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Quantity of harmala alkaloids for changa?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I have a few grams of enhanced damiana and I am wondering what is the ideal amount of harmala alkaloids to use to make changa vs. quantity of elfspice?

I would like to use harmine/harmaline freebase to spice up my enhanced leaf.
I'd also like to know this, and also how you procured the harmalas?

I'm going to make some 10x caapi leaf but i think i'd prefer to play with pure harmalas/DMT instead as it seems it could be much more precise.
Up to your personal taste... Swim doesn't think there needs to be a ratio and prefers random chance in a way of speaking, which is the point in the case of making a natural extrat your not going to know the actual quantities of alkaliods in an ethanol extract if 10 x caapi leaf... But that'd not the point... Your working with the plants spirit.
Dorge said:
Up to your personal taste... Swim doesn't think there needs to be a ratio and prefers random chance in a way of speaking, which is the point in the case of making a natural extrat your not going to know the actual quantities of alkaliods in an ethanol extract if 10 x caapi leaf... But that'd not the point... Your working with the plants spirit.

By saying that I am working with the plants spirit, do you mean that by imbibing harmala alkaloids extracted from caapi that the caapi spirit is interacting with my consciousness through the alteration produced by the alkaloids? Wouldn't this effect be dependent on the amount of harmala alkaloids present?
Just feel like mentioning that I dosed myself with an extract once. I seriously overdosed and had a terrifying experience that left me lying on the floor with my legs tucked into my chest and clutching at my heart because it felt like something was seriously wrong with my body.

I would really appreciate getting a clear outline of working with extracts, hearing as much about how people dose, what normal tolerance/threshold for effects is, etc., so anyone curious can get a clear picture.

The only time I smoked extracted harmalas, I got sicker than I have ever been from any psychedelic in my life. 175g of oral Caapi was nothing in comparison. Smoking was TERRIBLE and I don't ever want to smoke anything beside plain Caapi leaf now. I experienced all normal signs of harmala intoxication (audio distortion, tracers, plant communication, tremors), and it intensified into not a level of visions, but a level of pure body sickness that was atrocious. It was even worse than the time I smoked plain leaf changa after drinking 120g of Caapi, turned on all the lights, took off my clothes, danced and pulled serpents out of my body because I was stuck in hyperspace for 45-60 minutes.

Smoking too many harmalas was TERRIBLE. :( So, it would be incredibly wise for everyone to talk about intensity of experience, general tolerance, and numbers, to see if we can figure anything out. This also doesn't sound like a typical experience with any kind of extracted harmalas, but it did happen, so I think it warrants discussion.

The spirit of Ayahuasca was definitely there. But so was a nasty dose of alkaloids that I don't ever want to send directly into my brain ever again. There is no matter without spirit and spirit-infused matter must be approached with utmost respect. :shock:
ms_manic_minxx said:
Just feel like mentioning that I dosed myself with an extract once. I seriously overdosed and had a terrifying experience that left me lying on the floor with my legs tucked into my chest and clutching at my heart because it felt like something was seriously wrong with my body.

I would really appreciate getting a clear outline of working with extracts, hearing as much about how people dose, what normal tolerance/threshold for effects is, etc., so anyone curious can get a clear picture.

The only time I smoked extracted harmalas, I got sicker than I have ever been from any psychedelic in my life. 175g of oral Caapi was nothing in comparison. Smoking was TERRIBLE and I don't ever want to smoke anything beside plain Caapi leaf now. I experienced all normal signs of harmala intoxication (audio distortion, tracers, plant communication, tremors), and it intensified into not a level of visions, but a level of pure body sickness that was atrocious. It was even worse than the time I smoked plain leaf changa after drinking 120g of Caapi, turned on all the lights, took off my clothes, danced and pulled serpents out of my body because I was stuck in hyperspace for 45-60 minutes.

Smoking too many harmalas was TERRIBLE. :( So, it would be incredibly wise for everyone to talk about intensity of experience, general tolerance, and numbers, to see if we can figure anything out. This also doesn't sound like a typical experience with any kind of extracted harmalas, but it did happen, so I think it warrants discussion.

The spirit of Ayahuasca was definitely there. But so was a nasty dose of alkaloids that I don't ever want to send directly into my brain ever again. There is no matter without spirit and spirit-infused matter must be approached with utmost respect. :shock:

Interesting, Ms. Minxx. Do you know appx. the amount of harmala alkaloids you had smoked? Did any of your symptoms parallel with those experienced by people that experience MAOI induced hypertension, or have you ruled that out? Nausea can be a symptom of hypertension, iirc. Perhaps vaporized harmala alkaloids invoke a tad more sensitivity to tyramine than oral ingestion?

On a side note, I am interested in the details of the experience you touched on. Let me know if you ever write up a report.
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