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pre-use Anxiety......

Migrated topic.


Does anyone you know experience pre hyperspace jitters? As much as SWIM looks forward to each time, there is still a 'body' fear...mild, but present nonetheless... SWIM has not made the jump to lightspeed, either. Working up to it. Sharks in tha pool, maybe?

Keep calm and preserve a setting pace in deep breathing..

Even if your left arm starts to shake or spontaneous teeth chattering. Almost certain many others get this as well. SWIM falls into a soft jaw clench followed by one big ass joker smile if it gets that amuzing. It can become frightening at times but to put in lesser words.. there's nothing to worry of. You musn't go into these things without setting your mind to relaxation. In otherwords... go to your happy place. :)

remember to smile will ya?
Yes, SWIM gets pre-smoking anticipation fast heartbeat. SWIM's been taking psychedelics for going on 40 years now and does get that, especially smoking it. It seems to be different doing pharmahuasca or other psychedelics that you know are going to take a while to come on to although SWIM has some anticipation excitement with those also.
I have a ritual for these sorts of things. Prepare slowly, keep the vibe sweet and don't light up until you have that "feeling".

I think this anxiety is when people use DMT just because they can. Like if SWIM just wants to test but not use he usually feels it then. When his ritual is carried out properly it's all calmness and bliss.
yes SWIM always has a fast heartbeat and mild anxiety or apprehension before smoking dmt. Two tricks that work for him is, either smoke during mushroom trip, so his consciousness is already pre-worked, if you know what I mean, so there's no anxiety, or also smoking first a small dose (like, say, 20mg), and then he 'remembers' again and gets calmer, so 30 mins later he smokes a big dose.
It's funny that no matter how many times a swimmer has smoked DMT..there still exists, what i call dmt apprehension.

I alway's try and smile before and as i'm smoking and swim alway's sais "Thank you" alot.....especially if swim starts to fight the flow, the "Than you" always seems to work and he'll "let go" again.
Yes, I once groveled on my knees ("I love you, thank you guys!" ) when surrounded by 30 foot furious ROARING lion-like entities, furious because I had used it disrespectfully... too much alcohol in the blood, too impulsive, no preparation. Big mistake, good lesson.
Another time, I specifically asked 'them' to get to the bottom of all this. No more chickening out! Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it... Things got thousands of times more intense than ever experienced before, terrifying because of the sheer power - a new level. Nothing to do with dosage. I admit fear crept in because of the enormity of it, it's quite something to handle.

But hey I survived intact, one may be forced to re-adjust ideas about life and the universe but that doesn't count as harm, does it?

So, no reason to back off: next time, it was just the opposite: pure bliss, this time it felt thousands of times better than anything felt before in life! That was in august 2008 and I haven't broken through since, still digesting and waiting for the right moment.

Fear is understandable, but fear of fear is just silly! Don't worry about fear, just be careful, prepare well and take it very seriously but at the same time don't worry about it. And put the lessons learnt to practice (the most difficult part).

Good tip about the mushrooms by the way, I second that!
endlessness said:
yes SWIM always has a fast heartbeat and mild anxiety or apprehension before smoking dmt. Two tricks that work for him is, either smoke during mushroom trip, so his consciousness is already pre-worked, if you know what I mean, so there's no anxiety, or also smoking first a small dose (like, say, 20mg), and then he 'remembers' again and gets calmer, so 30 mins later he smokes a big dose.

that pretty much sums it up for me as well..
endlessness said:
FEAR OF FEAR is silly
haha word thats about as fast as your heart is gonna beat after you breakthrough it will slow back down guarenteed!

you COULD "waste" your money on natural/herbal anti-anxiety meds.. but if your using lsd or shrooms you shouldnt need them.
Good replies, everyone. Nothing like peer support. Yes, SWIM took two steps forward last night, divine experience. Fear not the spice...
I smile. I pre dose with less(if it has been a while). I realize fear is clouding my goal. Thanks All...
SWIM has been pre-dosing with 15-20mgs of sublingual THH the last couple of days. It's very, very calming, both beforehand and throughout the duration. Feels a little bit like training wheels on the experience to SWIM, but he's been battling the jitters lately, so it's been extremely helpful.
SWIM always get those pre-game nerves before hand.

i thinks it's a mixture of the excitement and what i would consider a healthy fear.

i believe most people that are drawn to psychedelics (i'm talking lots of use not just 2-3 times in college) are looking for a lot more than just a fun time. so with that mind-set you have people giving the "drug" respect. and to respect something requires acknowledgment of its power.

so actually IMHO, fear is a good thing. it shows that you aren't just smoking something, eating it, or sticking it on your tongue like you're eating a slice of pie. it's serious business (especially acid. got 12 hours to spare?).

edit: i do want to disclose, however, that SWIM is very new to DMT, and that these feelings have been in regards to LSD/mush, etc... though so far he has had those familiar jitters before DMT as well.

Uncle Knucles: where did you get that user pic? do you know the artist? it is almost exactly the kind of thing SWIM has seen on certain excursions.
Yes, if SWIM is still nervous after preparing and settling down, having a tiny one beforehand reminds him what it's like and banishes his anxiety.
He finds the longer its been since his last time, the more anxious he feels.
SWIM personally feels that the pre-launch jitters are a healthy sign that one is NOT in control where spice is concerned. it is that
mugwump77 said:
Uncle Knucles: where did you get that user pic? do you know the artist? it is almost exactly the kind of thing SWIM has seen on certain excursions.

Funny, I thought the EXACT same thing when I lifted it off some dude on another site - like I had met this character before. I have no idea who the artist is, but I had the same experience this afternoon coming across a piece of Hindu art - like I was intimately familiar with the subject already, as if we had met many times in spiceland.

Regarding the rest of your post, SWIM feels that your comments regarding acid apply even more so to spice. True, it may only be a 10 minute commitment, but it's a 12 hour ride (and then some) squeezed into that short time. Acid is a whole lot easier to steer; sufficient doses of DMT are impossible - you are completely at its mercy. The fear is 100% rational and healthy, in SWIM's humble opinion. It's a powerful ride and it runs very deep.
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