Rising Star
Ill start out by saying that i'm still decently young and also decently experienced in hallucinogens. I have done mushrooms and LSD over 10 times each and have really enjoyed them. Ive never been one to have a "bad trip" and im pretty confident that it wont happen. I believe "bad trips" are caused by your own unwillingness to experience the most that you can out of a hallucinogen. Also i suppose a bad environment may also be a factor, but anyway, I'm getting off topic. :!: . So i have personally never experienced DMT (while awake). I first heard about it years ago while watching a Netflix favorite of mine, "Enter the Void". Anyone seen it? Interesting POV movie. Anyways, after moderate research, I know that I am ready to open my mind to DMT. I have no intention of purchasing it from some street dealer that could care less about me, so I have decided to begin the process. I plan on researching my first week or two, then taking the steps necessary. I am excited for the day to come when I will be trying my own DMT. Until then, I hope to master my knowledge of it and to hear the experiences, tips, and procedures from fellow members.
If you actually took the time to read this, then thank you! :thumb_up:
If you actually took the time to read this, then thank you! :thumb_up: