I revolted against the net for nearly 9 years (to get with the plants), but returning & discovering this site makes me glad how it's grown. Years back entheogenic forums on the net could be nerdy or messy places, but now i really can feel the expanded shared learning from the growth...
By 'nerdy' i mean pure informationalists...the substances but little on technique, more science, less heart, though many of the people had great heart & spirit.
Information is important which is why i return to the networld to meet co-contributors...a lot of new plant ids are appearing faster than before..more options. But what i would mainly like to postulate in this intro. is the question i used to ask those who argued that
DMT, if purified, was the same whether it was synthetic or extracted from a plant. I would ask them:
"If i shredded up your
grandmother, extracted the DMT out of her cerebralspinal fluid., purified it and asked you to smoke it, would that be the same?"
It's just a philosophical question, meant more in humour, but i don't remember ever getting a verbal answer.
The longer i've worked with these plants i've come to see respecting these "gatekeeper" lifeforms as a key symbiosis in whatever it is that brings all of you nexians here.
I've unfortunately seen some insensitive overharvesting in wild areas by some not as conscious of the respect i feel these sources deserve. On the whole though i'm thrilled by the awareness that's popping up all over the place
As for the information, there are updates on this and the Wiki site, especially in the acacia field. I made a small posting on some in the open forum, and i'm aware of several research groups who've uncovered up to an additional 50 species (!) containing interesting tryptamines. At least 8 have been successfully bioassayed in the past 5 years. While some are rare and need caring treatment, several are common over vast areas of land (& can grow in a wide range of climates).
Acacias are also great at symbiosing with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria to enrich their surroundings...
Thankyou all involved in this new community i've discovered!
By 'nerdy' i mean pure informationalists...the substances but little on technique, more science, less heart, though many of the people had great heart & spirit.
Information is important which is why i return to the networld to meet co-contributors...a lot of new plant ids are appearing faster than before..more options. But what i would mainly like to postulate in this intro. is the question i used to ask those who argued that
DMT, if purified, was the same whether it was synthetic or extracted from a plant. I would ask them:
"If i shredded up your
grandmother, extracted the DMT out of her cerebralspinal fluid., purified it and asked you to smoke it, would that be the same?"
It's just a philosophical question, meant more in humour, but i don't remember ever getting a verbal answer.
The longer i've worked with these plants i've come to see respecting these "gatekeeper" lifeforms as a key symbiosis in whatever it is that brings all of you nexians here.
I've unfortunately seen some insensitive overharvesting in wild areas by some not as conscious of the respect i feel these sources deserve. On the whole though i'm thrilled by the awareness that's popping up all over the place
As for the information, there are updates on this and the Wiki site, especially in the acacia field. I made a small posting on some in the open forum, and i'm aware of several research groups who've uncovered up to an additional 50 species (!) containing interesting tryptamines. At least 8 have been successfully bioassayed in the past 5 years. While some are rare and need caring treatment, several are common over vast areas of land (& can grow in a wide range of climates).
Acacias are also great at symbiosing with nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria to enrich their surroundings...
Thankyou all involved in this new community i've discovered!