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Preparation of Changa - Acetone vs. IPA

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was always afraid of acetone. My girlfriend uses it to clean her nails and it stinks! I was using IPA to make Changa.

Today however I popped into the chemist and picked up a bottle of acetone. It smells nothing like the acetone ladies use on their nails. In fact, it almost smells nice! (it certainly smells and feels better than IPA)

The best thing about the acetone is how quickly it dries. I made 2g DMT: 2g Blue Lotus/Calea (Electric Sheep) about 2 hours ago, and it's nearly dry!


So, if anyone is undecided about whether to use IPA or acetone, GO WITH ACETONE!

Peace and Love brothers and sisters.
Very true ghostman.

The stuff that most of our ladies are using is that coloured frangrance stuff, normaly pink or blue. Dreadfull stuff!!

Household acetone is the stuff that i use, clear stuff. The one that I use smells nowhere nearly as strong as the stuff my missus uses.

Happy CHANGA days brothers and sisters:)
Yep, the only advantage SWIM sees regarding IPA is that it's cheap and easy to find and free of adulterants. SWIM's not found of the evap product from IPA (nor the smell of the process) but was quite fond of that from acetone. SWIM doesn't use acetone at all anymore but only keeps IPA around for sterilization and for cleaning smoking implements (plus, the bottles are quite handy).
I ended up using butane when I made mine. Thats not harmful is it?

I did enjoy that delicious batch of smokable salad though :)

Camakazi, if it evaped clean and the salad didn't smell of solvent and you didn't taste any horrid solvent and your lungs didn't scream, well then no harm has been done. I'm not sure though how clean butane evaps, but you seem pretty happy with the results:)
ah.. nice one. I did evap some of it on a mirror before and it left no trace, so it must be as safe as a solvent can be.

The changa though.. Packed a normal sized bowl and blasted the whole lot in one. Got lovely distant visions of colour and intricate patterns, the caapi went PING! and I went "NICE!"...

...By the last bowl I was watching hoola dancers popping out of piles of leaves and more hoola dancers popping out of the original hoola dancers haha.

That was good :)
camakazi said:
...By the last bowl I was watching hoola dancers popping out of piles of leaves and more hoola dancers popping out of the original hoola dancers haha.

That was good :)

Nice:) :)
ghostman said:
So, if anyone is undecided about whether to use IPA or acetone, GO WITH ACETONE!

I distinctly remember you telling me to buy IPA last week, dude.

Ah well. Science is a process, not an edifice, eh? :d
I like ethanol for changa, but I find it really hard to get. As it evaps slowly the final result is more crisp, which is great if you want to pack your mix full of extra alkaloids which can dry sticky when using acetone as it evaps quicker than the crystal formations form which can leave you with gooey leaf. But for standard changa it's acetone all the way.
88 said:
ghostman said:
So, if anyone is undecided about whether to use IPA or acetone, GO WITH ACETONE!

I distinctly remember you telling me to buy IPA last week, dude.

Ah well. Science is a process, not an edifice, eh? :d

That was before I had used acetone :)

Now go and get yourself some acetone, not the nail polish remover, nice clean, white, fragrant smelling, cold running acetone.
gammagore said:
Camakazi, if it evaped clean and the salad didn't smell of solvent and you didn't taste any horrid solvent and your lungs didn't scream, well then no harm has been done. I'm not sure though how clean butane evaps, but you seem pretty happy with the results:)

Considering how BHO is made, I'd say the butane probably is ok to use...
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