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Rain mister Aqua cloning question

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Esteemed member
So I bought a rain mister Aqua cloner for clones . Now normally I clone tropicals and am kinda new to clones of cannabis . I've started with some high cbd hemp clones mainly because I enjoy the cbd effects and am not a big cannabis user like i am with my ayahuasca plant s .

Anyway , I have a lot of cherry wine and a few berry blossom plants and have been trying to take clones and ironically as good as I am with cloning other plants I am doing something wrong with cannabis .

Any advise ? The Aqua cloner just turns the stems to mush after a week or so . I dont know if it's ph or hormones or what. I'd appreciate any tips from experienced growers please . Ty
Ferrum said:
So I bought a rain mister Aqua cloner for clones . Now normally I clone tropicals and am kinda new to clones of cannabis . I've started with some high cbd hemp clones mainly because I enjoy the cbd effects and am not a big cannabis user like i am with my ayahuasca plant s .

Anyway , I have a lot of cherry wine and a few berry blossom plants and have been trying to take clones and ironically as good as I am with cloning other plants I am doing something wrong with cannabis .

Any advise ? The Aqua cloner just turns the stems to mush after a week or so . I dont know if it's ph or hormones or what. I'd appreciate any tips from experienced growers please . Ty
It is very easy to make cannabis clones. You need some substrate (soil, rock wool, water or other),cannabis cuttings, high humidity (75%-90%), temperature 22-25°C and low light.

Post 18 shows at what angle (45-degree angle) and how I cut stemp for the clones. It is very easy. I deliberately cut and leave fewer leaves to stimulate the plant to create root rather than leaf mass. Trim off any huge lower leaves or node points from the new cutting and clip the top fan leaves if they are too big. Cutting the leaves helps prevent the weed clone from “over-exerting” itself trying to turn light into food, when the plant should be focused on roots.
New cuttings should be 5-8 inches (10-20 cm) long. With longer and thinner stems, rooting is easier.

Your clones need to get their water through their leaves (stomata) right now because their roots haven’t formed. That’s why a nice humid cloner works great, or you can mist your plants a few times a day until they start forming roots or make a small greenhouse and open it 1 a day.
You can make a mini greenhouse from a pot with an elastic band and nylon or even a plastic transparent bag is enough, and in the best case you can use an aquarium or a transparent food box.

Leave your grow lights on an 18 hourse light/6 hours dark (18/6) for your new clones.

Temperature 72-77 °F (22-25 °C ) is perfect!!!!
Your cuttings need a humid environment in the 75%-90% humidity range until they’ve created roots and are able to intake water through them

It is very easy, cut a few cuttings, leave them fewer leaves, melt the cut in rooting hormones (organic humus from red California worm, aloe vera juice, coconut water, willow extract, beneficial soil bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, zeolite or something else...) and then put it in the soil in a half-full pot, and on top of the pot put a transparent stretch film and rubber band to attach the stretch to create mini greenhouse. Open it 1 a day to take fresh air (exhale 3 times from your Breath), spray them with water and close the mini greenhouse. In 14 days+ there will be ready clones.

Another easier way is to put the cutting directly in a glass of water, but it takes root much harder and much slower.

I love to make clones. Making clones for me is fun because I use zeolite, beneficial soil bacteria and mycosis.

Write if you have other questions and upload photos to see how things turn out.
From now on, I warn you that some varieties are harder to root because of genes, and others easier.

All the best,

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