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Red Spice Experiences

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Rising Star
First off, I'd like to use this thread to collect red spice experiences, rather than talk about my own. That said, let me share my experiences. Obtained: Xylene pulls after having extracted most of the DMT, unwashed. Taste: Barbecue sauce and a little harder to hold. Location: My domicle 1st: I was completely sober and loaded a smallish amount of extract into my machine, on clean steel wool. The extract contained neglible amounts of DMT, as it did not impact subsequent DMT use. There is a distinct difference between DMT and the red spice for me. When smoking DMT, I want to smoke as much as possible, but after a few puffs, I was completely revolted. The anxiety and intensity of DMT was not present, but it was very odd and frightening. It's flavor was a spicy barbecue sauce, which was more or less tolerable. The effects of it were much more subtle with an 'easing in' instead of a blast off. The room became twisted, a more grotesque version of itself, some out of Nightmare Before Christmas. It felt like a graveyard and that I was alone (in a bad sense), but then some beings started to appear. They were black, fuzzy balls of energy, about 1'5'' tall and 1' wide, with an aspect of children. They were quite friendly and investigative of me (like children). However, the experience made me draw up into myself and I was quite dissatisfied with the feelings. I would like to note that subsequent DMT use (30 min-ish later) brought me up to a BAD part of the 'city,' with clown (not jester/joker-ish) beings of intense negative emotions and ideas who did not like me at all. They also beat up my Guardian when he tried to protect me from them. 2nd: (Couple hours later) I'm traveling through their world now. I cannot interact with them and they are not aware of me, but I can affect their environment. There are no children this time, but solitary, lonely beings, living out their existence. They are oddballs, such as one being is a floating bust of an angry man and another is a pastel red colored 'cat' with a bejewled back. This land was not overtly unfriendly, but definitely an uncomfortable place to be in. A short-lived experience due to purposeful grounding. A few last notes: 1. This is much different than a DMT desire to not repeat. I'm very tempted to call it a hell. That said, I will be going back in a more positive environment. 2. There appears to be no cross-tolerance between DMT and red spice, as both had no inhibiting effect on the other. Tolerance didn't seem to build either. 3. I had a pretty down feeling after use, as well as a headache. It was very much the opposite feeling after DMT use. 4. There was no enlightening in the experience, or during reflection. However, if I did descend to a hell, I would like to devote my energy on this plane to not descending for good.
Woah thats freaky stuff. I havent tried the normal yet and wont be trying the red i dont think! Is it possible do you think that its reputation for having a dark trip influenced your own?
Swim tried some "red" spice today, although it was more of a brown sugar consistency, lol. 325mg pulled from 50gr of bark. [img:50a36cf2c6]http://images8.fotki.com/v132/photos/1/186035/5467907/IMG_3831-vi.jpg[/img:50a36cf2c6] Loaded up 50mg or so. But did not smoke the entire dose. As stated above, effect seem to come on slowly, it was until a minute or two after smoking 3-4 hits that they noticed any visual effects. As with usual low dmt doses, they began to see swirling patterns on everything. translucent and overlayed. Since some of the dose stayed in the pipe, the effects only lasted a few minutes. One would think they inhaled 30mg at most They don't find this stuff to be stronger then normal spice. The smoke is much easier to handle, but the effects seem to be more subtle. They may try 50, then 100mg done orally with syrian rue, and see what happens.[/img]
Smallish = ~50mg of impure red spice I think it was really more the setting of my apartment (underground, no windows). Last night, my friend and I went out into the woods and did some, then again in his apartment. However, these times I was using my DMT steel wool (residue), so it differed from the original times. This time, there was a greater sense of dread than with straight DMT. However, the experiences had more body than DMT. In the woods, the trees turned into skeleton men, encircling us. After that I curled up, sitting, becoming a rock. An entity was behind me and I was greeted by an Egyptian spirit, who told me I needed to ground my life before flying again. There was some slight malevolence where DMT entities are nicer. In my friend's apartment (couple hours later), the onset was slower. An old man with a playing card King of Hearts face came to me, and his beard was an open book. I got the impression he was the Christian god. He told me that Christianity as a religon is training wheels for other people, and that asking forgiveness has more to do with acheiveing a particular mindset rather than an actual 'forgiveness and cleansing.' After that, he abruptly left and I was dropped out of the experience. Interestingly, my friend experienced a tremendously 'present' entity, not hostile, but very 'there' and a bright light that appeared to be its head, which suddenly blinked out. Coincidence or not? I don't know...
Xenonsion, What is shown on the photo above look likes the impure yellow/brown DMT from my friend's first extraction (STB heated). Bio assay with a similar yellow crystall where weaks and not that pleasant. A recrystallisation was needed. The red spice he extracted from a xylene pull is much more darker and waxy than that. Something like that photo he found on the web : [img:add5bf50db]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/9313/redspicerx4.th.jpg[/img:add5bf50db]
[quote:39072a289c="Garulfo"]Xenonsion, What is shown on the photo above look likes the impure yellow/brown DMT from my friend's first extraction (STB heated). Bio assay with a similar yellow crystall where weaks and not that pleasant. A recrystallisation was needed. The red spice he extracted from a xylene pull is much more darker and waxy than that. Something like that photo he found on the web : [img:39072a289c]http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/9313/redspicerx4.th.jpg[/img:39072a289c][/quote:39072a289c] I followed this tek to obtain this spice. It resembled what you pictured at first but after washing with naptha, that is how it dried. I haven't tried working with xylene, i've read it's not as clean to use though. http://www.dmt-nexus.me/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=5483#5483
Swim has also gotten the second picture from a xylene pull, it was very much like residue left from a spilled coke a cola - it was sat out for another week and became brown sugar and cola , sparkly in the light but still very googy- and its active but not way crazier then the dmt white, i have to say its actually less powerful, and leaves a narly puddle in the pipe and doesnt burn clean- but its active and is better then nothing considering its just basic leftovers from the STB- swim thinks if it was futher refined it could be made to burn cleaner then the last atttempt but its kinda hyped up- its not all that CRAZY. in my humble opinnion . Xenos looks great tho . i would have called it dirty dmt before i read it was the RED- very interesting.
[quote:1de0ca2094="PrOtAgErUs"]Swim has also gotten the second picture from a xylene pull, it was very much like residue left from a spilled coke a cola - it was sat out for another week and became brown sugar and cola , sparkly in the light but still very googy- and its active but not way crazier then the dmt white, i have to say its actually less powerful, and leaves a narly puddle in the pipe and doesnt burn clean- but its active and is better then nothing considering its just basic leftovers from the STB- swim thinks if it was futher refined it could be made to burn cleaner then the last atttempt but its kinda hyped up- its not all that CRAZY. in my humble opinnion . Xenos looks great tho . i would have called it dirty dmt before i read it was the RED- very interesting.[/quote:1de0ca2094]once you pull it, you need to dissolve it into some hot naptha and then let it dry again. it will dry to a more workable material, not gooey at all. I'd like to see some oral trials with it...could be interesting.
The increased potency makes me wonder if 5meo-dmt is in this jungle spice... I've never heard of 5meo in mimosa before though, but who knows?
[quote:a65a0135e9="XENONSION"]I'd like to see some oral trials with it...could be interesting.[/quote:a65a0135e9] Go for it. The photo you posted looks a lot like what my friend gets - though each of his batches of "red" look different from one another.
5-meo-dmt freebase is soluable in naptha. I had to convert some salt I had one time to a freebase and appeared to be freely soluable in naptha, with only small losses (expected of course). If there was any 5-meo-dmt in MHRB then normal extraction teks would pull it out. No reports of 5meodmt in MHRB have ever been documented (to my knowledge). My belief is that it is something else, most likely a mixture of alks. There are a diverse amount of alkaloids in MHRB, as some gc/ms have shown even on recrystalized extracted spice. I will have to see if I can find where I saw them before if anyone is interested, but this was from a naptha pull not xylene.
Yeah, me too, I wish I had the $5000+ to get myself one... oh the fun I would have!!! Damn near everything I could think of would get tested...and this mystery alkaloid would be tested, retested, and tested again.... Can a person send off a sample of a CDS (or CDS tainted) without getting themselves in serious trouble?
We speak of a mystery alkaloid (or composition of alkaloids) that are not soluble in naptha, but are in Xylene and/or Toulene. Typically red. About 2x the potency of DMT.
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