I agree the theory is bogus. However I would be very hesitant to say that quantum processes are not in some way involved in consciousness or brain function in general. For example electrons seem to be heavily involved in neuronal activity in certain brain regions. DNA seems to constantly emit photons and has been found extracellularly through the CNS. There is def room for QM interactions and manipulations here. We can not fully explain the functioning of the CNS however I think it entirely possibly the QM effects are utilized in additional to classical mechanics. I think that QM processes will def be found to be involved in brain function.
I love neuroscience but the more I have studied it the more I realize that for all we know we barely know shit. Even with drug actions there are so many complex variables. People love to take a drug observe the first biological effect it has and say "oh these effects are caused by its action at this site..." however what about all the other sites it acts at? What about unknown mechanisms? Even the tools and techniques we have to study these processes are currently limited. We know a lot but we have a long way to go. Good science is def the way to knowledge unfortunately science is limited by its tools and our knowledge of the system we are probing.
People are making theories without adequate knowledge of the system. It would be like trying to guess the image of a puzzle with 90% of the pieces missing. Just as when scientists look back at research from the 60's and see how "primitive" most of it was but for their knowledge at the time it was groundbreaking work. The same will be said of our work today. This is why in many ways it is better to document information, and make observations but hold off on the grand theories.... unless you acknowledge them as what they are ....theories.. but many think they are definite...this limits progress and wastes money.... not that theories don't have utility and it certainly depends on the field and situtation... but especially neuroscience work I see this happening more and more and the politics of it all ... don't get me started how that influences the theories... .