Rising Star
It is true. I had to make an account on here just to post this reply.
My buddy, we'll call him D, comes to me with a brand new offering, "Pure Tryptamine." Now I know better than this so I figure someone is trying to hawk some tryptamine RC and they are afraid of scaring people with the real name of it, so they are passing it off as "pure tryptamine." So my first reaction to D is, "Dude, go ask your guy <i>which</i> tryptamine it is. We're big boys, we can handle the truth."
I ask to see the pills and he pulls out about 20 size 0 capsules, each almost totally filled with a very pure looking clear/white powder, very sparkly crystals. There has to be at least 500mg in each capsule. I didn't have my milligram scale, but I can rule out very many tryptamines just by looking at the capsules. Now I have seen very many different kinds of powder/crystals from quite a number of different street drugs and RCs from various vendors and I can say this was a very clean chemical produced in a professional lab. The consistency, color and texture of the powder were all uniform throughout. Sometimes you see there are some chucks in there and some powder, but this was all powder-- no chunks of brick and no slight differences in the color or texture of the powder. It was all fine fluffy powder and as I mentioned, it was remarkably sparkly in the light. Usually even with pure compounds produced in laboratories you see some of the powder is nice and white and some is slightly off white, that kinda thing. This stuff was not like that at all. This did not look like something somebody ordered from China and put int heir own capsules. This stuff looked nice and clean, consistent, pure.
D doesn't know what's what, pharmacologically speaking. So I try to tell him, "Dude, there's absolutely no way that this is just pure tryptamine. That would not make you trip at all." So D gets me on the phone with his guy (we don't get to know each other's real names, I just call him Dale) and Dale turns out to be friends with the guy who makes the stuff. Dale explains that this is a special formulation his buddy has been working on for 3 or 4 years that nano-encapsulates the tryptamine in a special MAOI carrier.
Dale has used it 7 times and knows many people who have taken this stuff dozens of times. No one has had any ill effects yet. Trip comes on in 15 minutes, lasts 4 to 6 hours. As stated above, an extremely clean tryptamine like experience. When I said, "I would imagine this stuff would be more like shrooms or low dose oral DMT than LSD," he said, "it's an experience all it's own." But yes they describe it as very clean, very pure, no body load, no stimulation.
Dale says the pills we got are 700mg and they have had users take up to 14 grams in 24 hours with no problems. He advised to take it on it's own the first time, totally sober, not even any cannabis. However, and this is the one thing that makes me doubt the story, Dale said of his 7 uses, he has mixed it with small amounts of MDMA 5 of those times, like a 100 mg. I'm like, "Dude, you're mixing MDMA w an MAOI?" I asked him to find out exactly which MAOI is in there so we can nail down the duration for food restriction purposes.
As a lifelong psychonaut and psychedelic enthusiast, I try to stay abreast of all the latest developments in the field of psychoactive compounds, so this is very exciting to me. But this was an accident waiting to happen. I get off the phone with Dale and explain what the deal is to D. D is aware of how MAOIs potentiate oral DMT, so I explain to him the strategy behind the tryptamine+MAOI combination. But he is surprised and told me that Dale never explained the food restrictions to him. Next time I talk to Dale (if I ever do, but I want to bc I want to hear his reply from the guy on which MAOI is in there) I will tell them they need to print out a list of everything to avoid while on MAOIs and print out a copy for each and every person they give these little pills to. And he should put a skull and crossbones on each pill so no one will take them without someone explaining, "Oh that's because you can't take the pill until you read this piece of paper first (the list of food and medicine restrictions)."
My guy, D, had no idea there was an MAOI in there and indeed only knew what an MAOI was because I reminded him about how oral DMT is inactive unless you have an MAOI first or at the same time. D is on some pretty heavy medication that would definitely kill him if he took it with the MAOI. He and his girl like to do coke and speed and they definitely would have mixed all that stuff with the "pure tryptamine" if no one had warned them against it.
In my opinion, they should not be telling people it's ok to mix this with MDMA if it really does contain an MAOI. They may be having ok experiences mixing it with very small amounts of pure MDMA (although 100mg is really more of a "common" dose than a "small" does IME) but eventually someone will mix it w a dirty pill containing meth or something and somebody's gonna die.
At any rate, I have not taken it yet, nor has my buddy D. But we will be sending this off for analysis very soon and I will update this thread once we get the results.
He never got back with the results of the analysis.
This would be pretty amazing if it were true.
billsmith_34534 -- post