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Questions regarding preparation of yopo seeds

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM had recently learned about yopo, and wanted to try to smoke some seeds. He read about the possible toxic affects, and heard that toasting the seeds previous to smoking has reduced the unpleasant effects and alks. How exactly do you toast them? And is there anything else that can be done after toasting to remove the rest of the nasties but leave the good stuff behind? This is new ground for both me and him, so any and all information would be greatly appreciated before he jumps into this awaiting world.
Here's what SWIM did when he prepared & snorted Yopo some 5 years ago.
He did it 3 times using the same method and all 3 trials were amazingly

This is what SWIM did and he recommends SWIY to do this as well:
+Yopo seeds
+Calcium Hydroxide(Pickling Lime)
+Mortar & Pestle
+Microwave (Pan on a stove works also)

-Roast Yopo seeds to inflate the outer shells and make them brittle.(Microwave works best)
-Remove the now brittle seed shells/husks to reveal the hard, fleshy beans inside.
-Grind these naked beans to a powder with mortar & pestle(If roasted dry enough this should be easy)
-Measure out a volume of Lime-powder roughly equal to the volume of the powdered Yopo seeds.
-Mix the Lime & Yopo-powder up in a bowl while adding small amounts of water. The amount of water added should be just enough to create a paste with the consistency of pea-soup. Thick,
but pourable. Keep mixing this up very well for about 10 minutes.
-Leave this bowl of paste alone in a dark, dry place for minimally 12 hours to react properly.
-Once the strong Ammonia smell is gone the reaction is complete. The paste should have dried
up completely by this time.
-Crush up this hardened paste untill it is a fine powder again.
And now the Snuff is ready to snort or have someone blow it up SWIY's nose.
For SWIM it only took 3 Medium sized Yopo seeds to achieve deep, visionairy
experiences far beyond breakthrough level.
Toasting 'em in the oven is a great idea. Check out Bufotenine IPA Extraction and Bufojam Changa Tek - DMT-Nexus Wiki

I just based the beans themselves (after toasting) and pulled directly with alcohol; evapping over freebased rue for a crude "changa"; which worked fine out of a lightbulb vape. Follow the tek however and you will probably get a much cleaner product.

You can get high concentration Bufotenine if you have access to Fumeric acid and Acetone for the Bufotenine FASA tek; even pure with a follow up cleaning. But many have been having successs with the posted link. See the thread "wow oh wow bufotenine success !!" by Fractal Enchantment.

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