Hello Recrystallizedself,
Welcome to the Nexus. Your first post was very poetic and a good start, but I'd love to learn more about you.
Have you had an opportunity to try DMT yet? If so, smoked, oral, or both?
Done many psychedelics? If so, how did DMT compare (if at all) for you?
Do you extract your own DMT. If so, which is your favorite tek. If not, why not? Also, if not, please check the wiki - it's full of great extraction teks that are easy to follow.
What is your main focus in work, study or hobbies and interests? No need to submit a resume, but anything you might be willing to share about yourself that might allow us to get to know you a bit better would help to accomplish the ideal of the Introduction Essay.
Meanwhile, I encourage you to read all the links that came in your welcome pm and that appear at the top of the forum pages. I know it can be time consuming but it's a great start to get an idea of who we are, what we believe, the culture here, etc. It may also answer a number of questions even before they are asked.
Also, please take time to take a good look around. There are so many sub-fora here, something for almost any and every interest. Areas for everyone to contribute.
Hoping to learn a bit more about you, but impressed with your poetic start. Again, welcome to the Nexus,
