I Eat Plant Magic
Once, I was a person who thought "drugs" were bad, if not evil. I thought that I'd never touch pot, let alone anything harder. I tootled through day-to-day life, going to school and engaging in ye olde American consumerism. I half-heartedly discussed philosophy with my friends from time to time. That lifestyle; that empty, cloying modern dream was all around me...
The neoliberal facade started fading, and I began realizing that the world is an infinitely more complicated place. Things are not what they seem, there is so much more that just lurked beneath the surface of perception... it was like seeing ripples on a pond, but not yet seeing the water.
Then, when I was eighteen, I spent some time working on an archaeological project in Bulgaria. We walked through a hemp field, and something immediately changed in me. Seeing the plant like that, growing, thriving in its natural environment made me realize how strange it was to ban a plant. A plant? It was probably the one most significant single moment in my growth. The shift was abrupt and deep, my attitude completely reversed itself in a few minutes. After that, I couldn't stop devouring information, beliefs, and traditions about these plants and fungi. Anything that brought you in contact with that other side, whatever the "other side" may be. Now here I am!
I haven't had many psychedelic experiences, and to tell the truth most of them have scared the crap out of me. But there's still that insatiable, burning drive to plow deeper into hyper-reality, to see far-off worlds and to fully encounter the God/Tao/Brahmin transcendental object, which is perpetually dancing and laughing in the sky (Does anybody else know what I'm talking about? Call it what you will, it's big and it's THERE). SWIM has performed one extraction thus far, and while no breakthrough has yet been reached I can say I feel very comfortable with the spice. The spice has yet to show me images of camels, the one thing salvia forces on me almost every time we meet.
On a less spiritual level, I spend time distilling absinthe and developing recipes, and playing historical wargames (toy soldiers... for adults). I've been throwing in my two cents on Nexus issues, but having finally taken the spice I feel like, maybe (and members willing), I can join the Nexian ranks!
The neoliberal facade started fading, and I began realizing that the world is an infinitely more complicated place. Things are not what they seem, there is so much more that just lurked beneath the surface of perception... it was like seeing ripples on a pond, but not yet seeing the water.
Then, when I was eighteen, I spent some time working on an archaeological project in Bulgaria. We walked through a hemp field, and something immediately changed in me. Seeing the plant like that, growing, thriving in its natural environment made me realize how strange it was to ban a plant. A plant? It was probably the one most significant single moment in my growth. The shift was abrupt and deep, my attitude completely reversed itself in a few minutes. After that, I couldn't stop devouring information, beliefs, and traditions about these plants and fungi. Anything that brought you in contact with that other side, whatever the "other side" may be. Now here I am!
I haven't had many psychedelic experiences, and to tell the truth most of them have scared the crap out of me. But there's still that insatiable, burning drive to plow deeper into hyper-reality, to see far-off worlds and to fully encounter the God/Tao/Brahmin transcendental object, which is perpetually dancing and laughing in the sky (Does anybody else know what I'm talking about? Call it what you will, it's big and it's THERE). SWIM has performed one extraction thus far, and while no breakthrough has yet been reached I can say I feel very comfortable with the spice. The spice has yet to show me images of camels, the one thing salvia forces on me almost every time we meet.
On a less spiritual level, I spend time distilling absinthe and developing recipes, and playing historical wargames (toy soldiers... for adults). I've been throwing in my two cents on Nexus issues, but having finally taken the spice I feel like, maybe (and members willing), I can join the Nexian ranks!