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Purposefully Under-dose?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Anyone else under-dose on purpose? as in not breakthrough/rocket ship to hyperspace.
swim likes to smoke half a cone of changa and half cannabis, cannabis on top (fairly small cone). It provides swim with a wonderful experience. very often mild OEV sometimes very mushy like. Overall it makes any normal cannabis cone a significantly more psychedelically flavored experience!:shock:
A few millegrams of spice = a few million molecules

I find just a hit, just a taste, to be healing.

All depends on what kind of work I want to do...
Agree with House. SWIM has worked a lot recently with doses just large enough to feel the carrier-wave. She feels like it balances and organizes her energetic field.
Under-dosing is a great exercise for me! Taking a nice under-dose before showering is great, specially followed by an essential oil footrub and proper dose. The tile work in most showers is really nice and watching water streaming off your face while having the back of your skull baraded with hot water is very enjoyable, makes me laugh!:d lsd in the shower, water is one of my favorites though so maybe not everyone will like it.

I get the water running, ready myself sitting on the edge of my bed, inhale and walk a few steps to the bathroom to make sure my legs are safe enough to stand in the slippery shower.:shock:
۩ said:
A few millegrams of spice = a few million molecules

I find just a hit, just a taste, to be healing.

All depends on what kind of work I want to do...
Completely off-topic, but I couldn't resist. A milligram of DMT contains ALOT more than a few million molecules.

1 mole DMT => 188.27 g/mol = 188270 mg/mol

1 mg DMT => 1 mg/188270 mg/mol = 5.311 x 10^-6 mol

Avogadro's Number = 6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol

(6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) x (5.311 x 10^-6 mol)

1 mg DMT = 3.2 x 10^18 molecules

That's 3,200,000,000,000,000,000 (3.2 quintillion) molecules of DMT per milligram!

(Personally, I don't like a dose lower than about 77 quintillion molecules.) :)
Oh lord, don't start this. You'll have me calculating the amount of 5-HT 2A, 5-HT 2C, and sigma-1 receptors in the average adult CNS. From there, nothing good will happen, especially if I have DMT's volume of distribution and the binding affinities for each receptor. That would lead to me calculating how much DMT the average person needs to saturate the receptors!
Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha said:
Oh lord, don't start this. You'll have me calculating the amount of 5-HT 2A, 5-HT 2C, and sigma-1 receptors in the average adult CNS. From there, nothing good will happen, especially if I have DMT's volume of distribution and the binding affinities for each receptor. That would lead to me calculating how much DMT the average person needs to saturate the receptors!
? ? Can you do that? or were you just joking? Is the ammount that the average person needs based on body weight of the average person or is it based on ammount of receptors and binding affinities to those receptors and average ammount needed to saturate them?

Sorry I dont mean to sound stupid but, well that just sounds so much more correct to me. When I start to think about it though, mg per kg of weight would explain why some people need more or less than others.

In a perfect scenario how would the exact, fully psychedelic dose be calculated?
I was joking. I don't know enough about neuropharmacology to know one way or the other whether or not the calculations I mentioned would produce any usable results.

My guess would be that you would need to know both the individual's weight as well as the binding affinities. The body weight together with some other pharmacological data, like volume of distribution and something to determine how easily DMT diffuses from the bloodstream into the CNS, should allow you to calculate what concentration a certain dose of DMT would reach in the CNS of a person with a certain body weight.

Then the binding affinity would be used to find out what percentage of a given receptor is activated by a given concentration, which you got from the above concentration. I think that's the binding affinity, but maybe I'm calling it by the wrong name. I know there's some number that represents that, for example, 50% of a given receptor is acted on by a given concentration of a ligand. But I don't know enough about how all that works to actually come up with numbers to give people here on the forum.

If one were actually going to try and calculate a dose based on a person's body weight and DMT's pharmacological data, we'd also need to have some kind of correlation between percentage of receptors activated and level of psychedelic effects. Given that humongous doses smoked or injected intravenously can cause memory loss, we presumably don't want to fully saturate the receptors.
Lately under dosing has left me feeling pretty horrible. There's a fine line on the dose for me these days. Its an all or nothing thing at the moment.
I used to enjoy it now it makes me feel queasy, sick and pretty uncomfortable.
lol gibran reminding me of my general chem lectures !
felnik i find i have the same feelings as well but the cannabis certainly helps and it also seems that i have become accustomed to the effects of an underdose, if you make an underdose the norm then that anxiety goes away in my experience.
Low dose spice and changa is great. A personal favorite at anytime (changa more so than straight spice). There was a low dose appreciation thread at bluelight a while back. We should start one here. The purpose of the thread was to post random musings while on low doses. Fun.
I sometimes enjoy underdosing. If not because a full dose occasionally leaves me feeling tired, and an underdose kind of wakes me up. A few in a day though....and its exactly the same as a full dose... eyes get tired, brain gets tired.

Pretty relaxing having a hand-rolled sprinkled around with just the smallest bit of dmt.
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