I really don't care about colour as long as it's not flashing neon or something haha.
I just want it to stop turning into an oily substance and running off onto the neck of the machine where it avoids contact with the flame.
White just instantly turns to vapour and you don't get many ignitions with white, but it does skip out the oily part and doesn't take any digging around with the lighter to find, so white is preferable on this point. But experience wise I found the best to be some yellows, maybe even one of the oranger ones I got. To be honest, my favourite experiences were most likely with the sand coloured stuff. Lovely, smooth, immersive and cartoonish.
I find the best way to avoid this if you do have a "runner" is to only part way melt the DMT onto the gauze after stacking it like a pyramid in the centre. Then melt from the outside in, it kinda crystalizes like melted sugar. Be super careful loading the machine though, if you bend the gauze it will snap the DMT off it's structure and it will crumble.
If you get it right though and manage to load this DMT fudge pyramid in a central position it's like no effort.
Was fortunate enough to witness another DMT virgin have a breakthrough last night. There's another life changed.
I don't have a GVG I just have the standard VG. I tried DMT in it once and it vanished. Loaded a 50 and got one whispy toke. Dunno what happened to it? Anyway, my machine is very effective and have been the loaded gun of MANY a breakthrough.