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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Is there any plans to bring about a ratings service where we can rate each other?

I've gotten so much help from this site it would be nice to be able to leave ratings or messages that are public so people can see whose giving sound advice...
If you use this site you quite quickly see who's who here and what people stand for. I'm not a supporter of a rating system like that.
Absolutely against it. It creates false hirarchies and a culture of "lets try to behave how i think i should behave". If you want to thank someone, write him a private message. Im sure that would be sweet for him.
I am absolutely positively against a rating system. Hell No.

I am a member and used to be a supporter of the shroomery.com. I still lurk there allot. I must say if there was one thing I dont like about the shroomery it is the rating system.

Rating systems get abused, they promote clicks and ass licking and envy and BS. I just dont see a place for ratings here.
Methinks the Nexus transcends all false boundaries imposed by geography,culture,race and creed and I like it this way.We do not need to impose any ego-massaging false constructs on a structure which is free-flowing and in keeping with the essence of the psychedelic state:wink:
Maybe we could have a rating system for posts instead of users. This can make threads much easier to read, because you can see how useful a post has been to other people at a glance.

For instance, someone could have wrote a very informative post, such as a tek for cleaning spice ect. People could then rate it out of 5. The ratings could be averaged and this would show how informative other people thought it was.

Just an idea. :)

I am however NOT a fan of rating for profiles, but it is a nice idea.
zubidlo is not here on Nexus for long to have a valid right to comment on this proposition, but zubidlo honestly thinks that any form of rating system is not going to improve the posts in any way. zubidlo witnessed mainly negative aspects of such a approach from other network communities. It really feels like 'ego food' as experienced nexians mentioned. This is not 'Facefuck' is it?:d

Ratings are all just personal opinions, anyway--they don't necessarily have anything to do with whether or not something is factual. And the Nexus is extremely factual. 😉

So, yeah, I will also add that I do not like the idea of a rating system. I don't see what positive things it could foster, and I see a ton of negative outcomes. :?
The rating system would create the perception of gurus and leaders in the community. It would also be biased twoards those who have been here the longest. Some of the best people we have here are somewhat new in relation to others. However the idea of rating posts might not be a bad one as it would give us a tool to bury well for a lack of a better word poor posts and allow people to see the good hot topics that are of interest to the community.
My opponent fractal steals candy from unborn babies and kicks cross eyed puppies!!!

I'm vovin and I approve this message
This spam was paid for by the 'Vovin for overlord campaign'.
I consider Nexus to be strong on extraction teks and stuff. But are those highlight topics for everyone? I don't know. I like Nexus as it is.

vovin said:
My opponent fractal steals candy from unborn babies and kicks cross eyed puppies!!!

I'm vovin and I approve this message
This spam was paid for by the 'Vovin for overlord campaign'.

You got my vote overlord. I fall for aggressive campaigns. And when you become the presidente only YOU get to decide which topic was worthy to read! :d
vovin said:
My opponent fractal steals candy from unborn babies and kicks cross eyed puppies!!!

I'm vovin and I approve this message
This spam was paid for by the 'Vovin for overlord campaign'.

How perfect for election week....
I retired from this dreadful scene after I was school president in grade 6. ;)

Anyway, I'd just pull the "I'M FEMALE!" card and win by default, so I'll sit this one out and let everyone else play. ;)

Minxx, Manic Mistress of her own Magical Realm :twisted:
fractal enchantment said:
maybe we can also vote for the next nexus president and have all sorts of super cool election campains:d

I would support this IF-

We establish term limits right away.

Limit the ammount of private AND public funding to any nexiuns campaign.

I would also like to see a two party system so interested parties should declare their allegences now so the two sides can start slinging mud right away!
vovin said:
My opponent fractal steals candy from unborn babies and kicks cross eyed puppies!!!

I'm vovin and I approve this message
This spam was paid for by the 'Vovin for overlord campaign'.

I can see the headlines now:
"Vovin elected human ambassador to hyperspace"
"Fractal Enchantment denies puppy kicking scandal"
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