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Recent Salvia Trip

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM just recently had an intense and awakening trip this weekend. it seemed more of an awakener that just intense visuals.
I guess you could say that SWIM has a new approach on life. This is their story...

" Well, it was just another time where i had decided to purchase some salvia extract again after just recently coming down from and intense LSD trip just 8 days ago. I had brought out my special Bubbler used only for trippers and an ordinary Water Pipe so i can burn a bowl to chill me out.

After taking my Herbal Vitamins I felt relaxed and at peace. I then closed my doorand shut the window and blinds. It might have been around 3:02 p.m. and i had pinched off enough salvia from my baggie and placed it into my bubbler. By seeing how dark it was i knew it had to be some real good stuff and i was ready to accept what was to come.

3:04 and I am taking my torch lighter straight to the bowl and burned all within the first hit. I can feel the tingliness come up my body from my toes all the way up to my shoulders and shooting throught my head. I exhaled the smoke and it seemed like a curtain fell in front of my eyes, but not of any kind of material but of pure euphoria.

A wave of colors flew through my head and then i opened my eyes unto a what seemed to be reality. Everything was disfigured and odd shaped but it still had some relativity as to what it was suppoed to be. My buddies who had been taking some of thier herbal vitamins were speaking amongst eachother but it was as if they had coded it so i was not to understand. Everything they said was english but it was as if i was a child just learning how to speak and i was not sure if thier words were in correct order. Everything had snapped back to being understood by me but still this odd shaped furniture and a a strange deep bell noise sorta like the humming sound of a lightsaber. It wasn't until then that i started to peak.

Right then is when i started to get scared, I felt like i had been given some sort of power or privledge, and then random voices. At that point I could pin point everything that was happening around me but these voices were being repeated. I then looked up and saw that most of it was in my head, BUT THEN IN REAL LIFE. Everything I would think one of my buddies would say it or what ever question I had in my mind one of them would answer it. It was the trip of a lifetime.

3:09. Coming down and I can feel reality coming back to standard formation. Only then did I see that my buddies had slowley stopped repeating my thoughts and thier natural behaivor started again had started up again.

This was probably one of the insanest trips I have yet ot have but I still cannot wait to experience the level beyond this."
yea, it always seems to brighten my life when i experience the spiritual realm but when it gets way out of hand... i guess you can say it makes my life even better lol
what I do when I wish to quid dry leaf, is I get a warmbowl of water and soak the leaves in it for a few minutes to rehydrate them, then I drink the bowl of water and roll up the leaves into 2 quids. Place each one right at the back of your mouth where your wisdom teeth are(it absorbs best here). Chew slightly every minute or so and let the juice sit right at youre throat with out actually going down for a while and swallow every few minutes. Should feel it within 10 to 15 mins..
how would you compare the trip of chewing to just smoking, is it a bit mor intense, becuase that is what i heard
havent quidded in a while cus i actually like the fact that i can have intense but short lived ceremonies basically whenever with the bridge of smoke.. quidding however is more euphoric and more aya/mushroom like, but still with the distinct salvia edge..

Not that you cant have full immersive breakthroughs sublingually as well, just takes much more leaf and I am waiting to get a few more plants cus mines getting bigger bigger and I want a tree :d

Sometimes I just quid a few leaves, lets you really feel the harmonics in music, and is great for mood or meditation...
The quid method is definitely more mushroom or acid like. SWIM loves it that way, but doesn't much care for the smoked salvia experience. It's very different that way.

The traditionally method is the quid method. It's a beautiful experience. SWIM highly recommends trying it that way.
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