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Psychedemia: an Nexian attendee's perspective

Migrated topic.

Pup Tentacle

I was going to try a blow-by-blow account of the conference so I thought and I thought about how to organize it. I wondered if my recounts of talks and presentations would be accurate enough and I pondered what relevance I could give the experience. It all seemed rather daunting and made me think that perhaps writing nothing was better than doing a poor job of it. Poppycock.

Yesterday my feeling and direction changed about how to give you something from the conference that's not available in print form, on the internet, etc. Because, all the things I heard and saw at Psychedemia can be found in those forms. Psychedemia has a Facebook page and a website where you can glean all the names, ideas, pictures, paintings, poetry, research, etc.

Here's what I CAN share with you from the conference.

The feeling and experience of sharing the same space with so many folks of such varying backgrounds but with the same purpose - to share and understand on a WHOLISTIC level was simply marvelous. I HIGHLY recommend it. There are a number of conferences around the world dealing with psychedelics. Go to one or more.

Attend and support events like these and become involved. Find and meet with like-minded people in your community. Share experiences and knowledge compassionately with the curious about entheogens/psychedelics. Consider opinions contrary to your own on these subjects - purposely place yourself in situations that challenge your already established notions. Organize events and symposia that treat this subject manner in a mature and thoughtful way. Positive change is powered by positive energy, effort, and involvement. If we care about and believe in the possibilities of these compounds beyond the "amazement of the trip", it would seem to me, that our conscientious involvement is crucial.

Psychedelics are not receiving more respect because of folks tripping in their basements listening to Pink Floyd. It's happening because, intelligent, loving people are getting together to discuss, learn, and understand the MANY facets of psychedelics.

To my Brother and Sister Nexians… whether your vision emanates from the scientific or the mystical… thanks for making this place what it is.

Blessings and Love,

Great job Pup :thumb_up:

Thank you for sharing, I would have loved to go. The involvement of the nexus has butterflies in my stomach, in a good way. The future seems bright, even while the dark veil continues to try and close over our eyes.

When will a video be available? I know someone was talking about it being recorded, or something of that manner.

Thanks again!
anrchy said:
Great job Pup :thumb_up:

Thank you for sharing, I would have loved to go. The involvement of the nexus has butterflies in my stomach, in a good way. The future seems bright, even while the dark veil continues to try and close over our eyes.

When will a video be available? I know someone was talking about it being recorded, or something of that manner.

Thanks again!

The Nexus table and Snozz were stellar! The presentation and vibe were excellent, any Nexian would have been brimming with pride at beholding it.

(I must give my deepest thanks to Snozzleberry, he's essentaily ID'd himself in public to rep for the Nexus at the event. That's commitment and I salute him for it.)

As far as the movie... who's to say. You could try emailing the organizers from their website or facebook page. This was essentially put together on a shoestring by a number of grad and doctoral students, so finance and time certainly come into play. They did film damn near 100% of the goings on from what I could tell.

I'll certainly be there again next year if they have it. Let me also plug a conference next weekend in NYC:

OCTOBER 12-14, 2012

For you folks near enough... the speakers look excellent. I met a few of the folks who are organizing this - seems very solid.

I have info on a couple other events further out on the calendar that I'll post soon. Maybe perhaps a special forum on events like this would be in order? Mods? Whaddaya think?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Let's do this!

Pup Tentacle said:
I have info on a couple other events further out on the calendar that I'll post soon. Maybe perhaps a special forum on events like this would be in order? Mods? Whaddaya think?

Fab idea.
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