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Project - L.S.A

Migrated topic.

King Tryptamine

Rising Star
Hey there fellow botanist's

Project L.S.A consists of two phases, a growing phase and an extraction phase via Kash's Advanced LSA Extraction. Now before I initiate this little project of mines, I just needed two pieces of advice from anyone experienced in cultivating the I.tricolor vine. I wanted to know the quantity of seeds that could be produced from a singular vine and the NO. of vines that could possibly be grown in the conditions of the following set up:

- Grow tent, dimensions, 60X60X180 (cm)
- One 250W CFL blue spectrum grow light
- 50L air pot, height X diameter - 45X42 (cm)
- Grow medium, coco coir X perlite, 5:1 ratio

Any replies BEFORE, I dive into this would be greatly appreciated. Much love - KT :love:
Hey KT, I can't speak on quantity of seeds as the only time I grew morning glory I moved out of the house before it produced any seeds but have you compared the properties of MG's with HBWR? As you need way less seeds for them, so could be worth a look if LSA's your main goal?
Acu said:
Hey KT, I can't speak on quantity of seeds as the only time I grew morning glory I moved out of the house before it produced any seeds but have you compared the properties of MG's with HBWR? As you need way less seeds for them, so could be worth a look if LSA's your main goal?

HBWR and Tricolor both get absolutely massive, my nervosa had sections of vine that were probably 30 feet long and my tricolor took over a couple medium size fruit trees and choked out an herb bed in one season. Growing these indoors for seeds is probably not a great idea unless you can devote a HELL of a lot of room for them. You can trim them back, but you're not going to get many flowers on them like that. 60X60X180 (cm) just isn't enough room in my experience for either of these two to make it worthwhile. Outdoors, if the tricolor gets any size to it, it will rain seeds in a multitude as long as it has time to flower and go to seed before cold weather, lower than the mid 40's F is bad news.
Also just a side note, keep your HBWR warm, if it hits below a certain temperature it won't flower. Had mine for six years and it never flowered, and finally got to talking to a professional and was told that it was likely due to a lower temperature exposure, some tropicals will not flower for the year if they detect lower temps.

Hate to be a bummer, but they are both huge vining plants that need a lot of space, for example, my HBWR had some leaves on it that were the size of my chest and unless you can get them outside the tricolor just isn't going to make enough flowers to fool with in a small area like that.

Edit: If you decide to do it anyway, your only chance of getting enough flowers to make it worthwhile in a small space is likely going to be pruning the crap out of it, and I would top every second or every other node and snip one leaf at each node to force it into shorter nodal lengths. Doing it this way is going to take a great deal of time though as it will significantly slow the growth rate and with vining plants it's still going to need that leg room. I've also read somewhere that the LSA content in Ipomea is from the fungi in the soil, don't know if it will make a difference with the soil medium or not but something to think about as well.
Thanks for the response Acu, twitchy... thanks for killing my hopes and dreams :x , just kidding that was some grade A feedback you did there, appreciate the level of detail you put into that, gracias amigo!

I only chose the tricolor vine because I've already had a tiny bit of experience working with this entheogen. However like our friend Acu over here, I also had to move away for a little while, by the time I came back what was beheld before my very eyes was some anaemic, insipid, degenerate excuse for a plant. Certainly not the size of one of twitchy's fruit trees, maybe one of its twigs perhaps. The three blue flowers it spawned looked fine as wine though I must say.

As for the nervosa vine, I have absolutely no experience with this plant in regards to its growing capabilities and the effects consuming its raw material induces. However I will take twitchy's advice and postpone this little project till late winter, in which time I'll give them a head start before moving them out, come spring. Again thanks for the feedback guys, KT :love:
Yes indeed, grow your Ipomoea vines outdoors and give them plenty of love. The beauty of the flowers every morning will alone repay you. It's really something worth getting up for. Just beware, last year I purchased some 'Heavenly Blue' seeds and, while they flowered admirably well, they failed to set seed at all. I can only conclude they were a sterile hybrid, or perhaps 'doctored' in some other way, in order to annoy the hippies and undermine our seed-saving rights.
downwardsfromzero said:
Yes indeed, grow your Ipomoea vines outdoors and give them plenty of love. The beauty of the flowers every morning will alone repay you. It's really something worth getting up for. Just beware, last year I purchased some 'Heavenly Blue' seeds and, while they flowered admirably well, they failed to set seed at all. I can only conclude they were a sterile hybrid, or perhaps 'doctored' in some other way, in order to annoy the hippies and undermine our seed-saving rights.

Hey, at least they have it in they're hearts to not coat the seeds with methylmercury or some other form of neurotoxic pestiside, be thankful. :x
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