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progressive research

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
OG Pioneer
I think it will be a GREAT if we can collectively start a series of experiments. I mean we could work out good ideas into serious experiments performed by monkeys and animals of all sorts. The extraction threads for example are full of great ideas waiting to be tested. Some speak of cactus and roots, leaves, mushrooms, and lets not forget the desert grasses.

Perhaps we want to compare different teks, time of harvest, stressfactors, supplements, or perhaps a series of experimental new teks just to see what happens or what is possible with different solvents, acids, bases, polarities, mixtures, solubilities, temperatures etc etc. I have seen some great ideas in the thread history, waiting to be dug up and tested..

Of course such experiments are going on already, and also the monkeys are already working as a collective.. more or less. It could be so more efficient and less expensive. For example we can actualy save money by perfecting teks to get better yield. Or what about the ability to grow some grass, know when to harvest, can easily purifying residues because you know what mixtures of solvents to use.. Just a wild thought of course.. I can imagine you have better ideas to put to the test.

As a collective we can grow grass, cuttings, trees for that matter... Others have acces to good data and background info... Others have acces to equipment... Some have experienced labrats... And if we have enough people to put a coin in somehow, also to make it worthwhile for the monkeys that are doing the hard work (and organize bioassay) then we can accomoplish allot for sure. So Traveller how about that webshop? I have seen some of that in the thread about SPANDRES..

Good idea to start some discussion about what experiments are interesting and what could be realised?
Little brainstorm to see what pops up?
How about it?
I remember reading something about the time of harvest (season) giving a different alkaloidal makeup. This was for Syrian Rue and it showed that the Harmine and Harmaline content varied widely when the plants were harvested in the summer to when they were harvested in the winter. I would assume it would be the same for all plants except equatorial plants - but then again rainfall etc might also have an impact.
Nice.. :)
I will keep that in mind.

But lets not rush into anything. If we want to succeed then we have to take this step by step. Of course this thread is meant to be the place for a brainstorm, so every info and every idea is welcome .. but what i would like to know in particular is where to start?

- which specific experiments will benefit most of us here at the nexus?

In my opinion there is allot of teks (dmt, mescaline) that could be polished, perfected.
The scientific method can be used here as much as possible..

research (background info, existing data, validation etc.)
layout experiment (materials, quantities, equipment
task assignment
One thing's for sure: The employment of hardware store chemicals or simply dangerous chemicals for extraction will never be accepted by the public. While most of the community is stuck on such methods because they're accustomed to them as the most common, rationalized, and time-tested ways or [unnecessarily] worried about loss in yields. Community members may be able to explain away the dangers of such chemicals, asserting that their own knowhow in operation or the steps taken to isolate a product from these chemicals nullifies the arguments against use of such chemicals, but to step outside of the process and assess the image of it would reveal an incredibly unsavory practice.

One would do well to essentially ban the use of such chemicals in one's household, in general, and be forced to explore and develop other practices.
I second that. some people will argue those chemicals are the best and simplest way to go about things...
but "safe" or "natural" ingredients is definitely a good focus point for one branch of research

I know you mention a broad spectrum of agents, but since this is the dmt nexus, I would suggest that limited resources be focused on dmt, if you are looking for a starting point

of course, something I think would be a novel branch of research would be the initial acquisition and potentiation of organic material. A lot of work has been, and is currently, under way into extraction technique, but those teks can only work within the limits of the material to be extracted.

Strains of many other botanical species have optimum conditions for potency
[hydro/coco/aero/bubble ponics, light wavelengths, photoperiods, nutrients, temps, humidity, etc list goes on and on]

and are bred with that purpose in mind. Might be a longer term project than you were thinking, but anyone fancy helping create some super-strains of dmt yielding plants?

I'm sure that ideas been floating around for a while now...

Imagine the day
I have equipment and some cash too expand my equipment collection with. I've got various hydroponic/aeroponic equipment as well as HID and CFL lighting (and i'll be buying some ground-breaking LEDs shortly), terrariums and other assorted goodies and will have some space and the ability to use at least some of it for nexus-related projects starting in mid-may. I'm also somewhat willing to test out stuff, just may need help with some different extractions for whatever materials we may end up growing.

Yes thank you. That what I like to see 
Looks like we have already some equipment and willingness.

Some here say to have some cash to spend on equipment. In what direction would you like to spend it? Maybe we can build an experiment around your investment and make it more profitable for you AND the community. Maybe we can also help you research best price, best quality, best set-up, best methods etc whatever pops up really ...

Snozzleberry talks about LED grow light and that happens to be one of my personal interests too :) Soon I will have some SP cuttings to use for experimenting grow conditions and LED lights. If you like we can do this together in an organized way to get MORE useful data on the subject. I will get back to you on this one.

Pls help me if I missed something.
So far by your input:

Molecules of interest

- Harmine & harmaline

Topics of interest

1) Initial acquisition and potentiation of organic (start)material

1a Time of harvest Syrian Rue
(geeg30 can you find the source that you refer to?)

1b Finding optimum growing conditions for psychedelic botanical species in general
(what botanicals do you think are of interest considering realistic experiments?)

2) Use of safe chemicals

2a Foodsafe chemicals
(We need to further discus this. I think the use of foodsafe chemicals are of interest, because it adds to our safety when consuming molecules. But imo, for this goal we should carefully examine the process (extraction) used to see where ‘danger to foodsafety’ might occur and how to tackle this. This does not per se mean we should use foodsafe chemicals. Allot of food like you find in the supermarket have been processed with dangerous chemicals. If looking for dangers to foodsafety one should look at the complete process, not only the ingredients of chemicals.
amor_fati points out that the use of chemicals will probably not be accepted by the public. This is a strong point of concern to CEL. I too think that for CEL best option would be to “explore and develop other practices”. For this purpose of showing the public (public should be defined more accurately by CEL) what dmt is all about, I recommend using plants only. So for this I refer to point to 1b) Finding optimum growing conditions for psychedelic botanical species in general.)

2b Safe chemicals (other than 'foodsafe')
good stuff, how about phalaris for a botanical investigation?

With all the fuss kicking off about ethnobotanicals Phalaris is starting to seem a very attractive option.

Seeds are cheap and accessible ~ 500,000 for 432 Euros Evergreenseeds.com Acquires b-and-t-world-seeds.com - Evergreen Seeds
or ~ 2500 for 4.2 Euros

Grows very quickly and easily in all kinds of environments [especially compared to mimosa and psychotria] and is already widespread in certain areas

There is already some interest and information available, here
Phalaris tek Phalaris Tek - A/B - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
Erowid Phalaris vault info Erowid Phalaris Vault : Info #1

The info is all interesting, but a huge amount of it requires scientific confirmation and more research.

So to sum up

Cheap and easy to obtain seeds
Easy and independent to grow and in a variety of environments

Which both indicate it would a ideal candidate for collaborative research due to practicality, and also a fine candidate for choice of material for growing + organic extraction by the community [once further investigation has taken place]

Existing info exists from which to draw ideas and experiments, techniques to refine and investigate, yet still requires a lot more research. So you have a base from which to start and a direction in which to aim.

Plus, a phase of growing experiments would inevitably lead to a second phase of extraction experiments.

Ideal candidate.
Ah those prices were for phalaris tuberosa or aquatica, and after a bit more research I'm finding that Phalaris brachystachys is a better option.

the same vendor list 25g Pb for 58 Euros, which, if the seeds are the same weight, would make 12,500 seeds

Jorkest's experiments here seem promising...

I'm sure quite a few members here wouldn't mind doing their bit and buying some seeds in.
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