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Q21Q21 to Changa, what solvent to dissolve jimjam

Migrated topic.
Well I'm kinda not 100% on this one because afaik the jury is still out whether all the DMT freebases when it is evaporated completely or not until vaporization.

So that begs the question: is Jimjam-acetate soluble in acetone or IPA.

Another "solvent" that could be used is vinegar, but I don't know about soggyness problems. I think house noted that vinegar dissolved on herbs was something like the best changa his friends ever had or something.

IPA and Acetone do dissolve freebase jimjam A-OKAY (Acetone better I believe) but I can't say for sure evaporative vinegar will be freebase.

Good luck in any case.
Another vote for Acetone. I just finished my supply of IPA and my found that my new supply of acetone it was much better at dissolving the jimjam.
3rdI said:
Another vote for Acetone. I just finished my supply of IPA and my found that my new supply of acetone it was much better at dissolving the jimjam.

PrimalWisdom said:
Acetone works for me. and it evaporates alot quicker than most solvents ime.

How was this jimjam product made?

I just did a quick test evaporating a tincture with DMT-acetate onto a spoon. The spoon was used for heated evaporation several times and had a little bit of soot on it.

I haven't evaporated it yet but it has what looks like 15mg (the amount of DMT) in very soft chunks at the bottom, many specs that look like the same and a grey tint from the soot.

So.... I'm not sure. I suppose I should try it on a clean surface with evaporated DMT-acetate but seeing what looks like 15mg of stuff at the bottle from adding 15mg of DMT seems to suggest it wasn't dissolved.

Just proved myself wrong.

I decided to filter the acetone from the brown-grey chunks and specs.
It came out a Jimjam red-orange. When evaporated and scraped it looked like this:

I just smoked it. Due to the small amount of liquid there was probably 40-60% lost in the cotton ball and surfaces but nonetheless it vaporized and tasted just as if I would have scraped up the goo instead of dissolving it in acetone, filtering then evaporating THEN scraping.

*tiny DMT effects still tingling*
So it seems that evaporated DMT-acetates are soluble in acetone for sure.
ive evaped concentrated vinegar pulls, and gone all natural and just threw leaf in crockpot when it was reeaaly concentrated and close to full evap.

I evapped stirring the goey leaf around for a short while, to make sure it didnt smell like vinegar, and collected the sample to dry. End product dried somewhat, but was heavily coated with jimjam,causing clumpiness and density, but not a hastle to deal with like just straight jim jam..

Results were phenomenal, Definetely very intense.. I threw some harmalas in the mixture i believe. Messing with the jim jam is just difficult, sometimes i got too high and just sloppily repacked a bowl with waay too much of the stuff :O

but dont underestimate this goey concentrated changa you dont need much just a pinch. I found i could just fire in the hole, and somehow that seemed to work better then when i tried to vape it, oddly enough..
Just to piggyback on this thread...

If doing the Q21Q21 Tek 1 where you end up with the jimjam tincture, is it necessary to freebase the tincture first before adding to the mix (DMT/herb/harmalas and acetone/alcohol/vinegar*) and evaporate/dry it? Or can you just add all the ingredients with the acetone/alcohol/vinegar, then let it evaporate, and then have a usable product?

* One of those, obviously, not all of them.
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