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Question on brewing

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've taken a look at the Aya forums and read quite a bit. I think it would probably help those over here to have a sticky with a good easy to use tek.

The questions I have are as follows to anyone who would know - all advice is appreciated.

Ratios in material for four rounds, using caapi & chacruna.

When brewing the vine mixture, being careful not to boil & stirring regularly - how long is necessary for each batch and am I concerned with reducing at this point?

Once I have three brews I combine and then reduce? In the reducing process is boiling normal while stirring?

Any advice is appreciated. I don't care to post all over the internets and quite honestly spend more time here.
Not sure what dosage most people use for chacruna brews, but I think it'll be around 30 -40g it depends on the batch. You'd be able to get an experience from using 15g worth of caapi but it would have to be well made. Personally I'd go for 30g caapi and 40g chacruna per dose.

I don't like to boil all-day like some do. I like to get it done asap but done correctly. I'd boil both seperately, use a good tea spoon of ascorbic acid in each and boil it down on a medium heat then filter it off through a coffee strainer then add more water to each, and boil that down (with no ascorbic acid) then filter and lightly heat the remaining seperately until each are at a drinkable amount -almost a shot worth of each for me.

I'll then leave for a day or two until all sediment falls to the bottom of the containers, then I'll filter through a paper filter. I'll never filter the caapi though, it always weakens it when I do it.

Hope this helps.
Thanks - how much water for each boil? Enough to cover the goods or is there a specific ratio you use? Also have you compared your method with an all day method, if so did you notice any difference. I'm not one to rush anything but I've noticed that some things don't require the amount of time some people put into it.

I rarely have a whole day to breath these days.
The amount of water doesn't really matter, but more means more waiting. Just don't let it go dry.
I've cooked for ages before and it makes no difference to me.
When I made my brew, I brewed all day, about 12 hours.

Heres what I did

I brewed my caapi 50gr in 3x 3lt boils, then filtered and reduced, reduction took about an hour, I reduced to about 50ml.
The chacruna, 50gr was brewed for 2x 15 min, then reduced to about 50ml.I think I started with about 1lt per boil.

I think I might have rushed my reductions, I might have had the flame on a bit high. Next time I brew I reduce at even a slower rate, amybe make my brew over a day or two, or three.

You really need to find time for the brew, a day is the least you going to need for this.

Ive taken leave for a week to do my next brew, prep myself a bit.

Hope all goes well bro.
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