A lot of questions rise after spice use concerning pre flight anxiety and confrontations with trip fear. Please add threads that hold value in this matter. For this item I suppose quantity of threads is just as important than quality, so people can feel most recognized by the number of relevant testimonies.
Natural remedies for anxiety
Advise for anxiety in general, not necessarily trip driven fear.
ShamansStamens lemon balm trick.
He advised it many many times.
Scared to take that extra hit and breakthrough...any advice?
Extreme fear during first higher dose
Wading in slowly, no breakthrough but scary intensity. How to proceed?
Worried before DMT
Scared to Break through
scared to breakthrough?
i'm still terrified of letting go.
Anxiety developing after 3 trips. No break through
Simple How to Guide to Alleviate Pre-flight Anxiety for noobs and everyone really
Physical exercises that help dealing with anxiety
My first experience, and some guidance needed
Meeting the void got someone scared.
Nope. No. I'm done. I never want to feel this way again.
I now know what it means to be alive - Pharmauasca
An example of a stiff dose pharma and successful mastering of the trip without ending in fear and negative feelings.
Techniques to Aid Pre-Flight Anxiety and Hyperspace Navigation
Pre-Flight Anxiety
Pre flight anxiety.
Preflight anxiety
Advice: How to overcome a DMT Schock?
What can be done to minimize/eliminate pre-flight fear?
Overcoming fear from DMT experience.
Overcoming "The Fear"....
"The fear"
DMT scared me (will never ever smoke it again)
Want to trip on DMT but am scared
Felt like I was going to die
Feel like dying?
Do you still feel like your dieing during a breakthrough?
Preflight (A short story about changa)
A bit more poetic.
Fear Killed my Honeymoon Period with DMT
Natural remedies for anxiety
Advise for anxiety in general, not necessarily trip driven fear.
ShamansStamens lemon balm trick.
He advised it many many times.
Scared to take that extra hit and breakthrough...any advice?
Extreme fear during first higher dose
Wading in slowly, no breakthrough but scary intensity. How to proceed?
Worried before DMT
Scared to Break through
scared to breakthrough?
i'm still terrified of letting go.
Anxiety developing after 3 trips. No break through
Simple How to Guide to Alleviate Pre-flight Anxiety for noobs and everyone really
Physical exercises that help dealing with anxiety
My first experience, and some guidance needed
Meeting the void got someone scared.
Nope. No. I'm done. I never want to feel this way again.
I now know what it means to be alive - Pharmauasca
An example of a stiff dose pharma and successful mastering of the trip without ending in fear and negative feelings.
Techniques to Aid Pre-Flight Anxiety and Hyperspace Navigation
Pre-Flight Anxiety
Pre flight anxiety.
Preflight anxiety
Advice: How to overcome a DMT Schock?
What can be done to minimize/eliminate pre-flight fear?
Overcoming fear from DMT experience.
Overcoming "The Fear"....
"The fear"
DMT scared me (will never ever smoke it again)
Want to trip on DMT but am scared
Felt like I was going to die
Feel like dying?
Do you still feel like your dieing during a breakthrough?
Preflight (A short story about changa)
A bit more poetic.
Fear Killed my Honeymoon Period with DMT