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primordial ecology of being, slightly cloaked infinity


Rising Star
I think this is more about primordial ecology of being than slightly/partially cloaked infinity, but, it is about both, along with all forms of the folk, abstract transpersonal philosophy, which may be ways to share the ideas simply with eachother. :) :)

I personally prefer this type of writing when i am sober due to being able to clearly and patiently test the words to see if they feel true enough. But, please, I welcome any "high thoughts" from people to be posted in this thread, as they are very often of beyond lifelong value and wonder and their goodness grows from the moment they are plan(e)ted!! Wordplay and thoughtplay is a unique avenue for folk psychology and philosophy. The shortest phrases can become koans, and loose sketching of ideas can be uniquely revelatory without making any claims.


Melding with the horizon of infinity (also: melting into the horizon of infinity) does seem to be what we are always doing, for example, and it can feel moreso when we are focusing on it in any way, which includes all oblique focus, which basically in and of itself goes on forever in terms of possibility. such that if you had something on which to focus obliquely that was a pure fit for it, such as melting in to the horizon of infinity, or meeting at the horizon of infinity, it would work!!

(~~) (!!)

Ok, what is primordial ecology of being?? I think it's something to which many people in this community and also throughout all communities of life, are especially attuned. It's possible to say that we are made out of the primordial ecology of being, that the primordial ecology of being relates to the very medium of existence; which i think can both playfully and aptly be referenced via the phrase 'slightly cloaked infinity'

(~~) , But then also from a philosophy of self perspective, 'self cloaking infinity' is a very potent and unique phrase. Infinity is not attempting to elude self, nor is self attempting to elude infinity, but, they are working together as a mutual existence phenomenon.

Reverence is likely part of this, perhaps neutral, reverence of contemplation, which is like focusing binoculars to your own eyes depending on the day and how you are wishing to resolve the image through the lenses.

But also, when i found the phrase "primordial ecology of being" two days ago, interconnected seas of feelings and mental processes that i have experienced for many many years, seemed to make sense together. There may be the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of unique, both intermittent and ongoing feeling centers and outposts of both inquiry and preknowing (a posteriori and a priori) that are active within each of us, that come from and have affinity for primordial ecology of being!!
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