Desmanthus Leptolobus. Root DMT concentration in the 0.02% range. Fast-growing cold tolerant plant. According to Trout's notes on "Cultivation of Desmanthus for Rootbark Production" (Moksha Press 2005), the Leptolobus variety is the only one with a reliable DMT concentration. Trout had multiple samples of both Leptolobus and Illinoisis measured for DMT content and found that Illinoisis varied from zero to approximately the same as Leptolobus. So he only recommends Leptobus cultivation. This is what people in climates with heavy snow should grow. Acacia Obtusifolia. Bark DMT concentration 0.3%, leaf concentration 0.07% as per Mulga. Frost-resistant very slow growing tree with a reliable DMT concentration. Forget the other Acacia species, which are unreliable DMT sources except for Phlebophylla, which is nearly extinct. Obtusifolia is the best DMT source if you have the patience to wait years and live where there are frosts or light occasional snows. Mimosa Hostilis. The dried rootbark contains 0.6% DMT. What most people use to extract. The plant gradually accumulates DMT in the rootbark over a three year period, after which the DMT content remains constant. Tropical only. Many commercial seeds on the market for weaker false variants that are NOT Hostilis. Only Hostilis has the trademark white flowers, and usually requires two years to bloom to prove out the species. For places without frost that have absolutely reliable privately obtained seeds and three years to invest. Psychotria Viridis. The dried leaves have 0.1% DMT. What real ayahuasca is made from. Very tropical. Needs high humidity to thrive. Indoor plants can survive on a daily heavy spraying. Slow growing fussy plant difficult to germinate from seed. Takes months for seeds to sprout and a 25% germination rate is considered excellent. Most people propagate the plant from partially buried leaves. Psychotria Carthaginensis. The dried leaves have around 0.03% DMT. The hardy cousin of Viridis. The leaves are less thick and lighter in color than Viridis. Doesn't need the humid climate to thrive. This plant may become the new popular DMT source as it grows much faster and is less fussy than Viridis. Seeds are very hard to find, mostly obtained through personal contacts. The hope of the future.