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Probability of M. Hostilis and other DMT containing plants remaining readily available

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Rising Star
What do you think the chances are of Mimosa hostilis and other DMT containing plants becoming controlled in and of itself? As in, either specifically prohibited (a la L. williamsii) or cracked down on for the fact that they are a container of a prohibited substance?

SWIM has noticed that DMT's profile has become more and more prominent over the past few years and she's seen what's happening with salvia, so I get the sense she sometimes worries that this wonderful substance will become unavailable to her completely in the not-too-distant future.

What do y'all think?
If it keeps becoming more and more popular, 100%. This will not stop people from extracting though. Just look at what people in Australia have to do. Go well out of there way to I.D plants in the bush...

Best thing I might advice. Look into a DMT containing plant that can be grown indoors. A plant that grows fast, gets thick and bushy, and that contains an amount of DMT in the leaf.

I have been doing just that. I had Psychotria catharginensis in mind. Probably a number of others.
obliguhl said:
Yep, I wish one would develope strains of easy to grow dmt plants with a high alkaloid profile.

My goal is to find just that. I am in subtle contacts with another Aussie member on these forums. I will give him the money later on, so he can get the items needed to I.D what sead species contains. Wiki cannot be trusted. As SWIMfriend sead about the Psychotria carthagenensis I suggested :

The thing is, you will never know what you're getting in an extract until an experienced and properly equipped chemist looks at the products of the extraction. Just knowing that some products ARE there tells you nothing about OTHER products (perhaps poisonous ones) that also might be there.

It seems like the only sensible way for you to proceed is to find/use a species that is KNOWN to have safely extractable DMT (i.e., the extracts don't ALSO contain BAD things). It's either that, or become an expert and fully equipped chemist.

Thus I will fund him to help I.D what sead species we look into contain. When we know for sure, the info will be recorded for the good of all. Maybe later on I will ask other to offer small amounts of money to help get the equipment needed. I think it might cost around $500, all in good time.
That sounds very interesting! A plant with a clean alkaloid profile could be used as a basis for the cultivation of a strain with high DMT content, I suppose?
Mimosa will be a tough one to stop because it's used for so much purposes. Anyone heard of the lush shops? that sell all soaps and bath products? well they actually use mimosa as part of there ingredients for some of the products because it's good for the skin, and lush have shops all over the world.

I find it quite amusing, because how will they ever stop people getting hold of dmt containing plants when they grow all over?

Think I'm going to store a load of seeds just incase though, so if it comes to it, I can grow my own 😉
I think society is headed in the direction of legalization vs. prohibition. Why give the taliban the $ from the opium production when the afghan gov't could use it more than anybody. Get the money out of the cartels and into healthcare and education.
It depends on how many mostly young folks( no insult or blame intended) have accidents or deaths that the drive by media will be happy to report in todays entertainment based news media.

I live in US and used dmt occasionaly for years. The extraction these day are SUPER easy so it will be a draw for high school students and first time experementers. DMT may or may not be a good stating drug on one hand it will scare people and freak them out wich seemingly is bad but it may cause many to say the hell with this im never doing drugs again.

On the other had people may be driving down the road smoking dmt of simply smoking it standing up, car crashes, cracked skulls ect.

I bought some salvia from a head shop 10years ago and had to print my name adress ect and sigunature to purchase. The store guy said they had to ask for this info because some bone head bought some and proceeded to smoke some 20x in his car in strip mall parking lot. He went beserk getting out of his car and causing a HUGE scene some on lookers restrained him and called cops and paramedics.

There are many wild plants that contain dmt in the US. So if mhrb becomes illegal no big deal to me I will have my bundle flower/Desmanthus illinoensis garden growing it is in my opion is the next best thing to mhrb. I pops up every spring and will reseed your patch every year. 1000 seeds can be found for less than $50 US. This plant prevents erroision and fixes nitrogen in the soil so it can be readly for other plants to use. A benifical plant in many was it is planted along roadsides in the US to prevent errosion.

So they can do what they want and make these dmt containg plants illegal. The olny way it will effect me is I will have to do some work myself and save $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

The best revenge is ALWAYS living well.

salvia was never illegal, dmt already is. salvia became illegal after it got more popular, and dmt became illegal before most people even heard of it.
WillieG said:
salvia was never illegal, dmt already is. salvia became illegal after it got more popular, and dmt became illegal before most people even heard of it.

Salvia D is not legal in the state I live in. The govenor himself was at the beach and overheard someone talking about salvia D and how strong it can be. Until that time he never heard of it and with in a month or so later he pushed a bill thru the state gov and made it illegal. Just because he overheard so kids talking about it at the beach.
Baffald said:
I think society is headed in the direction of legalization vs. prohibition. Why give the taliban the $ from the opium production when the afghan gov't could use it more than anybody. Get the money out of the cartels and into healthcare and education.

You got that right the US Gov is in my opinion responsible for the huge increase optate use and much lower street optiate prices. Its prolly just as easy to be a junkie as it is to be a drunk in many US big citys. fools,fools,fools when will these morons in power see the light?


ps sorry for double post i was in a tryptamine trance i guess it must happen to us all sometimes ha..

edit 2
Yeah soulfood there are a millon reasons to start a garden and all of them are good. Free food,free education,free alkaloids,exercise,mental well being "I grew THIS" , self sufficency the list goes on and on.

Learning about plants will benifit a person there entire lives in many many ways.

if a substance changes your state of mind and its not alcohol, THEY will most likely make it illegal. especially if people like it:(
A good thing about DMT is it's not a clubby sort of drug or something people are going to be running around city's under the influence of.

I do worry that a very wide-net legislation may be put into action someday on plants in the same way legislation was made in the 70's for substances not even invented yet.

I'm looking to become a fairly serious cultivator of plants in the next few years so hopefully when this does happen (hopefully in the fairly distant future) I'll be well prepared :)
WillieG said:
if a substance changes your state of mind and its not alcohol, THEY will most likely make it illegal. especially if people like it:(
No, if a substance change your mind, it's not alcohol and general awareness of the use has awoken, they WILL make it illegal. At least that is how it works in my country, but it seems applicable to most governments.

I hope the plants won't be regulated, but I actually don't think so. Even though the governments wants to forbid everything that can be used as a drug, they seem to be a lot more cautious about precursors/extraction raw materials with legitimate uses (thank god). The big risk here is if Ayahuasca enters the "mainstream", what before was considered as extraction raw material can now be seen as "drugs".
It's all about profit and the need of the alcoholic to have their fix. Alcohol manufacture is a huge psychoactive drug industry, the most profitable in the world. More people are addicted to alcohol than any other strong psychoactive drug. They maintain their monopoly and will not allow other psychoactive drugs to be sold. Nearly every government (except a few Muslim countries) that tried to outlaw alcohol was brought to its knees by the alcohol industry and it’s alcoholics and forced to legalize it again. This is no joke.

The reason alcohol is legal in the US is because the US government could not take the chaos alcohol brought on the country when it was illegal. There are so many alcoholics in the US, some of them even willing to KILL for alcohol. I am not exaggerating. During prohibition there were lots of alcohol related murders. Some people were willing to fight to the death to be able to have their alcohol.

You might think alcohol is some sort of safe drug, but in fact, it controls most of the world. The US tried really hard to ban it but could not keep the ban going. The ban nearly destroyed the US. There are just way too many people who are very seriously addicted to alcohol that such a ban is impossible to keep up. We have alcoholics running our government, alcoholic teachers, alcoholic doctors, alcoholic police, alcoholic religious leaders, they are all over the place. Some are silent alcoholics who don’t look drunk because they’ve been drinking seriously everyday for many years and are so dependant on it that they need it to be straight and will very seriously freak out with delirium tremens if they stop drinking.

Someone freaked out from delirium tremens is VERY DANGEROUS. They get so freaked out that they can’t control themselves when they don’t have a drink. They literally go bonkers without a drink. They are so badly hooked that the withdrawal itself makes them temporarily insane and can actually kill them. I am not exaggerating here. This is a fact.

Alcohol is a horrible drug. We cannot shake it if we wanted to. It holds the US hostage.

I do not drink. I hate the stuff. I hate its vial putrid taste. I hate the effect it has on people. I think the world would be a much better place if we didn’t have alcohol. However, I don't believe in banning it.
Very nice written 69ron! I absolutelly agree.

On the other hand ethanol is great as petrol adittivum It has octane number around 120 if I got it right. One just need reconstruct automobile engines, then cure alcoholics with ayahuasca and/or iboga. Then use produced alcohol instead of petrol(gasoline)in automotive industry, heh?

It`s also great solvent, desinfectant, reagent etc.. Why the fuk people drink it ?

But 69ron what do you think about Marihuana ? It became very invasive and common on the British Islands. Plenty of good skunk were seized last years in home manufature.
Do you think weed will beat alcohol in some day, maybe when loads of the older alcoholics perished????
Both weed and alcohol can be used as escape drugs. Both can be heavily abused.

I personally don't like weed or alcohol. They are both stupefying to a certain degree. With alcohol they call the stupification being "drunk" and with weed they call it being "stoned".

To be honest, I'd rather be surrounded by stoned people than a bunch of drunken people. At least stoned people don't usually cause a lot of trouble. People drunk off their asses usually do really stupid things like get depressed and jump off of buildings, kill people by driving, cause family fights, etc. It's much more scary to be around someone drunk out of their mind. People stoned off their asses usually just sit there and don't cause trouble.
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