Rising Star
AS a first timer to recrystalisation and freeze precipitation i was hoping someone could confirm a few things for me?
1: The idea is to warm your naptha ect. as much as possible and saturate your cystals with as little solution as possible in order to melt the crystals down? Around 45 degrees celcius or so i think...???
2: After placing in a freezer for between 24-48 hours, crystals will form on the side of the jar. Pour off the majority of the naptha into another jar, through a filter to collect any crystals. Break all the crystals away from the sides of the jar and swirl the remaining naptha to collect any that remain. Then strain through filter, collect crystals and dry under a fan....??? My question is - Do you also scrape the bottom of the jar, or is this just gunk that should be left there? Do crysals also form or stick to the bottom is what i'm asking i guess...??? Also i read somwhere on The Nexus, reports of ppl using ovens or crock pots to slowly cook any unwanted solvent ect out of their spice? Does this not kill the dmt? I would assume you would have to keep it below its melting point? Am i just confused? Hahahahah
1: The idea is to warm your naptha ect. as much as possible and saturate your cystals with as little solution as possible in order to melt the crystals down? Around 45 degrees celcius or so i think...???
2: After placing in a freezer for between 24-48 hours, crystals will form on the side of the jar. Pour off the majority of the naptha into another jar, through a filter to collect any crystals. Break all the crystals away from the sides of the jar and swirl the remaining naptha to collect any that remain. Then strain through filter, collect crystals and dry under a fan....??? My question is - Do you also scrape the bottom of the jar, or is this just gunk that should be left there? Do crysals also form or stick to the bottom is what i'm asking i guess...??? Also i read somwhere on The Nexus, reports of ppl using ovens or crock pots to slowly cook any unwanted solvent ect out of their spice? Does this not kill the dmt? I would assume you would have to keep it below its melting point? Am i just confused? Hahahahah