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Purity~~Ayahuasca Experience~~First Experience~~Caapi & MHRB

Migrated topic.


Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and free
Dose: 70g red Caapi, 2g mimosa.

I must write because I can not forget this: hyperspace is feeling hyperspace. Just a flash, a beautiful moment to ocurr somewhere someplace, and the shift happens. One second. No ego in hyperspace, what you see is what you are/have/you. You are the room!! The morphing walls are you is the event. Thats what I mean by hyperspace is feeling hyperspace. You become it.

I never want to forget this. Hyperspace is feeling hyperspace.

Im bringing it back. I must keep it. Becauss with that knoledge I can go back there by "feeling hyperapace". The way to feel hypeeapace is to see the image in your minds eye. The image can help recall the feeling--and the feeling is hyperspace!

Hyperspace is the place😍 I am complete. Have been loved. All I asked was gentleness, and it was so gentle with me...Im in love because I REMEMBER! Yes! Remwmber the image aa if I was there!! I can keep that truth! The truth I cant forget!

For the life of me, let me remember that I hugged it, and it hugged me back. The hug on the shore was the shift. The shift means that other world.

Can you recognize it?

Have you seen their smiles? How they shine, glow, glitter? The black person--hes smiling. Its always the same. But you must remember the FEELING is it, not the image alone. The image alone is not the meaning.

The meaning...

Oh lord the meaning!! How can it be so? That that reality exists and is the hyperapace happpy acrobatics team.They appear smiling and offer the feeling. the feeling is the shift and you have evolved into a new world!

Memorable is the fact that I wanted to cherish every second, wanted it to never end.

It must be home

My home...felt like putting on the perfect size sock. Just glide in.

So smart, so kind...it showed my myself talking to one of them and I noticed that was my best self. The man was smiling bright with hyperspace delight, intelligence, seemed taller and stronger, bright, pure...

Wow, you see me in my best light

I actually tripped bout the first girl I had, and I felt the love we had, but only the purest truest form of it. Its best light. And I fell in love with her face and body all over again! God it was pretty cool. And in that explosion of love hypeespace eased in. Tn
his was 1 and a half hours after consuming.

Finished drinking at 9pm. peak at 10:30. By 12:30 absolutley back to baseline. Just smoked a fat j.

Oh, also this was my first aya trip. Amazed by the efficacy of this technology. All you have to do to get deeper is struggle with downing the mimosa, while that the caapi is deligthhfull, even at its strongest and spiciest...I mean one cup and your high. I drank four. But I like heavy harmala.

Smiled the whole 4 hours straight. still smiling. unshakeable joy.
Listened to Rod Stewart as always that I go to hyperspace

The mimosa kicks in right away, like 20min and you will feel hyperspace THERE. You might walk on air, wobbly, with reminsicent feelings of jesters. Time to lay down

I realized the urge to vomit was lack of breath, so as long as I remembered to breathe deeply and meditativley, I could feel amazing in my tummy and forget about vommiting. didint vomit. tho im sure if I drank more mimosa the tank would have burst for sure.

The joke is so apparent...I cant remember what hyperspace is until I become it agaim, amd theeeen I remember it all, all my trips, the whole idea of it...expansive idea it is. It indicates the existence of a dimensiom which shocks because its aesthetic and unique and like nothing no one has ever seen before. So I cant remember it..
twitchy said:
The curiosity is killing me, why Rod Stewart and which songs?

Rod Stewart has a pack of five albums, called The Great American Songbook. These are about 60 songs, all of them monumental, with perfect instrumentation and musicans, from the trumpets, to the saxophones, to the piano playing, to the guest singers. Its filled will perfect solos, melodies, and...with Rod's voice, which is absolutley rendered godly in the format of the american Jazz standards. My first trip was with these songs...my last trip has been with these songs. The happiest moments of my life have been riding a trumpet solo in hyperspace ;) Just listening to them brings me back to that frame of mind of infinite peace and joy, warm in hyperspace, eternal.

Isn't it Romantic

Everytime We Say Goodbye

What a Difference a Day Makes
Sounds like an absolutely amazing trip, buddy. Those feelings you describe of meeting ayahuasca for the first time are so powerful and awesome. There is just nothing like this stuff! It just never stops loving you. I love it so much too, yet haven't visited in so long. I'll have to plan a trip soon.
FranLover said:
twitchy said:
The curiosity is killing me, why Rod Stewart and which songs?

Rod Stewart has a pack of five albums, called The Great American Songbook. These are about 60 songs, all of them monumental, with perfect instrumentation and musicans, from the trumpets, to the saxophones, to the piano playing, to the guest singers. Its filled will perfect solos, melodies, and...with Rod's voice, which is absolutley rendered godly in the format of the american Jazz standards. My first trip was with these songs...my last trip has been with these songs. The happiest moments of my life have been riding a trumpet solo in hyperspace ;) Just listening to them brings me back to that frame of mind of infinite peace and joy, warm in hyperspace, eternal.

Isn't it Romantic

Everytime We Say Goodbye

What a Difference a Day Makes

Awesome. Thanks for the elaboration. It's always a treat to gain another's perspective on music. Precious few things have the ability to gain that direct access to the soul like music does. If mankind has any evidence of the divine spark within us, it's surely music (the suffix 'ic' implying of the 'muse').
Super report! thanks for sharing Franlover. :)

Franlover said:
Oh, also this was my first aya trip. Amazed by the efficacy of this technology. All you have to do to get deeper is struggle with downing the mimosa, while that the caapi is deligthhfull, even at its strongest and spiciest...I mean one cup and your high. I drank four. But I like heavy harmala.

Smiled the whole 4 hours straight. still smiling. unshakeable joy.
Listened to Rod Stewart as always that I go to hyperspace

The mimosa kicks in right away, like 20min and you will feel hyperspace THERE. You might walk on air, wobbly, with reminsicent feelings of jesters. Time to lay down
Yes, the efficacy of the technology is out of this world strong and immersive. Oceans of Love. The Joy like you said is unshakable--I find the Joy on an infinite, eternal plane. Divine spiritual ecstasy. A "gratuitous grace" as Aldous Huxley called it. Have some Hawaiian psychotria that is super strong at 30g to 35g, if you ever get the dream chance to find some, highly recommend as admixture filtered and boiled down to a shot or so.
Right on FranLover thanks for sharing. I personally could not keep the mimosa tea in my stomach. Tried a handful of times. Perhaps my stomach will have a better reaction with traditional brew of psychotria and caapi.
tregar said:
Super report! thanks for sharing Franlover. :)

Franlover said:
Oh, also this was my first aya trip. Amazed by the efficacy of this technology. All you have to do to get deeper is struggle with downing the mimosa, while that the caapi is deligthhfull, even at its strongest and spiciest...I mean one cup and your high. I drank four. But I like heavy harmala.

Smiled the whole 4 hours straight. still smiling. unshakeable joy.
Listened to Rod Stewart as always that I go to hyperspace

The mimosa kicks in right away, like 20min and you will feel hyperspace THERE. You might walk on air, wobbly, with reminsicent feelings of jesters. Time to lay down

Yes, the efficacy of the technology is out of this world strong and immersive. Oceans of Love. The Joy like you said is unshakable--I find the Joy on an infinite, eternal plane. Divine spiritual ecstasy. A "gratuitous grace" as Aldous Huxley called it. Have some Hawaiian psychotria that is super strong at 30g to 35g, if you ever get the dream chance to find some, highly recommend as admixture filtered and boiled down to a shot or so.

Thank you so much. I will definitley try it with Hawaian psychotria.
Tony6Strings said:
Right on FranLover thanks for sharing. I personally could not keep the mimosa tea in my stomach. Tried a handful of times. Perhaps my stomach will have a better reaction with traditional brew of psychotria and caapi.

Have you tried reducing it to a single shot? =)
FranLover said:
Have you tried reducing it to a single shot? =)

Yes. Invariably, I purge within a minute or so of drinking the stuff. Guess it is just not my cup of tea. There are many ways to get to hyperspace and I am grateful to have found a way I am comfortable working with.
Tony6Strings said:
FranLover said:
Have you tried reducing it to a single shot? =)

Yes. Invariably, I purge within a minute or so of drinking the stuff. Guess it is just not my cup of tea. There are many ways to get to hyperspace and I am grateful to have found a way I am comfortable working with.

For sure Tony=) I have really enjoyed smoking as a ROA too...enormously.
If you get your hands on Hawaiian chacruna, go easy as the sweet spot for some leaf can be in the area of 6-8 g; Tregar's 30 g could land you in ER if you remained conscious.

My first oral DMT experience was with rue and MHRB and it was a massive overdose (13.5 g, when 2 g is more like it). I met God for the first time, and the next day I could hear people's and animals' thoughts telepathically.

These days I stick to gentler and kinder combinations, so I go with vine (or fairly pure harmine and THH) and a particular gentle strain of chali, but not all chali is gentle.
Beautiful description!!! ALL our conversations make me look forward to when I can actually experience it orally with a maoi!! You gota stop torturing me with these beautiful descriptions HAHA JK Hey sometimes things are so much more worth it when you have to wait anyway! '

Music is very key for me to! we all have our different styles that we like but yet to find a human that just doesn't like some sort of music. But music is vibration and vibration is a essential force that is within EVERYTHING. It give us a connection to everything that was is and ever will be!
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