reports. So this is definitely not a phenomena that I am alone in feeling. Many, many, many people IM or email me with morning glory seed questions and most of them who have tried both have also noted that extracts are not as psychedelic and nowhere near as potent as eating the whole seeds.

The seeds do cause nausea and vomiting (as many other psychedelics like ayahuasca, mescaline, ibogaine, etc.) but a purge, I feel great. Like I said, I think the seeds are one of the best psychedelics, and I have tried quite a number of different ones.

Extractions such as a simple morning glory "tea", or the more complicated A/B extraction, will give you a mixture of different LSA's than those found in the whole seeds. It is the combination of all the ergoline alkaloids in the seeds that make you trip.

The main alkaloid is the mostly sedating LA-111, but many others (up to a dozen or so) including d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (closest molecule to LSD found in nature), are known to occur in the seeds. Together, they have a synergestic efffect and produce a very different kind of experience from pure LA-111. It is (in my opinion) a great trip. One of my favorites. Of course the trip from seeds is very different from LSD. But because it is different than LSD does not mean it is not as good. I think they are both very useful. Some of my most meaningful trips have been with natural lysergic acid amides.
Example page from Merck on agroclavine (found in morning glory seeds):
agroclavine is soluble in ethanol, chloroform, pyridine, soluble in benzene and ether, very little water soluble.
From "The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology", page 32:
Agroclavine is readily soluble in organic acids, agroclavine is stable to acids", wine stands as one of the sources of organic acids. Page 33 "Elymoclavine is only somewhat soluble in water". Peter Webster states in "Sacred Mushrooms of the Goddess, the Secrets of Eleusis" in the morning glory chapter that Chanoclavine is soluble in alcohol.
The hard data is lacking on whether the alkaloids in the seeds are in the freebase (like morninglory seed above describes) or in the salt form. Alkaloids such as mescaline and dmt are found in the salt form in the plant, and are readily water soluble. However, these half dozen alkaloids from morning glory are found within the tiny rubbery like embryo found within the seed.

To be on the safe side, extract into wine, as this will extract the alkaloids should they be in freebase form. This will give you an extract that is no different from "eating the seeds". Morninglory above is right in that the plain water extract is no where near similar to "eating the seeds" or an acidic wine extract (editor preferred).

(1) Hermes (the Lycaeum) "Saw strong 4D lattice-like open eye visuals and warping and melting of furniture with only 400 seeds. There are around 32 to 36 seeds to a gram. So 12 to 14 grams is 400 seeds to 500 seeds. I extract into water pre-acidified with a squirt of lemon juice. I see amazing three and seemingly four-dimensional shapes morphing and bifurcating. Often I get religious and esoteric themed visuals, like fractal cherub wings and winged eyes like those in some of Alex Grey's work. Eyes are all over everything. I see pyramids and sphinxes and Gigeresque biomechanical forms. I see amazing geometric lattice structures. I watch mathematical space-filling algorithms doing their thing, all of this with nothing more than 500 seeds."

(2) Nogal (the Nook) "Yes I know of someone who tried the CWE method with the Heavenly Blue variety, except with the substitution of a coffee grinder in place of a stone metate (I think that's what is called but I could be wrong), and a squirt of lemon in the water, with around 400-500 seeds. Closed and open eyed visuals were extremely breath taking. Some of the most prominent visions were of Aztec/Mayan glyphic patterns, a menacing and demonic technicolor nymph made of light who tried to seduce the viewer, and this bizare trail of energy spheres which each contained a different stylized animal form (again definately of Aztec/Mayan origin)."

(4) Piper methysticum: "Morning Glory seeds are definitely the most euphoric psychedelic I've ever taken during the onset and the first part of the peak. Not even a strong dose of MDA could compete with the euphoria I felt from 12g of Morning Glory seeds.However, the comparison of LSA alkaloids to MDA is ridiculous. The visuals from Morning Glory seeds are quite inconsistent for me. The first time I tried them, at 9g, the visuals were very dull, but the mental and physical aspects were awesome. My second time at 12g, the visuals were beyond amazing. I got the feeling of being completely in a warp through time and visuals were flying past me and unimaginable speeds. A couple of my unexperienced friends were talking about the tracers they were seeing at the same time this was happening to me. I had to laugh. With just 6g my third time, I also had some pretty amazing visuals, though they weren't nearly as mind blowing."

(5) Myself, 400 black hard fresh seeds right off vine, grown in 75% miracle grow & 25% cow manure compost: extracted with 2 shots (60ml) of fresh just opened cold sherry wine with added 10mg of DL tartaric acid powder added (auction sites or *ma*on), and stirred together in the wine really well.

DO NOT ADD MORE THAN 10mg DL tartaric acid to the 2 shots (60ml) of sherry wine...too much DL tartaric acid can upset ph balance of the body and you will feel really bad...10mg will keep ph no lower than 3.5. The wine will go from natural ph=4 down to ph=3.5, but no lower. You will need a 1mg (0.001g) electronic scale to do this, like the AWS GPR-20 20g x 0.001g scale for example. It needs to be DL tartaric acid and not just plain L tartaric acid, The d-form salt is the form LSD is active as for example, not the L-form.

You crush the seeds inbetween a paper plate with ends folded in, you hammer the plate on a concrete surface, then you add the crushed seed powder to a coffee grinder, and grind it till it is nearly a dust...then you add the dust like seed powder to the 60ml of cold sherry wine in a tall 1/2 pint jar, then you let it sit in fridge for 3 hours, with shaking & stirring once per hour.

Then at the end of 3 hour period, you decant off the top liquid from the seed debris at the bottom....filter the sherry wine liquid thru a cotton ball in a funnel which sits in a jar, change out the cotton ball when or if it clogs, I usually have to change the cotton ball out once or twice, the top of the cotton will turn black or dark brown. The cotton ball will remove ALL the nauseating debris from the sherry wine/seed mixture. You will be left with a golden clear to light brown golden liquid, this is what you drink--no nausea as all the debris has been removed!

Before you consume, always remember to keep the 2 shot sherry wine extract of the morning glory seeds cold at all times (in the fridge) as acetaldehyde boils off at room temp or 69 degree F. You don't want your LSH decomposing to LSA do you? You can freeze it too if you plan to use it at a later time.

I saw geometric patterns on the surface of everything, with closed eyes, colored vectors spun 360 degrees while traveling from left to right across visual plane. Sounds were not only amplified & music heavenly but audio hallucinations were produced, heavy euphoria component & very strong appreciation for beauty. Remember watching Scarlett Johansson interview on a small television and melting into the seat from her beauty amidst all the breath taking geometrics. Tripped hard as hell.

Note: Cold sherry cooking wine is recommended as an extraction solution since it is already at ph=4 and is 18% alcohol, and is also very cheap ($5 per bottle). It can be found in the wine isle of any grocery store, and is often on sale. It also contains 10mg acetaldehyde per each shot (30ml). A $9 wine preserver canister can be bought at Amazon which contains a gas mixture of argon, carbon dioxide & other inert gases which can be sprayed into an open bottle of sherry wine before sealing cork to preserve the wine indefinitely, otherwise the acetaldehyde in the wine converts to acetic acid over time, giving the wine a vinegar taste. The wine preserver contains enough gas to last for years of sealing many bottles.

2016 Polish morning glory study found 3x higher amounts of LSH in MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail:
seeds direct from growers: 1.71 LSH to 5.08 penniclavine ratio
seeds off retail racks: 0.54 LSH to 4.75 penniclavine ratio
Immediately vacuum pack and freeze freshly picked dark hard black seeds off vine to preserve potency indefinitely.

Erowid report:
400 older dried seeds is similar to a little less than one hit LSD. 400 fresh off vine is like about 2 or three hits.
Seems this does do alot more, its alot more refined, clean, less body high all mind high.. i extracted 700 riveas into 100 ml of lemon juice , 50ml water .. that sat 9hrs in the fridge(water stayed the color of lemon juice but smelled like alkaloids) i filtered and added 100ml of sherry wine and that sat 6hours..

A buddy and i sampled 12ml of this and the effect is way different from just eating the seeds or just a simple water extract..

No body feelings AT ALL, not even the normal body buzz.. just a extreme lsd like head and abstract thoughts, better sense of understanding.... Real soon i am def going to try a large dose ..I Feel GreaT...I will no longer do it any other way.....my friend says the same.
Norman said on 16 September 2019:
Years ago I stumbled across a simple method for dosing HBWR.
Grind the seeds and cover them with white wine, let sit in the fridge for a day or so, shaking occasionally, decant, filter and drink.
No nausea no aches no vasoconstriction.
I am now off alcohol completely so I’m thinking of an alternative method short of a full on extraction.
I’m convinced that something in the wine besides water and alcohol is what makes the trip so clean. I’ve tried twelve percent water alcohol mixes in the past and still had the nasty side effects and at the same time the trip is not as strong.
I’m thinking acetaldehyde and or tartaric acid may be involved or at least a good place to start.
Any thought on what chemically may be going on?
Vecktor (advanced chemist):
You have probably rediscovered something that has long been a curiosity, for example on the now defunct blacklight site there was TLC posted of morning glory seed extract treated with methanol, acetaldehyde-methanol or with acetaldehyde-methanol-water, the extract treated with acetaldehyde-methanol showed a clear difference in the alkaloid profile, with a shift to several new non polar spots which couldn't be identified. IIRC Erhlichs was used to develop the plates so these were indole compounds.
I know some of you out there are apt to believe the statements above because you've failed at making LSH and those statements above help you feel better about you're failure. Don't fall victim to that kind of crap. Try it again. Find out what you did wrong. When it works, the difference is HUGE, not a tiny difference, the experience is TOTALLY DIFFERENT. SWIM knows the effects of LSA and LSD very well. He’s used them many times. He guarantees that when the reaction works, there is NO NOTICEABLE LSA left at all in the experience. It becomes almost identical to an LSD experience at low doses. Totally different from LSA.

According to Albert Hofmann (the inventor of LSD), LSH is an adduct of LSA and acetaldehyde. Adducts are very simple to make. You just mix them in solution, that's all.

The effect of adding acetaldehyde is HUGE. SWIM cannot feel any leftover LSA when the process is done right. So, like I said, I think those guys don't know what they're talking about and I believe Hoffman does, and that LSH is an adduct of LSA and acetaldehyde and nothing more. No complex reaction is needed to make it. You just mix the two together and LSH forms. And I believe all of the LSA forms LSH, not just a small amount of it because you cannot feel any of the effects of LSA after this is done right.

When the conversion from LSA to LSH is complete it feels COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. The reason some people can't tell the difference is because their conversion failed. It doesn't always works, but when it does, the difference in effects are night and day. No one would ever think the effects of LSH are anything at all like LSA. It's that different.
fastandbulbous (chem wizard from bluelight):
Apparently N-(1-hydroxyethyl)lysergamide (LSH) is an adduct compound formed from lysergamide (lysergic acid amide, LSA/LAA, LA-111) and acetaldehyde. This hints towards the idea that isn't the most stable of compounds, but would be pretty easily formed by the combination of lysergamide (LSA) & acetaldehyde under physiological conditions (ie a way to get much more & better psychedelic activity from any lysergamide extracted from seed sources).
Chemist Peter Webster who spoke at the LSD symposium:
LSH is a labile adduct of ergine (LSA) and acetaldehyde.
Mid April: I am growing a small fence line of heavenly blue morning glory, so I will let you all know how my new dream experiences go this October or November when I pick them out of the pods once hard and black, then immediately freeze them. The seeds all sprouted only 1 week after planting the seeds in the 75% miracle grow mixed with 25% cow manure compost, both from big box home store. I dug a small 2 to 3" trench into ground, and filled it with the soil mix, planted one seed every few inches, 95% of them sprouted one week later after watering them daily. I feed them 1 tablespoon of miracle grow powder mixed into 1 gallon of water in watering can x once a month only. This will yield seeds of very high potency.

The application of NPK fertilizer (miracle grow) + composted cattle manure increased crop yield by 48.9% compared to NPK fertilizer alone ---> from 2017 Frontiers in Microbiology, 05 Sept 2017 "Composted Cattle Manure Increases Microbial Activity and Soil Fertility." Some users report that their plants grew three times in size once they added miracle grow soil to their existing potting soil.

As you can see, I used zinc #212 "screw eyes" from hardware section of big box store screwed into fence after drilling a tiny hole for each one, and strung fishing line inbetween the eyelits, this supports the vine, this is how I have grown for years. Train the vine horizontally on the fishing line if you want and once the vine reaches top of 5' fence, it can cross over top of fence and continue to grow or droop downwards on opposite side, for many extra feet of growth.
Steps in the morning glory extraction (see very bottom attached photo):

I would suggest doing this under low light conditions, I personally replace a lamp in room with an LED Red bulb I found at grocery store in hardware section for five dollars when normally doing this.

1. eight grams weighed out on folded over paper plate, then hammered in between plate on concrete with hammer.

2. then the hammered mush was further ground in coffee grinder.

3. mush sitting in one half pint tall jar. (these jars can be found in canning section of stores)

4. 2 oz (60ml) of cold sherry wine added to mush and transferred to fridge for 20 minutes, shook hard every 5 minutes. (Shake hard three times or every 5 minutes during the 20 minute soak)

5. after 20 minutes in fridge observe course debris at bottom.

6. after 20 minutes in fridge, then filtered thru a cotton ball in a funnel, press on cotton ball using straw when dripping stops to get all remaining light colored wine solution out.

7. observe wine solution dripping thru cotton ball, solution is light colored and free of nauseating to the stomach and intestines debris!

8. closeup of 1st cotton ball in funnel after filtration, it took out ALOT of dark colored debris that is nauseating to stomach and intestines.

9. closeup of first cotton ball used for filtration, super dirty black at top 1/3rd portion.

10. first cotton ball changed out half way thru process, as it clogged, then replaced with a 2nd cotton ball to filter out remaining liquid which was in the funnel.

11. The end! 1.5 oz liquid collected from starting 2.0 oz, put back into fridge until use. Heavy nutty flavor, 100 percent free of nauseating to the stomach and intestines debris. All the actives remain in solution while the debris has all been eliminated. Prepare for a very euphoric and lucid visual trip with deep insights...combines extremely well with other entheogens as well.

12) Wine solution when dabbed on cue tip and touched to paper plate, glows bright blue

13) Her, underground house DJ

Pics appear to be posted backwards, no matter how I re-list them, 1st photo at very right, then in sequence from right to left. Very bottom photo of screen = step #2 the coffee grinder.
Stay true to yourself. Love, peace & music
Last post #18 above and this post #20 are a complete brief summary of this thread. In conclusion, post #18 continued here, ends here:

Below (1-6) from 1975 paper "Extraction and Identification of Clavine and Lysergic acid alkaloids from morning glory", see end of post #18 at top for latest "2016 attached 12 page paper", valuable morning glory study on LSH & other alkaloid levels found in morning glory from 3 different vendors, all levels very similar, collected from heavenly blue mg from 3 different regions located far apart.

The attached 2016 Polish morning glory study at end of post #18 (is somewhat similar to the 1975 study) except it shows penniclavine and LSH to be the 2 highest alkaloids, with the other alkaloids filling in the lower percentage.


1) elymoclavine = approx 17% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with elymoclavine, that they were stimulated MORE than when they were given LSD.

2) agroclavine = approx 25% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed than when animals were injected with agroclavine, that they were stimulated MORE than when they were given LSD.

3) chanoclavine = approx 7% of heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with chanoclavine, that they were stimulated just as much as when given LSD.

4) penniclavine = approx 25% plus of the heavenly blue mg = 1957 paper from Yui Takeo showed that when animals were injected with penniclavine, that they were stimulated just as much as when given LSD.

5) D-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) = approx 25% plus of the heavenly blue mg. If the seeds are not frozen & stored properly, then over time LSH decomposes to LSA (Lysergic acid amide). So the seeds may contain a makeup of 1/2 LSH to 1/2 LSA a long while later, like retail rack seeds as the LSH decomposes over time.

6) Ergometrine = approx 5% of the heavenly blue mg.

From the 1957 paper:
All members of the excitor group produced in all test animals a syndrome of central sympathetic excitation and elicited a stimulation of spontaneous activity. In this group, elymoclavine, was the most potent stimulant and next come agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, and LSD which are almost equipotent, as judged by the degree of symptoms exhibited in the same dose. The arousal effect of elymoclavine or agroclavine on reserpine-sedation was superior to that of LSD.
Animal experiments have shown that elymoclavine, lysergol, LSD and several other ergot alkaloids such as agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, lysergine and lysergene have excitory effects on the central nervous system (Note 1: Yui & Takeo, 1957) as well as lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) which also excites the central nervous system in animals (Note 2: Glasser, 1961).

The effects of agroclavine are similar to those of elymoclavine and LSD on rabbits (Yui & Takeo, 1957), indicating that the effect of agroclavine may well be psychoactive in humans as well. It also seems likely that agroclavine, triseclavine, penniclavine, lysergine and lysergene and lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide (LSH) will be psychoactive in humans.

LSH = D-Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide in the seeds, we know it is similar to LAE-32 in TIHKAL, in which human experiments were done, at 1.5mg it was stimulating & "LSD like".

Glasser in 1961 noticed animals also became stimulated when injected with LSH. Dr. Glasser said some of the mice even stood on their hine legs and pressed on the noses of the mice in front of them, very peculiar.

Animal tests all point to LSH being an active psychedelic and it is indeed the closest thing to LSD found in nature, far closer than d-ergine. Owsley claims Hoffman himself told him that LAOH is very LSD-like.

It was Gröger who first discovered LSH in the seeds, published in his 1963 paper "Über das Vorkommen von Ergolinderivaten in Ipomoea-Arten". Later also Hofmann then extracted it from the seeds. It probably was in 1967, as Heim wrote in his work from August 1967 that Hofmann said he recently extracted it from the seeds (personal communication, as they knew each other very well).

LSD----------------------------------------CH2CH3-----CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C20 H25 N3 0)

LAE-32-----------------------------------------H------CH2CH3.....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 0)

d-lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide-----------H---------CHOHCH3....chemical formula (C18 H21 N3 02)

Penniclavine-----------------------------------------------------chemical formula (C16 H18 N2 O2)

(1) The above experiments with mice, rabbits, cats and dogs who were injected with elymoclavine, agroclavine, chanoclavine alkaloids from morning glory can be found in "Neuropharmacological studies on a new series of ergot alkaloids" "Elymoclavine as a potent analeptic on reserpine-sedation" by tohoru Yui and Yuji Takeo, Hyg 911/LSD 494, Jap. J. Pharmacol. 7, 157 (1957). Jap. J. Pharmacol 7, 157-161 (1957).

(2) LSH experiments on animals: A. Glasser, Nature 189, 313 (1961)

(3) This is the paper that shows the alkaloid content of HBWR is vastly different from the alkaloid content of morning glory: Paulke A, Kremer C, Wunder C, Wurglics M, Schubert-Zsilavecz M, Toennes SW. Identification of legal highs—ergot alkaloid patterns in two Argyreia nervosa products. Forensic Sci Int. 2014;242:62–71.

No high levels of stimulating LSH, agroclavine, elymoclavine, chanoclavine, penniclavine found in HBWR seeds, only in morning glory seeds. A 2014 forensics paper from Paulke found no LSH in HBWR seeds, but only found LSA & iso-LSA (83-84%) & ergometrine (10-17%) & rest minimal: lysergol, elymoclavine & chanoclavine.

We know that MG has centuries of Shamanic use, while HBWR has no history of Shamanic use. HBWR only has history of medicinal use.

Sandgrease: "HBWR has more of a sedative effect compared to MG."

Nogal: "HBWR is more body related while MG seeds have effects more similar to LSD."

4) Aum_Shanti, 2019, "In fresher seeds there's mainly LSH (in relation to LSA). Only in old seeds, the LSA is dominant. This is because the fungi on the plant can only biosynthesize LSH (not LSA), and LSA is then a decomposition product of LSH over time. The fungi on the vines biosynthesize:

from tryptophan-->chanoclavine-->agroclavine-->elymoclavine-->lysergic acid-->ergometrine-->LSH, which then decomposes over time into LSA."

(5) Psychotomimetics of the Convolvulaceae pg 93: "This particular plant seems to have been more important to the Aztecs in divinity then Peyotl or Teonanacatl, two of their other classical sacred plants."

(6) Jonathan Ott "Pharmacotheon": "Ololiuhqui was far more prominent as an entheogen here in Mesoamerica than those mushrooms; the mushrooms are mentioned only here and there by a few competent chroniclers; yet almost an entire book was devoted to denouncing mainly the ololiuhqui idolatry. The annals of the Inquisition contain many times more autos de fe for ololiuhqui than for mushrooms."

(7) 2016 Polish morning glory study which finds 3x higher amounts of LSH in fresher MG seeds direct from grower/producer vs retail: hxxps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4830885/ LSA is a decomposition product of LSH over time (see attached pics from study).

2016 Polish MG study:
Alkaloids abundance in all 3 HB cultivars is comparable, with most significant difference for LSH (Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide), which varies from 0.54 to 1.71 compound to IS ratio.

As has been demonstrated in this study, LSH is a labile compound, and therefore the variances in its concentration may be due to different age and storage conditions of the seeds rather than difference in plant metabolism. Indeed, seeds IT-HB2, which express highest concentration of LSH, were bought directly from the producer, whereas seeds IP-HB1 were purchased in retail stores.
[8] Researchers showed in 1961 that Claviceps paspali produces high amounts of LSH in culture: "Production of a new lysergic acid derivative (LSH or Lysergic acid hydroxyethylamide) by a strain of Claviceps paspali, Stevens & Hall".

Possible likely entheogen candidate used to serve hundreds of initiates at Eleusis in ancient Greece: this is where the Eleusian Mysteries were held, at the Eleusis Telesterion (initiation Hall for initiates...all men, women & slaves were invited) in ancient Greece.

Chemist Peter Webster wrote that fresh Greek claviceps paspali infected paspalum grass which grows adjacent to Eleusis in the famous Rarian Plane contains the exact same alkaloids as found in the fresh Aztec & Mayan morning glory. Albert Hofmann wrote that Claviceps paspali due to it's similar makeup to the Mexican morning glory could also have been the likely entheogen used at Eleusis to serve hundreds of people.

(9) Krystle Cole from the book "Lysergic":
"Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.

LSD chemist Todd Skinner replied "Yes". Todd had prepared 6 jugs of ergot wine and stored them for many years.
Krystle Cole's "ergot wine" experience (several pages long) in the book "Lysergic", reported that she saw constantly rotating holographic Sanskrit or Arabic & Zodiac symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head.

(10) sample morning glory wine trip report from Erowid: Morning Glory & Alcohol by Psychopsilocybin:
I would only note that she or he should have most likely extracted the seeds from the start immediately into the wine instead of extracting into the water first...then adding to wine later, as this will cause the LSH to first decompose to LSA in neutral water or water that is not acidic.

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