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Psychedelic Sunday (Mushchanga)

 Date of Experience: Sunday, September 11th, 2016



(mind)Set: Clear and positive

(physical condition) Set: Getting over a cold but fine overall

Setting (location): My house

time of day: 11am to about 8 or so

recent drug use: Weed the night before

last meal: Empty stomach (last meal was the day before)


Gender: Male

body weight: 72.5 kg

known sensitivities: NONE

history of use: Very experienced with mushrooms and not new to DMT


Substance(s): Mushrooms and DMT in the form of Changa

Dose(s): 7g dry mushrooms + 13 wet grams + unknown amount of changa

Method of administration: Mushrooms blended in OJ. Changa in the bonga


Administration time: About 25min to drink the OJ

Duration: about 9 hours from ingestion to baseline

First effects: 1.2hours

Peak: Not sure really...somewhere between the 2 and 5 hour mark

Come down:after about 6-7 hours

Baseline:about 9 hours

Intensity (overall): 3

Evaluation / notes:see report


Pleasantness: 4

Implesantness: 1

Visual Intensity: 2.5-3





Hangover: 0

Afterglow: 4



Somehow or another I ended up with three days off in a row from work so I wanted to take a special journey. I've never combined changa while on mushrooms so I figured what better time than now?

It was a lovely Sunday, around 11am or so and I found myself walking to the gas station to pick up some OJ. It was breezy and around 70 degrees which is a nice change from the constant heat we've been having in my area lately. Unfortunately they were sold out of the bigger jugs (the biggest size they sell is half gallons) so I was forced to buy a handful of smaller 20oz ones.

For whatever reason, my normal dosage of mushrooms have been a bit underwhelming as of late. This puzzles me because my GF can have vivd, visionary experiences complete with meeting entities and the like on ~3.5g while I take ~5g. Now, while the experience is profound and special, I always feel like I could safely take it further if I wanted...I don't know what it is exactly but I must be holding myself back in some form or fashion. This is something I'm working on and I believe harmalas + mushrooms are in the near future. Anyway, one step at a time for now...

I wanted to smoalk changa first to get my feet wet with plans to eat the mushrooms and smoalk more changa during the experience. After much contemplation, I put a pinch or two in the bong and ripped it. I apparently got a piece of changa that was heavy with harmalas because while the normal pressure was there, I was left in an awkward sub breakthrough experience where I watched everything in my room randomly rearrange itself...flipping around and folding in on itself only to eventually pop back into place. This went on for a few minutes...I felt oddly disappointed but I wasn't about to let that get in the way of the rest of the trip. I laid there for a few more minutes with my eyes closed and watched strange, unexplainable little harmala style visions pop in and out of my head.

It was time to move forward.

Some of my cakes had a few mature fruits on them so having never eaten mushrooms wet before I decided I'd try that too. I weighed out 7g dry plus the 13 wet grams and blended it all into some funky OJ concoction. I've taken up to 9g before so this territory is not new for me but it is a sort of mental psychedelic space I haven't visited in a while. Due to what I mentioned above about being underwhelmed, I wanted to push the boundaries a bit, or at least see if I could. I took a solid 25 minutes drinking/chewing it while watching Malcolm In The Middle, which for the record, is one of the funniest shows to watch while tripping...but that is neither here nor there.

After about 1.2 hours, it started coming on pretty heavy. Normally my visuals occupy any and all solid surfaces but this was different. The visuals were also taking over the air itself, as if I was swimming in strange, almost wispy patterns. It was thick and almost alive. I was beginning to wonder if I might meet something or someone similar to what my GF has described.  It seemed like I was in a psychedelic veil of some sort but couldn't quite get through it if that makes any sense. 

It reminded me of my 9g trip but I didn't quite go as far...alas I could not pierce the veil. My stomach was full and everything was heavy...I was rolling around laughing hysterically at practically nothing but it felt good...I felt so goofy... It was a much needed release. The mental space was clear, and the visuals were quite stunning. I truly think that something was there, I just couldn't see it but I could feel it and I tried to welcome it but it never came and I never went. But I was happy with the space I found myself in. Extremely happy. It was on par with what I've been looking for.

I am/was also fighting off a cold so this was messing with me as well. I would get quite hot and sweaty, cough and what-have-you but it felt cleansing in a way. I'm not sure if I had a fever or not but it sure felt like I did for a while. Again, in a cleansing way because I feel great today, burned the bug right out of me I guess!

After much beating around the bush mixed with dancing and wandering around the house, I convinced myself to load up the changa bowl again. This was probably 3-4 hours into it after ingestion of the mushies. I took a hit. Nothing much. Took another hit. Felt it a bit..."hmmmm?" I thought and took a large rip and cleared the bowl.

Everything became a sort of digitized version of itself. I could feel my vision widening and the feeling of vibrating while floating was kicking in. But this was still nothing compared to a normal blastoff so I loaded moar and puffed on it. And just as I was starting to get somewhere with it, it seemed like the sudden intake of harmalas was upsetting my stomach. I dry heaved a few times and stumbled into the bathroom to try and empty my guts but nothing would come out. So, while it was all strangely psychedelic it was not what I expected. I will be trying it again, perhaps sooner into the experience next time.

I could feel that I was starting to get somewhere with the combo but the overwhelming nausea was off putting enough for me to leave it alone for the rest of the trip. Perhaps I will consider some freebase DMT next time and see how that goes.

I realize some of this may sound like I had a bit of a disappointing trip but it was actually quite the opposite. It was tremendously uplifting and positive and it was nice to experiment with things in a different way. I think the fresh mushrooms helped with this too. I can't put my finger on it but it felt more "rounded" or solid of a trip than with just dry mushrooms. A solid dose of only fresh is on my to do list as well. I will definitely keep experimenting!

Keep on keepin on!

Thanks for reading!

-The Grateful One-


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