Those who think ahead of their time always write their frustrations with the modern world. I see we're all spread out across the internet, why can't one website be made which we can all join? I like your enthusiasm, but it's unordered and ill-thought out. The I-Ching said I should find the right kind of enthusiasm and persevere, I'm still working that one out.
Change is imminent, but I feel it is slowed the more that we say "It'll just happen, chill, we don't need to do anything". What I call for is for everyone to write books, ordered, careful literature. Changes in thinking can come from thinkers. At the moment I'm seeing an increase in people interested in psychedelics, self-exploration and the full potential of humanity. But perhaps that is only because I'm looking more.
Nonetheless, some sort of change IS necessary. Look at the news, look how vague it is. Look how unaware and uninterested everyone is in what is happening. Look at how we've given up on the mystery of being. Look at the way we misinterpret the journey of life, investing all our energies in the material world, coming to old age and realising our mistakes but yet still clinging onto our money and ideologies. Everyone blames each other for being who they are, we don't realise how big a part our society and those around us play in shaping us. We don't realise how we are put in competition with each other. What's even more surprising is how few people come to realise dualism. It's all a simple matter of awareness really, but getting people to become aware that they are not aware is the main problem. People will have to figure a lot of this out for themselves and that might take some big disaster.
We could speculate for hours on all these possibilities and the state of modern man but when I try to think what action we can really take all I can imagine is a group of us on a podium talking to a small group of people saying "Come on!" and then the people gradually walking away.
So again we're back at the question of "What should we be doing with our spare time?". Well that's quite beyond me...
Anyway, I'm yibbering, funny mood tonight. Welcome to the Nexus and I'll see you around.