Rising Star
A warm welcome to you all!
There is so much I would like to say but don't know where to start!
I have been reading the fascinating posts on nexus for rather a long time now, learning, listening and observing. i feel I'm ready to take the next step and be a visible member of this wonderful, compassionate and intelligent community.
I've experimented with lots of different substances, and I've found over the years that nothing interests me more than the psychedelic experience.
I'm fascinated with the bizarre, strange, the other, whatever you want to call it and always have been. I've had only a modest amount of psychedelic experiences (psychedelics and impatience never mix), about 5 profound LSD trips and one which was borderline divine - it taught me a lot (it is also the subject of 10,000 word trip report!). Despite my devout interest I've not had much experience with psilocybin mushrooms, a couple of times in Thailand which were fun but nothing was gained. I have had very intense cannabis trips in the past, especially when using Butane Honey Oil. Also, strangely, I find the effects of Nitrous to be very very overwhelming.
I bought DMT (never again - I am a firm believer that psychedelics should never be sold) about 2 years ago, and stored it for a while waiting for the perfect moment - and waiting until I knew I was ready. Unfortunately that went pear shaped, and smoked it about three months later after having beers with friends. Apparently my friend and I had an amazing profound experience together but unfortunately I remember very very little of it.
When I woke in the morning, I was really annoyed at myself. I had ruined the moment I'd been waiting for. Psychologically I was as ready as I could have been, but the timing was just not right. It was exactly the situation I didn't want to smoke it in. I wanted to have a clear mind going into it, I wanted to be at a beautiful place at a beautiful moment. It was so unlike me to violate my principles in the "heat of the moment" like that.
Anyhow, no regrets - our past experiences shape our futures and I have come along way since.
Also a long time browser of erowid, bluelight, Lycaeum, deoxy, psychedelic salon and an assortment of others, but the nexus is, as far as I am concerned, the only legitimate online psychedelic community. What we have here is very very special, and the work we do is important. I've rarely seen such genuine compassion in the outside world let alone on an online forum.
I'm fascinated with human behaviour and their relationships with each other, their plants, and their drugs. I'm a regular lucid dreamer and worked with Silene Capensis and Calea Z last year with great results - I look forward to continuing my work with Oneirogens. I also experimented a little with Elemicin last year, but didn't continue research after I moved overseas. I'm an obsessive reader and music listener... I will try and push books and music on to you haha.
I am a person who loves and cares about the planet, the environment, our future, the animals that live beside us and the fundamental right that everyone should have a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in and food in their stomach. It's something I am very passionate about but not something that I will go with here.
But let it just be said, I find the current situation that we, as "conscious" beings on this planet, have found ourselves in very distressing.
This is a group that I already very much identify with and would like to be more of a part of - to share and to learn.
Anything else anyone wants to know, just ask!
There is so much I would like to say but don't know where to start!
I have been reading the fascinating posts on nexus for rather a long time now, learning, listening and observing. i feel I'm ready to take the next step and be a visible member of this wonderful, compassionate and intelligent community.
I've experimented with lots of different substances, and I've found over the years that nothing interests me more than the psychedelic experience.
I'm fascinated with the bizarre, strange, the other, whatever you want to call it and always have been. I've had only a modest amount of psychedelic experiences (psychedelics and impatience never mix), about 5 profound LSD trips and one which was borderline divine - it taught me a lot (it is also the subject of 10,000 word trip report!). Despite my devout interest I've not had much experience with psilocybin mushrooms, a couple of times in Thailand which were fun but nothing was gained. I have had very intense cannabis trips in the past, especially when using Butane Honey Oil. Also, strangely, I find the effects of Nitrous to be very very overwhelming.
I bought DMT (never again - I am a firm believer that psychedelics should never be sold) about 2 years ago, and stored it for a while waiting for the perfect moment - and waiting until I knew I was ready. Unfortunately that went pear shaped, and smoked it about three months later after having beers with friends. Apparently my friend and I had an amazing profound experience together but unfortunately I remember very very little of it.
When I woke in the morning, I was really annoyed at myself. I had ruined the moment I'd been waiting for. Psychologically I was as ready as I could have been, but the timing was just not right. It was exactly the situation I didn't want to smoke it in. I wanted to have a clear mind going into it, I wanted to be at a beautiful place at a beautiful moment. It was so unlike me to violate my principles in the "heat of the moment" like that.
Anyhow, no regrets - our past experiences shape our futures and I have come along way since.
Also a long time browser of erowid, bluelight, Lycaeum, deoxy, psychedelic salon and an assortment of others, but the nexus is, as far as I am concerned, the only legitimate online psychedelic community. What we have here is very very special, and the work we do is important. I've rarely seen such genuine compassion in the outside world let alone on an online forum.
I'm fascinated with human behaviour and their relationships with each other, their plants, and their drugs. I'm a regular lucid dreamer and worked with Silene Capensis and Calea Z last year with great results - I look forward to continuing my work with Oneirogens. I also experimented a little with Elemicin last year, but didn't continue research after I moved overseas. I'm an obsessive reader and music listener... I will try and push books and music on to you haha.
I am a person who loves and cares about the planet, the environment, our future, the animals that live beside us and the fundamental right that everyone should have a roof over their head, a bed to sleep in and food in their stomach. It's something I am very passionate about but not something that I will go with here.
But let it just be said, I find the current situation that we, as "conscious" beings on this planet, have found ourselves in very distressing.
This is a group that I already very much identify with and would like to be more of a part of - to share and to learn.
Anything else anyone wants to know, just ask!