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Psychs as medicine?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
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I recently endured a severe 48 hour flu (39.8 C/104f), after which I had a veritable inspirational and artistic outpouring that reminded me of post-psychedelic creativity – and it go me thinking : maybe we're looking at this all wrong… maybe the substances we willingly introduce into our bodies are actually a form of self imposed sickness, and the medicine is in fact within us; IS, in fact, our own mind – the power of the consciousness to reconcile two realities, metabolize the substance, and return to a stable state.

I know that by strict medical definition considering psychedelics or our minds a medecine is beyond unorthodox, but perhaps the definition needs to be expanded given what is surfacing regarding the relationship and interchanges between mind and body. Could our consciousness be a form of medicine? Or administrator of endogenous medicines? Could psychotropic substances jumpstart this system?

Half-baked maybe, but better than half raw...:)

Anny taughts?

I kind of understand where you are coming from with this-- I once had a violent sickness in Thailand that lasted for about 12 hours, but in retrospect very much resembled a psychedelic experience in the way it affected my perception thereafter; and the way my thinking changed therein.

That's the only support I can give to your idea at the moment... better Nexian philosophers than I need tackle this.
ok well..listen to this..cannabis was fucking up my life..i was stuck on this stupid addiction to weed and I had known for about a year that I was done with it..I was dinking ayahuasca and getting that message alot..then after I really came to the realization I had to stop ver soon one ngit with ayahuasca, say a week later I got a bad bad flu..I puked about 20 times that night and lay there on the floor outside my bathroom naked, sweating, wrapped in this blanket shivering and hallucinating very strongly..and I mean vision style hallucination..something very common with fevers(which I had)..I puke everything out of me that night..i drank water over and over after each time i puked just to puke out more shit becasue I as sooooo sick and wanted it over ASAP..

The next morning I was so much better..I sat there drinking water..and for the first time im probly 5 years i didnt smoke as soon as I woke up..I didnt smoke at all that day..I didnt smoke weed again for about 3 months..and I have never ever started to smoke on a regular basis at all since then either.

I once read that when you have a virus, becasue it effects the DNA, that you can rebound sort of feeling new becasue the virus effected so much of your DNA that afterwords you replace all that with new fresh DNA..it like lowers you so much that you come back stronger becasue so much has to be "renovated" in the wake of the illness..now I dunno if thats exaclt how it was explained or if there is any validit in that..I read it in soem new age DNA activation book or something way back..could be BS..
I think the same mind that we experience with psychedelics is the same mind that can more efficiently run the body and heal in times of sickness...
I had a friend once who was very much into alcohol. He used alcohol to push the pendulum to one side (intoxication), being sure that the pendulum will swing to the other side the next day, bringing him to a higher state of consciousness (which he used for inspiration in his work).

This feels similar to what aya-drinkers write about the purge. Only a bit more detrimental to the health (and supposedly the pendulum doesn't swing so far away from the baseline).
I used to have such bad fevers when i was a bit younger and i have to say the visions definitely resembled a sort of psychedelic delirium. I haven't tried datura, but from what i have read the two sound similar.
This was sent to me via PM by someone who could not post in this forum yet. I thought i would post it on his/her behalf as it is relevant and certainly of interest to some.

poquiancho wrote:

It's completely normal to think that way, because that is the mechanism of the conventional pharmaceuticals. We currently refine the salts found in plants/animals/minerals just like making a DMT extraction, they take the bark of the white willow and extract the salicin, to make Aspirin. Just as they did with the cinchona to extract Paracetamol in the beginnings they exploited all the ways to make more quantities at a lower cost via synthesis. This is true for most of the forms of known pharmaceuticals. BUT why do we get sick? We get sick because some pathogen enters aour bodies and takes a fight with our poorly trained defenses, this unleashes a series of mechanisms in our bodies to counter this threat (Fever, muscular pain, inflammation, etc) why i say they are poorly trained? Imagine for a moment that your white cells are a caste of warriors... we usually immunize ourselves with vaccines that are inert pathogens, viruses, or bacteria. So we take all the actions that our defenses can build in case of an outbreak and made them all lazy and dependent on the body mechanisms and pharmaceuticals. BUT Why pharmaceuticals? Do we really need so much refining for this compounds? It is a very interesting subject that some people of course take as a conspiration theory about the big pharmas. I don't wanna be considered a conspiracionist. Of course your body is capable of handling every damn virus or bacterial threat there is, i work in hospitals and have watched people get sicker with medication rather than getting better, this is really upseting. In health terms, there is more mortality now for cancer, immune diseases, diabetes, hipertension, AIDS, Respiratory diseases than deaths due all the wars togheter.
We have the power to restore the healing power to the people, via the use of this sacred and medicinal plants and several others that can be used and HAVE been used for generations by our ancestors.

Sorry if i PM you but i am still in the nursery and cannot post on other topics. Please think about this and make your own judgement. If you want to discuss the subject i will be happy to share my knowledge on the matter.
I think it's a matter of moving the mind, kind of giving it a jolt. When you get sick and feel really miserable, or you indulge in a really strange belief-system, or you take psychedelics etc. it gives you an impulse. Whether it takes you some place interesting - I guess that's really in the stars or it depends on what kind of potential energy was locked up on your mind to begin with and a little probably the nature of the jolt.

I once read a book called House of Leaves, and while I was reading it I was having outbursts of psychedelic thoughts. I wrote an entire journal full of crazed ravings - and I was entirely sober the whole time. The only thing I think that connects these different types of mind-altering experiences is the mind itself. The mechanism is IMHO different, and the outcome, as all that is mind-related depends more on yourself, than on where the impulse came from.

just my two cents...
Enoon - the House of Leaves is a fine book. I can't recommend it enough to those psychedelically inclined. The only book - the only chunk of media - that has EVER scared me!! To the filthy, speckled marrow...

A high fever is definitely an altered state of consciouness; I am actually surprised that no one (to my knowledge) has correlated the state of mind and visions of the psychedelic experiences with the fevered state, given that a significant rise in body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure is common with most of the substances commonly in use. I am clearly not attributing the affects of DMT to these physiological changes, just wondering how these changes contribute to the experience, and to what degree.

In terms of DMT, I have often wondered if the smoking method contributes something, given that the breath is held for 30-40 seconds depriving the brain, for a short time, of oxygen. Certainly holding your breath in the midst of a significantly raised body temperature would in and of itself create a different state of consciousness. Add to that all the other things a neurotransmitter of this nature does, and well...

I would be curious to test an IM administration to see if there is any significant difference.

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