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Psymposia 2015: Envisioning a Post Prohibition World | April 17-19 | Amherst, MA

Migrated topic.


omnia sunt communia!
OG Pioneer
Taking place April 17-19 in Amherst, MA:

Cool! Perhaps we will cross paths. I was just asked to give a talk (Decriminalization and Commodification - Considerations from the Underground) by them a couple days ago, so I should be there :)

The organizers asked me to share their logo, so I'll go ahead and put that here and the top post to give the thread a bump :)

Also, for those who can make it in person...there may (emphasis on MAY) be more hardcopies of The Nexian available.

And for everyone else...I'm working on figuring out hardcopies on a larger scale. Stay tuned :thumb_up:
Arggh this and something else in wasington just so happens to be on bicycle day, probably for good reason. Ive been dying to make it out to a conference like this but we are doing our second bicycle day celebration this year and we just so happen to live on an island with one of the longest sidewalks in the world going along the beach so im in a tug o war of temptations :p
SnozzleBerry said:
Cool! Perhaps we will cross paths. I was just asked to give a talk (Decriminalization and Commodification - Considerations from the Underground) by them a couple days ago, so I should be there :)
Nice, I (may) be giving a talk as well, on recreational use of psychedelics by young adults, hopefully I'll see you there :)

Awesome! Looks like there might be a nice little crew of Nexians :)

New promo vid:

Pretty stoked to see Snoz give his talk today! 😁

Yesterday was an interesting day to say the least with lots of good talks. I finally get to meet a fellow Nexian face to face and have lunch as well as a lot of other people with shared values. Even spend a solid 10 minutes talking to Kilindi...very much looking forward to his talk today as well.

All in all really glad I signed and up and made the drive to the conference.

Loved yesterdays show VERY inspiring and informative.
Kind of wishing i waited for today to see the Nexians.
Still awesome work folks, thank y'all for everything!

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