I am a religious man, and the more post I read here about DMT the less I want to try it.
I feel as if a lot of you here believe that the hallucenations you recieve from DMT are different from other tryptamine drugs in that these are actually real, you come in contact with entities, who are also real, and most of these entities are a type of god.
Most drug users tend to be individuals who respect analytical thought processing. To see so many of these kinds of people take a drug and then believe what the hallucenate on it as real, scares me.
I do not want to smoke up some spice and then start to believe the hallucenations and stop believing in Christ.
I personally take hallucenogens to become aware of my weaknesses and aware of how to fix them.
I do not want to take a hallucenogen to "meet potential entities." I do not want to meet space aliens. Elfs. Nothing.
I want to learn about myself and my situation.
I'm pretty sure my God does not want me to seek contact with spiritual beings (angels, demons etc).
When you take DMT, do you always see entities? Is there any control to this?
Note well: For those of you who believe in what they see on DMT, this isn't bashing you or offensive. This is presenting my fear for turning away from my religion and my intention on ingesting DMT.
I feel as if a lot of you here believe that the hallucenations you recieve from DMT are different from other tryptamine drugs in that these are actually real, you come in contact with entities, who are also real, and most of these entities are a type of god.
Most drug users tend to be individuals who respect analytical thought processing. To see so many of these kinds of people take a drug and then believe what the hallucenate on it as real, scares me.
I do not want to smoke up some spice and then start to believe the hallucenations and stop believing in Christ.
I personally take hallucenogens to become aware of my weaknesses and aware of how to fix them.
I do not want to take a hallucenogen to "meet potential entities." I do not want to meet space aliens. Elfs. Nothing.
I want to learn about myself and my situation.
I'm pretty sure my God does not want me to seek contact with spiritual beings (angels, demons etc).
When you take DMT, do you always see entities? Is there any control to this?
Note well: For those of you who believe in what they see on DMT, this isn't bashing you or offensive. This is presenting my fear for turning away from my religion and my intention on ingesting DMT.