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Psilocybe + Ayahuasca + Datura

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200mg harmalas, 20 minutes later - 50mg harmalas + 50g Chacruna + 2g Psilocybe hollandia + 8 Datura stramonium seeds.

Spectacular, incredible, truly beautiful. This is my fifth Ayahuasca ceremony before She interacted with me. Previously in a teasing fashion She revealed herself to me. She’s divine beauty, I’m in love; a deep, ingrained, nurturing love. Our spirits intertwined and danced, a spiritual tantric connection. The way She held me, caressed me, and took care of me 😁 It’s the next morning and I cannot stop smiling. Her touch was sensual and magickal. Extremely intellectual, philosophical, and insightful. I’m not sure if there’s more I can learn from Chacruna. I just want to go back to visit and build a relationship with Her. I’m trying to comprehend my experience and put it into words. If you have never experienced Psilocybe in your admixture after ingesting the harmalas, I highly recommend it if you are ready. It’s beautiful :love:

When I can fully grasp and comprehend it all, I’ll report back.
Sounds like a wonderful time. I find it crazy how meeting her is such a similar experience for so many of us. I too got my first glimpse at her on a changa trip, then really met her and developed a relationship on my second aya trip. I remember being so in love, thinking she was the most amazing force to have ever existed. I've been thinking of mixing some aya with single doses of either LSD or mushrooms, might have to give it a go.
omg that combination is insane xD Amazing. He/she is the most beautiful in the world. There is nothing like being absorbed in that attention. That highest forms of all inteligence mixed with pure seduction.
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